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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Charlie, please buy T-Mobile. Free us from the Teutonic tutti frutti. AJ
  2. Yeah. Go without. Ditch money grubbing Baby Bells and Big Cable so that they fail. And elect non crony politicians who understand that fiber to every building is a public works prerogative. AJ
  3. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The APQ8064 is just an application processor. It is a standalone part, as well as the heart of the Snapdragon 600. But it is not a baseband. So, it has nothing to do with LTE band capability. Plus, Apple is not likely shifting from its own ARM architecture to Qualcomm's ARM architecture. I think you got some bad info... AJ
  4. But it is not capitalized in the middle of a sentence. Otherwise, it points to a certain city in northern Texas. AJ
  5. Or baseball player Kosuke Fukudome? My name usually gets truncated on baggage tags. If he were flying to FUK, his baggage tag would probably read FUK FUK FUKITY FUK. AJ
  6. What happens when someone named Fuchs is going to FUK? AJ
  7. Good question. Currently, fewer. We have an LTE core list in a thread around here somewhere. Someone needs to dig it up and post it here. But to continue, Sprint uses multiple MSCs in many markets, while LTE cores are fewer and farther between. They are basically located at nodes on the Sprint national fiber backbone. That said, Sprint does seem to be consolidating NIDs, hence may be consolidating multiple MSCs, too. As such, we may see the number of LTE cores and number of MSCs approach parity. AJ
  8. Tomorrow, I am going to FUK. Who gives a flying FUK? AJ
  9. TextNow has hired on Veruca Salt as its chief marketer. Send the SMS "text" to short code "oompa loompa," and she will send back, "I want it NOW!" along with a coupon. AJ
  10. Nope. That is either unrelated to LTE or an iPhone issue. The last few generations of Android devices have not experienced any significant battery drain due to LTE. AJ
  11. Masayoshi Son, be damned. I was going to make a joke about not underestimating the power of Ray Kroc. But you may be on to something. Something Wall-Mart this way comes. Be afraid, be very afraid. http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s08e09-something-wall-mart-this-way-comes AJ
  12. Let me guess. You were there for Disney On Ice, right? AJ
  13. WiWavelength


    CDMA1X 800 has excellent staying power. Propagation/reception over significant distances is not unusual. And the only site that we have as CDMA1X 800 accepted in southern Johnson County is on 151st St -- the Black Bob Park water tower site. Remarkably, that is also where our LTE odyssey began. Before any Sprint LTE devices were released, I captured Sprint LTE on my spectrum analyzer one fine Friday morning in April last year at Black Bob Park. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-157-s4gru-first-to-capture-sprint-lte-live-in-the-wild/ AJ
  14. I am only reporting what someone else wrote, coincidentally, quite recently. I have friends and colleagues in wireless forums and social media all around the Internet. And there are plenty of people online who seemingly do nothing but post about the operator of their choice or promote things like Aio Wireless. AJ
  15. Gina, you would be wise to do a little bit of background -- find out what I have researched and written about wireless for more than the last decade -- before you prematurely call me out on my "ignorance." Additionally, read a few more of my posts here -- I am kind of a funny guy. Know when I am serious and when I am not. When I say "largely in jest," do you know what that means? Ha, that is a straw man argument. You made it. I did not. Look, FYI, you have been pegged as a T-Mobile troll at other sites. That said, we welcome you and hope that you stay. S4GRU is unprecedented in the level of detail that it offers about the network of any major operator. If you have serious interest in the wireless industry, you will find much to like here. But trolling will not be tolerated. AJ
  16. I would be interested in a second generation, Haswell based Surface Pro for a laptop replacement, as long as it maintained the build quality of the first generation. But will there be a second generation? Or are the Surface tablets just the second coming of the HP TouchPad? AJ
  17. Yes, thank you. No more of this banter in this thread. Take it to another thread in the General Topics area. Even then, you may be pushing the limits, as S4GRU is not a consumer advocacy web site. AJ
  18. WiWavelength


    You were near the Sprint Campus, as was your EV-DO 1900 (eHRPD) serving site. But the CDMA1X 800 serving site was not that close. Look at the RSSI difference: 23 dB. That means your EV-DO 1900 signal was 200x the strength of your CDMA1X 800 signal. AJ
  19. Yeah, but the MDM9615 cellular baseband, which the Motorola X is almost surely using, integrally supports 802.11ac, right? I think we had a similar discussion a few weeks ago. So, since Motorola and Google are trying to keep the costs down, it makes sense that they would stick with the integrated Wi-Fi, rather than opt to pay for the separate Broadcom solution. AJ
  20. What "guy"? Are you talking T-Mobile subs vs McDonalds customers? T-Mobile subs are cheap. MetroPCS subs are even cheaper. The combined operator's current strategy is courting people who need to finance small purchases, such as handsets. Those people are financially strapped, the same kinds of people who eat at McDonalds. My logic is meant largely in jest, but it contains a fair amount of truth. AJ
  21. Hey, in Japan, SoftBank, not then a telecom company, bought out Vodafone KK. So, do not count out a new entrant. Maybe McDonalds will buy out T-Mobile. Their customer bases ought to be complementary. AJ
  22. If you are not separating the Sprint side, which has been holding its own, from the Nextel side, which has been "losing money hand over fist," then your analysis is exceedingly superficial. AJ
  23. With rare exception, a native call is not going to hand off to roaming (nor vice versa). The frequency band change is irrelevant. AJ
  24. Hey, what do you call a telegram delivered to someone in a major northern Dallas suburb? A Planogram. AJ
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