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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I found a documentary photo of the Columbus thread crew gathered at the pole. AJ
  2. I would say the gain is greater than that. The free space path loss difference between Lower 700 MHz and SMR 800 MHz is right around 0.75 dB. In the real world RF environment, that difference probably gets elevated into the 2 dB range. Not a huge gain, but a measurable one. AJ
  3. Circular reasoning, post hoc ergo propter hoc, red herring, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies AJ
  4. Even though he was sent off to Elysium, we can take solace that he still lurks among us. AJ
  5. Judging by its title, I thought this thread a bad idea the moment it started, and it probably should have been merged into the Dallas market discussion thread right away. S4GRU is not a Sprint recruitment nor retention site. It is an education site. If you wish to educate yourself, become an S4GRU sponsor -- to help the non profit site defray its significant costs -- and learn where the Sprint sites are in your area(s) of interest and which sites have been Network Vision upgraded. AJ
  6. Yes, I have a shop right here in my house where I manufacture trouble. But I am thinking of outsourcing it to Foxconn. AJ
  7. I may seed the discussion with such a facetious comment later tonight. AJ
  8. That is like saying, "I don't want $1400 dollars." See the problems? AJ
  9. Sorry, Josh, you do not have ¥140,000. AJ
  10. The ibex will always be large -- especially its horns. AJ
  11. Many of these public/private projects work out that way. By the protracted time that they can be funded and implemented, their opportune moments have passed. Look at the Charlotte Coliseum. It had a useful life of only 15 years, lost the NBA team that it was built to secure, then was demolished. That is a boondoggle. Had Sprint been able to retire iDEN 800 and switch to CDMA1X 800 years earlier, many of the Public Safety interference concerns likely would have gone away. AJ
  12. People who have poor understanding of physics and engineering think this way. Yet, they still comment outside their expertise -- mainly because they want to disparage Sprint. But they will come around, will start singing the praises of 3.5 GHz once their favored VZW and/or T-Mobile are testing it. AJ
  13. It was a solution that made sense at the time. But it has taken so long to implement that it is already nearing the end of its usefulness. AJ
  14. Shortly after 800 MHz rebanding is finally complete, I could see many agencies wanting to move to the brand new Upper 700 MHz D block + Public Safety network. It has spectrum for both broadband and narrowband operations. That could be the boondoggle. AJ
  15. And your posts are on top of "tall buildings" of screenshots. Please scale them down. AJ
  16. Your wife may let you see her phone now, but do not count on it after the honeymoon period is over... AJ
  17. Not at all. Just the opposite. You, Adam G, and Sam Smith are using rationalization and deflection strategies. That is poor argumentation. Derrick Rose cheated. He cost his university, his coach, his teammates, and himself a stellar season, now stricken from the records. And I merely say that karma may be coming back to haunt him with injuries. I will have more to say on this matter later... AJ
  18. Well, Sprint will have to do something because Swiftel has only 10 MHz of disaggregated spectrum. It cannot do any upgrades on its own -- barring maybe 1.4 MHz FDD LTE. AJ
  19. "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill (or, at least, oft attributed) AJ
  20. That may be a product of the Nexus 5 as much as anything else. It can be a great pure RF performer, but it seems almost an experimental tri band handset. Later tri band handsets seem to be more stable. Plus, they may be optimized solely for Sprint. Previously, you could have opened the internal Testing.apk, entered the Phone info screen, entered the Select radio band sub menu, then selected Secondary 800 MHz. That should have forced band class 10 CDMA1X 800 and might have forced band 26 LTE 800 -- albeit at the expense of automatic band selection, both native and roaming, until a factory reset. However, that potentially problematic capability was blocked in Android by the time the Nexus 5 was released last year. Yep, that is what I have been saying. Free space path loss difference between 800 MHz and 1900 MHz is 7 dB. But real world difference tends closer to 10-15 dB. AJ
  21. I think you mean Geritol. We "old" guys already get plenty of fiber from Sprint -- plus a few stewed prunes. AJ
  22. Meh, I will wait for the Samsung Galaxy Street Fighter Alpha 2. AJ
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