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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Yes, baseball is such a methodically paced game with so much smartphone tempting downtime that -- even with MLB venues generally half the size of NFL venues -- a typical baseball crowd may burden the cellular data network more so than a typical football crowd. AJ
  2. To my knowledge, NFL mandated Wi-Fi cannot be wireless provider specific. It must be accessible to all. And that is the smart move for all major league sports venues. Otherwise, bad connectivity at games will start to hurt paid attendance, much the same way that HDTV has become a greater and greater excuse for people to not go to the game and just watch at home. AJ
  3. You should ask the Rockies what they are doing about enterprise grade Wi-Fi at Coors Field. The NFL is mandating its venues meet certain Wi-Fi availability and capacity standards. MLB should do likewise. AJ
  4. I think in part SoftBank and Deutsche Telekom do not want to bid against one another in the 600 MHz auction -- should it take place next year. AJ
  5. For some perspective, Sprint users need to keep in mind that AT&T continues to announce new LTE markets every few weeks, meaning that lots of places on its network are just now getting LTE and others are still waiting for LTE. As Robert indicates, some places have to be last. That is just luck of the draw, and it is not limited to Sprint. AJ
  6. ...while riding on top of a small horse, since Legere loves the dog and pony show. AJ
  7. But will they make him wear a coat and tie? AJ
  8. I, too, am close to the loo. It is just one door down the hall and on the right. AJ
  9. I would not use the term "butthurt." However, everything Kevin writes now about Sprint does come with a big "but." And that is too bad because Kevin is a solid writer. His editorializing directed toward Sprint, though, is becoming quite annoying. As I recall, he uses T-Mobile for his personal lines, so this is likely another case of tech press magenta bias. Honestly, I wish they would just stop writing about Sprint altogether. Go write more stories about how cool and "disruptive" John Legere is. AJ
  10. You can use the address of my other residence in New York, NJ. AJ
  11. Sheesh, is the University of Chicago school of economics going to overrun this thread again? AJ
  12. If legit, I am in. Do not reinvent the wheel every year. The HTC One was quite possibly the most immaculately constructed handset ever. If the sequel follows the same level of build quality, I will buy it -- then check RF performance later. AJ
  13. Robert better not give you my address. Otherwise, you and Dave are going to start sending me bills for dinners and keyboards. AJ
  14. Rest assured, on topic discussion will return in due time, once something topical surfaces. In the meantime, we fill the gaps. If you want an ad free site with an unpaid staff who loves to spend time here, some off topic fun along the way to keep things interesting is to be expected. AJ
  15. OEMs should install squirting mechanisms in self facing camera lenses for a little operant conditioning. AJ
  16. Ah, yes, the text message again. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go insane... AJ
  17. Ah, thanks, I had previously read that article but forgotten about it. The way it generally works with these Designated Entities is that they get FCC auction bidding credits for being minority or Native American held and/or being entrepreneurial startups. That allows them to acquire FCC licenses at auction at typically a 25 percent discount. They must hold the licenses for five years and meet some buildout requirements, but then they are free to sell the licenses. Considering that the AWS-1 auction was in 2006 and the article was published in 2012, over five years had passed. I am sure that Ms. DiNardo made out quite well on that six year investment. AJ
  18. If you were not of cognitive age or did not have HBO in the mid 1980s, you missed out on a keystone of childhood culture. AJ
  19. Judging from the emoticon, I would say that you have already made your choice. (Yes, IP.Board has problems with "parentheses B.") AJ
  20. After that Super Bowl domination, I fully expect to see the Legion of BoomSound debut any day now. AJ
  21. Yes, here is an example of an AWS license that Barat still holds. http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2906208 Now, the actual separation between Barat and USCC is certainly questionable. AJ
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