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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No, a hard handoff is entirely network directed. The network sets up a traffic channel on a different carrier channel, which could be in the same band or a different band, and instructs the handset to make the jump to the other carrier channel. The handset cannot be connected to both carrier channels simultaneously, so the "break before make" is the few millisecond jump in between the carrier channels. AJ
  2. Whoa ho ho, Jerry Seinfeld's a funny guy! AJ
  3. Be careful. In the S4GRU version of Miranda rights, anything you post can and will be used against you. The above meme image would be an appropriate response to many of your posts, Rukin1. AJ
  4. Too many people seem to associate mentally Snapdragon 800 with LTE 800. The two numbers alike are nothing more than coincidence. AJ
  5. NID 308 seems to have consolidated both NID 41 and NID 42. Along I-70, the NID 43/42 boundary near Bonner Springs is now the NID 43/308 boundary. And along K-10, the NID 43/41 boundary near De Soto is also now the NID 43/308 boundary. So, those boundaries have not changed, but the eastern side NIDs have switched over to NID 308. Otherwise, downtown, The Plaza, Leawood, and Lenexa -- seemingly, the entire core metro area -- is now on NID 308. The previous NID 41/42 boundary approximately at 75th St is no longer. This could be good news for people who live or work near NID boundaries that cause them to miss incoming calls and burn battery life due to incessant registrations between two NIDs. If Kansas City is any indication, many of those boundaries may be going away. AJ
  6. No, a hard handoff does not equal a dropped call. Additionally, a hard handoff is not necessarily inter frequency or inter band. Rather, it is just a "break before make" handoff. AJ
  7. Yes, that is far too much usage. It is not good for your fellow network users. And, honestly, it is not good for your mental health. AJ
  8. "Watch out for your coronal hole, bud..." AJ
  9. Holy cow, Robert is rich now! The S4GRU folk said "Move away from there." Said "Californi is the place you oughta be." AJ
  10. No, that is questionable. For the amount of revenue that wireless operators rake in, $1000 per month for a site lease is definitely on the low end. And your backhaul estimate is completely inadequate. A symmetrical 50 Mbps fiber link would be barely enough to service one 5 MHz FDD LTE carrier on one sector of a site. Multiply that by two or three for additional LTE carriers, as well as the CDMA1X and EV-DO carriers, then multiply again by three sectors, and now you have your actual backhaul requirements. AJ
  11. 1-2-3. It's easy. It's so easy. Like taking candy from a baby. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWAFcjaiACM AJ
  12. The Blackberry Q10 Sprint variant is up at the FCC OET: https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=798721&fcc_id=L6ARFQ110LW AJ
  13. Hey, your prediction took only six months to come true. I have a prediction, too. In six months, the weather will be cold. And you can take that to the bank. AJ
  14. "The Million Wireless Nerd March" on Washington, Dallas, and Atlanta? AJ
  15. Oh man, the switch flipper is going to be tired and sore in early July. AJ
  16. Look at your quote. Is this another example of Yabbadabbadotalk...er, I mean...Tapatalk necro quote? AJ
  17. Uh oh, the iDENites are trying to sabotage the shutdown celebration. AJ
  18. As strange as it sounds, I almost have to wonder if Sprint marketing's cartography department does not have the ability distinguish between CDMA2000 RSSI and LTE RSRP. Robert, what was the figure of merit that we saw Sprint determine for the edge of LTE coverage, -119 dBm RSRP? Could it actually be that the maps are being projected out to -119 dBm RSSI instead? AJ
  19. Your enthusiasm is great. But you do not need to turn on/off Wi-Fi. Leave it on full time, and configure it to automatically connect to access points you know to be reliable and reasonably secure. Just please do not rely on LTE as a complete Wi-Fi replacement. That just hastens the saturation of the brand new LTE network. Instead, judicious Wi-Fi offloading helps you and everyone have access, where truly needed, to a less congested macro network. AJ
  20. Sadly, in the next few years, expect James Earl Cicconi of AT&T to assassinate me. AJ
  21. I have a dream that one day Sprint will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all cell sites are to be upgraded. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be covered, every hill and mountain shall be covered, the rough places will be made smooth coverage, and the crooked places will be made solid coverage, and the glory of the LTE shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. AJ
  22. Nothing has changed in Lawrence, still NID 43. But I will be in Leawood and at UMKC today, so I will watch NIDs more closely than I have in several years. Between Lawrence and KC, the NID 43/41 boundary is De Soto. Then, in the city, the NID 41/42 boundary is around 75th St. Other than the NID 43/41 transition along K-10 shifting one site west, those boundaries have remained static for many years, and I started tracking them over 10 years ago. Also, FYI, NID 41 has been Lenexa-MSC_1. NID 42 has been Lenexa-MSC_2. And NID 43 has been Independence-MSC_1. With potentially greater capacity new Ericsson MSCs and declining voice traffic, perhaps we will see a consolidation down to only one or two MSCs in the Kansas market. AJ
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