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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. HTC One Two Three. Oh, that's how elementary it's gonna be. It's easy, so easy, like taking candy from a baby. AJ
  2. Legere does not buy pink T-shirts. Pink T-shirts spring forth fully formed out of his ass. AJ
  3. To be clear, though, that was Barat. While tied to USCC, it is not USCC. The same holds true for Lower 700 MHz spectrum that USCC uses. King Street is the licensee. AJ
  4. You guys are just Beatsing a dead horse. AJ
  5. Dammit, now I want to be a redskin, not a white boy. AJ
  6. One thing to consider is that Super Bowl cellular data usage probably does not correlate much with typical cellular usage -- unless you account for the "Look, Ma, I'm at the Super Bowl" factor. AJ
  7. Agreed, it is. Even though my dad and I live only 100 miles apart, I probably see him just 15 times per year. Over half of those are during football season. He is the practical businessman, while I am the idealistic intellectual. But home games at Arrowhead have brought us together for many years now. AJ
  8. I hoped that my compatriot in 1980s childhood pop culture would get the reference. But if not, I may have finally out kicked my coverage, and now Percy Harvin may return it for a TD. AJ
  9. It is like the film "The Dark Crystal." If a Skeksis dies, then so must a Mystic vaporize. Equilibrium. AJ
  10. If you think that the 1990s and 2000s were bad for Chiefs football, I might have to be historian and pull rank on you, too. AJ
  11. Was it really the stink eye? Or maybe the crook eye? Or even the evil eye? AJ
  12. Well, I have demonstrated plenty of "cheddar to throw around" at the likes of wireless service plans, handsets, spectrum analyzers, and research trips. But I also work in lowly academia. I am certainly not yet the "big cheese" in this family. That would be my father. He and I do not see eye to eye on many matters of business, politics, religion -- NFL, though, is our common ground. So, I have been a stakeholder in our season tickets for about two decades. And that has been a good relationship. AJ
  13. Aw, I really think you could handle it. Just the supply side economics of solar radiation. No demand considerations whatsoever. AJ
  14. Hmm, not really. No, not discounting small cells. But for data and not voice, small cells are little different from Wi-Fi access points. I have to pull rank on you here, Neal. I am going to guess that you have never been to an NFL game. Meanwhile, in the past 20 years, I have attended over 150 NFL games in 11 different cities -- including a Super Bowl in New Orleans. So, as a Kansas City Chiefs season ticket holder, I am quite well in tune with league initiatives. The NFL is requiring teams and stadiums -- that have not yet complied -- to install uber enterprise grade Wi-Fi. Fans want the ability to see replays on their devices and follow fantasy football. Otherwise, many will just increasingly skip the $100 ticket, stay home, and watch in full HDTV with home broadband at their fingertips. Traditional wireless operators cannot catch up quickly enough. And do we really want them to? Do we really care? Mark my words, the bulk of wireless data at NFL venues will soon be over Wi-Fi. AJ
  15. Doubtful. That horse is already out of the barn for basically all wireless operators at events that attract upwards of 50,000 people. The smartphone revolution for Joe Blow caught on too heavily, too quickly. Look at it this way. One Sprint Spark 20 MHz TDD LTE carrier has similar capacity to one bog standard 20 MHz 802.11n Wi-Fi carrier. A big wireless operator at, say, the Super Bowl might be able to divide loading among roughly 5-10 sectors using stadium DAS, existing macro sites, and temporary COWs. Meanwhile, stadium Wi-Fi could divide loading across 100 or so access points. No contest. Wi-Fi is the way of the future at major sporting events. The powers that be have to improve free and easy connectivity or continue to lose audience to TV. AJ
  16. Nope. If you are camped on CDMA1X 800, your handset will not switch back to CDMA1X 1900 until the networks moves it to do so or it loses CDMA1X 800 signal. Your handset will not switch to CDMA1X 1900 just because there is a closer site available. That is not how this kind of multi frequency network operates. AJ
  17. You are welcome. And if you are one of those who must have the most recent Android firmware the second it is released, well, you are creating your own little vortex of disappointment. Enjoy! AJ
  18. Well played. Unfortunately, Peyton wishes the same could be said for him. AJ
  19. If someone wants to calculate the solar constant across one square foot -- roughly the footprint of a human being -- I propose that challenge. I am curious to know what is the infrared/visible/ultraviolet "signal" strength in dBm. AJ
  20. If you are actively using CDMA1X, an e/CSFB single RF path handset cannot search for LTE. That is not possible. So, some other reason is the cause for the dropped calls. AJ
  21. Need I remind our members? You do not need to install a firmware update ASAP. It will not change your life, and it probably will "unsolve" a few problems. AJ
  22. Wrong movie. In 1983, you were about eight years early. Then, actual "Judgment Day" was another six years after that. AJ
  23. That is not what he is asking. I am not sure that you were in the US when old Nextel iDEN phones were sold new on/off contract. AJ
  24. For sake of clarity, that is very low signal because those are negative numbers. The high/low dBm issue causes considerable confusion. AJ
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