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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I would go to the "SoftBank" and make a big brown "deposit." AJ
  2. But do you currently have Sprint service? If so, you need new subs to join your Framily, not the other way around. AJ
  3. If you need a refresher on EARFCNs, see my engineering screen articles from last spring. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-345-whats-the-frequency-kenneth-interpreting-your-engineering-screen-part-one/ http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-347-whats-the-frequency-kenneth-interpreting-your-engineering-screen-part-two/ AJ
  4. We are starting to encounter more and more distinct band 41 TD-LTE 2600 EARFCNs. Unfortunately, these pop up sporadically in various market threads and do not always come to my attention. Additionally, we are waiting on the first report of a band 25 LTE 1900 EARFCN outside of the PCS G block. At present -- and periodically updated -- the EARFCNs that have been documented are as follows: Band 25 LTE 1900: EARFCNs 8665/26665 [nationwide; PCS G block] EARFCNs 8315/26315 [Chicago MTA; former USCC PCS B block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8158/26158 [shentel; Washington-Baltimore MTA; PCS A block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8565/26565 [Columbus BTA; former Revol PCS C4 block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8465/26465 [Cleveland-Akron BTA; former Revol PCS F block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8415/26415 [Youngstown-Warren BTA; former Revol PCS E block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8321/26321 [Phoenix MTA; PCS B block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8308/26308 [Flint; Detroit MTA; PCS B block; second carrier] EARFCNs 8159/26159 [Lee's Summit; Kansas City MTA; PCS A block; second carrier] Band 26 LTE 800: EARFCNs 8763/26763 [nationwide; SMR X block]Band 41 TD-LTE 2600: EARFCN 39826 EARFCN 39858 EARFCN 39926 EARFCN 39956 EARFCN 39991 EARFCN 40056 EARFCN 40124 EARFCN 40254 [multiple markets; second carrier] EARFCN 40521 EARFCN 40719 EARFCN 40978 [multiple markets; first carrier] EARFCN 41078 EARFCN 41176 [multiple markets; was Kansas City BTA; Kauffman Stadium -- World Series; second carrier] EARFCN 41276 EARFCN 41374 Since there is strength in numbers, if any member encounters an undocumented EARFCN -- whether on an owned device or in someone else's engineering screenshot -- please report it in this thread. Just please do not report EARFCNs 65535 or 58978. Those are invalid values. Finally, remember that the S4GRU DL Center contains a spreadsheet that is periodically updated with all known WiMAX and TD-LTE carriers. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/files/file/29-clearwire-wimaxtd-lte-carrier-band-plan/ AJ
  5. Just FYI, UARFCN is a W-CDMA thing. EARFCN is for LTE. Yes, the distinction is basically semantic, but 3GPP follows a lot of conventions that I dislike. AJ
  6. It could be a partnership like Everything Everywhere in the UK. But the US is a much, much larger country. So, it would probably have to be called Something Someplace. AJ
  7. No, I doubt that both the PCS D and E blocks will be cleared of CDMA2000. That could be a PRL headache. What could make sense is to keep CDMA2000 in the PCS D block and B block disaggregation, since both of those blocks are adjacent. Then, use the PCS E block for another 5 MHz FDD carrier. But I doubt that will happen soon. The least disruptive approach is simply to add both CDMA2000 and LTE carriers in the PCS B block disaggregation. AJ
  8. I will still rebut those who dismiss Sprint-T-Mobile out of hand because of their undying love for magenta. But I have decided not to support this potential acquisition. Besides, a merger at this point in time would deprive Sprint of fully hitting magenta hard with the sharp jab of band 41 TD-LTE 2600 and the bowel quivering body blow of band 26 LTE 800. Good thing that shirt is already pink -- because there will be blood. AJ
  9. As Sheila Broflovski would say, "What what what?!" AJ
  10. Was that the hold music you got? No, when I called Legere, this was the appropriate hold music I heard... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKd06s1LNik AJ
  11. As I have accurately stated several times previously, you are not paying forward future subsidy. You are paying down past subsidy. So, if you are on a plan that incorporates monthly subsidy, Sprint does not owe you a future subsidized upgrade. And if you are on such a plan and effectively continue to pay the monthly subsidy past your upgrade and/or contract end date with no chance of a future subsidized upgrade, that is your prerogative. I am finished arguing with those who think these non subsidy plans a raw deal. AJ
  12. I reply "S" here at S4GRU...so that these dozens of needless reports of this damn text message will please stop! AJ
  13. This is by no means an admonishment, just an FYI, but we do not want to host posts in which you are publicly contemplating switching to another provider. We encourage you to do what you need to do for your wireless service. However, please do not post a PSA about how T-Mobile, AT&T, or some MVNO might better meet your needs. That is off topic in general for S4GRU and especially for this thread. AJ
  14. I sound like a broken record on this count, but do not ask customer care technical questions. If you insist, do not expect accurate answers. Put simply, there is no evidence that the A1429 iPhone 5 variant has the hardware to support band 26 LTE 800. And it certainly is not authorized for it. S4GRU has been upfront about that from the very beginning. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-322-jack-of-all-bands-iphone-5-fcc-oet-review/ AJ
  15. What I have found is that I spend an inordinate amount of time in university and stadium environments. If open Wi-Fi is available, 5 GHz is the way to go because 2.4 GHz -- for various reasons -- has become a rush hour traffic jam. Being able to see at a glance if I am connected to a 5 GHz channel would be nice. AJ
  16. If you were running speed tests inside a vehicle in Cicero, I hope that you are white and Italian. That probably explains how you made it out unscathed. AJ
  17. Mike, could you add Wi-Fi band or even channel to the SignalCheck Pro readouts? I know that this info is accessible from other Wi-Fi specific apps that I use, but I do like SignalCheck Pro as my one stop signal metric shop whenever possible. AJ
  18. Hello? The T-Mobile brand belongs to Deutsche Telekom. Not gonna happen... AJ
  19. Uh, yeah, just rename it Moving to the West Coast and Screwing Over Kansas City Mobile. AJ
  20. Many magentans died to bring us this information. Good riddance. AJ
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