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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. CDMA1X is measured via RSSI. LTE is measured via RSRP. The two measurements are not exactly comparable. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-308-rssi-vs-rsrp-a-brief-lte-signal-strength-primer/ AJ
  2. "They're here," and by "they," I mean Rukin1 and maximus1987... AJ
  3. Guys, unless you are interested in a mobile router from BandRich in Taiwan, nothing that supports the Sprint PCS G block has been authorized this month. So, cool your jets. We are on top of this. If anything Sprint noteworthy comes through the FCC OET, you will hear about it here, in detail, within the day. AJ
  4. I have not seen any engineering screen readout on the Netgear tri band hotspot that specifies LTE carrier bandwidth. But no way are you getting 34 Mbps down, 18 Mbps up out of a 10 MHz TDD carrier, nor a 5 MHz FDD carrier. The process of elimination indicates a 20 MHz TDD carrier. AJ
  5. A PRL is a cdmaOne/CDMA2000 thing. It has almost no bearing on LTE. AJ
  6. Oh, I noticed. Are you seeking extra credit? The fall semester is just barely underway, but you are off to a good start. AJ
  7. I wanted to hear how the Samsung videos pronounce "enginerring," since that is how Samsung spells it. But, okay, you get a free pass on that question... AJ
  8. How do they pronounce "enginerring"? AJ
  9. Staff writers are a relatively small group, and we have been busy with other endeavors this summer. Trust me, Robert, Travis, and I would like to write many more articles, but we all have jobs and obligations outside of the wireless industry, not to mention, daily duties in The Forums. S4GRU is really just a labor of love, and each article requires at least several hours of research and composition. If S4GRU ever grows its sponsorship or funding enough to allow for paid staff, then you can count on more frequent articles. As we head into the fall, though, we do have some article ideas to get The Wall back up and running. AJ
  10. Honestly, I do not get the disdain for stock messaging apps. It is just SMS/MMS -- there is not a whole lot to it. The HTC app, for example, is perfectly fine. Plus, I would worry about a third party app possibly disrupting the tight Google Voice integration. AJ
  11. A single SMS is limited to 160 characters. That is the long defined standard -- no way around it. AJ
  12. Very nice. Thanks for the screenshots. So, for those of us wireless network spelunkers, Windows Phone 8 on Sprint is a viable option. AJ
  13. If you are 5 inches while still "floppy," that is none too shabby. AJ
  14. Check for any debug/engineering screens. Windows Phone 7 had a solid set of engineering screens on all handsets, but Windows Phone 8 on AT&T and T-Mobile devices reportedly no longer includes access to those screens. Still, Sprint seems to be the operator most proactive about including engineering screens, so I would not be shocked if the Sprint variant HTC 8XT has them. AJ
  15. You want to rank more of our members??? AJ
  16. We wrote the most detailed breakdown of the Sprint-USCC spectrum transaction last fall. But maybe you were not here yet, lol. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-334-updated-sprint-uscc-spectrum-deal-sprint-gets-20-mhz-broader-in-the-city-of-broad-shoulders/ AJ
  17. Agreed. My spectrum analyzer is a far cry from the $20,000 units that the wireless operators use. Mine does cover up to 6 GHz and includes a high gain, directional antenna, though. And the total cost, as I recall, was about $1700. AJ
  18. I do not support any USCC buyout. I would rather see USCC remain independent. And USCC is such a regionalized operator that acquiring it would do relatively little to help Sprint nationally. Too little, too late. Alltel/WWC was the rural prize that would have helped Sprint and its perception nationally, but as we know, that ship sailed several years ago. Now, that said, USCC is effectively shifting gears in its LTE rollout from Lower 700 MHz to Cellular 850 MHz. That will allow USCC to offer LTE capable iPhone models. Additionally, if the LG G2 is any indication, Sprint band 26 LTE 800 devices will cover the entire superset band, including Cellular 850 MHz. So, they would be compatible with USCC's band 5 LTE 850 deployment. AJ
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