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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Underwater? Awesome! Call it "The Life Aquatic with Steve Elfman." AJ
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9uRCKtaOCU Aw, that is the wrong answer. I play real, classic video *games*, not crime simulations. What is that, "the purge"? If I want "the purge," I just tear a few people some new ones here at S4GRU. AJ
  3. Is it available for Nintendo Wii U? AJ
  4. Yes, the Greater Toronto Area is a notable world megalopolis. "Grand Theft Auto," on the other hand, is a piece of pop culture trash. AJ
  5. Nope. I warned everyone early on that FCC auctions can continue for days, weeks, even months. They continue until the bidding stops and/or the bidders exhaust eligibility. AJ
  6. Here is an interesting info graphic on cable consolidation... AJ
  7. We could turn that into a jingle... Donate some cashola, and you won't be an asshola. AJ
  8. Actually, you got that reversed. These are all negative numbers; for example, -100 dBm is a smaller number than -90 dBm, hence a weaker signal. The problem is that one "signal bar" might be perfectly usable signal strength on a solid RF device, while the same might cause a weak RF device to drop back to EV-DO. That is a shortcoming of using a coarse, arbitrary "signal bar" scale from a third party app. On the other hand, the dBm scale is universal, and it is not hard to learn. Ultimately, I see it like this. The handset already has one set of "signal bars." Adding a second set via SignalCheck is like adding a second, redundant dial speedometer in your car. If you already have one dial speedometer, why not add a digital speedometer instead? AJ
  9. No, your post is what is wrong. It violates S4GRU rules. We do not host Sprint complaints. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/ So, one of our moderators suggested that you might be better off finding another wireless provider. That is one option. Other options include the following: Direct your complaints to Sprint customer service. Rant at one of the web sites that loves hosting Sprint complaints. Become an S4GRU sponsor to become informed about progress in your area. Regardless, you cannot complain here and tell everyone that you may leave Sprint. That serves no productive purpose at S4GRU. AJ
  10. This brings us back to the crux of the issue. Inherently, "signal bars" are somewhat coarse and arbitrary. Altering the algorithm to suit another person's idea of what zero, one, two, three "bars" should reflect is not going to change that. Bar none -- pun intended -- "signal bars" are no substitute for measuring signal strength in dBm, which can then be interpreted appropriately through experience with the characteristics of the device and band in use. AJ
  11. I am sorry, but I am puzzled by the concern. Who in the world uses SignalCheck RSRP "signal bars"? That is basically a "signal metric for dummies." Plus, it is effectively redundant to the Android OS "signal bars." I thought everyone used the dBm scale, as that is one of the greatest attractions of SignalCheck. AJ
  12. Would it be wise at this point to fork SignalCheck? Maybe a SignalCheck One app for 3GPP and/or 3GPP2 single radio path devices, a SignalCheck Two app for SVDO and/or SVLTE devices? Or can that be seamlessly accomplished inside just one app? AJ
  13. More HTC M8 rumors... five launch colors 4FF nano SIM microSD http://htcsource.com/2014/02/htc-m8-to-feature-nanosim-microsd-card-support-silver-dark-grey-red-blue-and-gold-color-options/ AJ
  14. I just caught up with this discussion. I am not sure why carrier aggregation entered the equation. I was referencing the total capacity of standalone carriers. In such case, two 5 MHz FDD carriers equal one 10 MHz FDD carrier, for example. AJ
  15. Did the calls actually fail? Or did you just grow impatient and redial? Outgoing calls on e/CSFB devices connected to LTE often take 15-20 seconds to initiate because of the fallback to CDMA1X. Conversely, incoming calls on e/CSFB devices connected to LTE can ring several seconds earlier. AJ
  16. A few thoughts... In a metro area, two miles to the nearest site(s) is a bit of a stretch. One mile is a more typical maximum before handoff to the next site. Additionally, if roughly two miles equidistant from multiple sites, that is even worse because of co channel interference. However, you are posting from a Comcast IP address, so you have wired broadband. LTE at home should be the least of your concerns, as you should be on your own Wi-Fi for data. AJ
  17. Inside your house on PCS 1900 MHz? Yes. Like all other providers, Sprint does not guarantee any level of in building coverage. Now, where are you located? This discussion belongs in a market thread, not its own standalone thread. AJ
  18. Yes, we have people now who unfortunately think that "RTT" somehow signifies PCS 1900 MHz. It is not the fault of SignalCheck. They just jumped to the wrong conclusion. AJ
  19. This has turned into a "Comcast sucks!" thread. S4GRU does not want to host Comcast complaints any more than we do Sprint complaints. So, get back on topic: Comcast-TWC. Otherwise, this thread has quickly run its course and will be closed. AJ
  20. Mike, you might have to come up with some different SignalCheck abbreviations. Otherwise, you are going to condition an entire group of newbs to believe that "1xRTT" and "1x800" are two different airlinks -- as evidenced above. AJ
  21. Do you need to receive calls, originate calls, or both? For all of my outgoing calls while I am at my laptop -- which is much of my day -- I use the VoIP function built into Gmail. Most domestic calls are free. AJ
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