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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. That should be EVRC-B. AJ
  2. That would be incorrect. You need to look at the pics before you dismiss them. AJ
  3. AT&T will have plenty of opportunity at the 600 MHz auction -- as always, assuming that the auction actually happens. The recent FCC regime has little issue with acquisitions of spectrum. It is mostly concerned with acquisitions of subscribers and market share that negatively affect competition. That is the reason for the reported pushback on the possibility of Sprint-T-Mobile. AJ
  4. If I am wrong on that count, I will stand corrected. But I believe I am correct. Local governments may enter into exclusive cable franchise agreements. Or they may choose not to grant additional cable franchise agreements because of aesthetic or logistic reasons relating to buildout, for example. Regardless, MSOs are not chomping at the bit to overbuild and compete -- too risky for their ROI. AJ
  5. Since I authored the thread being referenced, I will chime in. In those BEAs where Clearwire has "license protection" sites, overlaying them with band 25 LTE 1900 will be enough to provide "substantial service." In those BEAs where Clearwire has no "license protection" sites, Sprint may choose to accept FCC penalties or walk away from the spectrum licenses. Even modest buildout with almost zero ROI may not be worth it. We shall see in the next two years. But I titled my thread "potential" for good reason. AJ
  6. The de facto non compete clause is between Comcast-TWC and VZ as part of the SpectrumCo transaction. Many municipalities will not grant more than one cable franchise. AJ
  7. It is not a WiMAX versus LTE comparison. Like it or not, it is just how Clearwire deployed WiMAX. And it allows adjacent sectors and sites to run full bore without co channel interference. As deployed, LTE cannot do that. AJ
  8. I suggest that you go back and read or reread the entire conversation. The context is WiMAX. And your question has already been addressed. AJ
  9. The "Nextel switch"? Can't be done. AJ
  10. I doubt it. Just because a baseband supports certain capabilities does not mean that they will be implemented. More likely, look for LTE Advanced handsets late this year or this time next year. AJ
  11. Guys, the reason why this may get the okay from regulators is that Comcast and TWC do not directly compete against one another. They may somewhere, but I know of no locale where both are MSOs. That makes this transaction very different from a possible Sprint-T-Mobile. AJ
  12. If you are connected to LTE 1900, then you will have ample signal for CDMA1X 1900. CDMA1X 800 is not needed in that situation. AJ
  13. Close. Each WiMAX carrier occupies 5 MHz TDD or 10 MHz TDD. Then, each adjacent sector and each adjacent site use different carriers. That takes up most of the available BRS/EBS spectrum. AJ
  14. Carrier aggregation requires LTE Advanced. No LTE Advanced UEs have been released yet in the US. AJ
  15. Sprint does not have as much BRS/EBS 2600 MHz spectrum in every market as you might think. And WiMAX currently occupies most of that spectrum. It was enough work reassigning WiMAX carriers and clearing spectrum just to make way for one 20 MHz TDD carrier right now. AJ
  16. You have not enabled LTE in settings, or you have a SIM card authentication issue. Those are the two most likely explanations. AJ
  17. The "sucks to be you" perspective is wrong. As I have had to explain numerous times, subsidized upgrades are not earned from the past. They are given with contracts for the future. If contracts go away, then so do subsidized upgrades. AJ
  18. You have to understand that the move is not to "bury" SVDO and/or SVLTE but to evolve to tri band and get ready for VoLTE. That may cause some growing pains over the next few years, much the same way that Network Vision has caused some growing pains over the past few years. In either case, the goal is worth the costs. And thank you for the background on your two accounts. The dual posting in the same thread raised suspicions, but the Twitter login discrepancy is understandable. AJ
  19. Where is the Aaron Hernandez "break up" letter with Sprint? Or would that be more of a "parting shot"? AJ
  20. No one is "shutting down" discussion that is productive rather than redundant. The moves away from SVDO and SVLTE to tri band and e/CSFB have already been discussed ad nauseam. An S4GRU search or Google query will provide you with ample reading. So, further discussion at this time is not warranted. What is done is done. If that changes -- if perhaps a dual or tri band handset with SVLTE capability makes a surprise appearance -- we will analyze and discuss at length. But for now, the future plan has been set with single radio path on the eventual road to VoLTE. AJ
  21. You really do not know what you are talking about. You are just wishing for something that is convenient for you. SoftBank does not have economies of scale for multi radio path handsets. SoftBank handsets are also single radio path, so the move toward band 41 TD-LTE and away from SVLTE is the one that improves synergy and economies of scale for SoftBank and Sprint. Additionally, this issue has nothing to do with Qualcomm baseband support. It has to do with separate radio paths upstream and downstream of the baseband. All indications are those separate radio paths are not coming back with tri band handsets because, as I have already stated, single radio path is simpler to implement and offers better RF performance. Finally, you need to let staff know whether you prefer to use your xenophonkc or TyrellCorpse account so that the two can be merged. You are one and the same person posting from the same IP address. Otherwise, if you keep posting troll like content from both accounts, both will be closed. AJ
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