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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Better yet, when will Network Vision achieve Intercourse? When I had relatives who lived in Lancaster County, the old joke was something along the lines of "In Intercourse, you can go one way to Paradise, the other way to Blue Ball." AJ
  2. If you find that disappointing, I am sorry. But some sponsors who have helped fund S4GRU's continued non profit operation have reacted negatively to the post in question and others similar to it. AJ
  3. Praise Jesus! There is room at the inn for band 26. A few wise men must be configuring the network in North Bethlehem. AJ
  4. Other members do not like the repeated T-Mobile references. And S4GRU is not a wireless comparison shopping web site. AJ
  5. Does the "T" in Terrell352 stand for T-Mobile? Seriously, the constant comparisons to T-Mobile need to stop. Members do not want to hear them, get annoyed by them, and have reported the quoted post. If the T-Mobile comparisons do not stop, staff will take disciplinary action and may reinstitute the moratorium on Magenta threads/posts. Vote with your wallet and your conscience. If T-Mobile works better for you in your area and you think that John Legere is a cool guy, feel free to take all of your business to T-Mobile. But you do not need to tell the world at S4GRU about it. Is that clear, everyone? AJ
  6. But just to be clear, Joanne Woodward, Paul Newman's widow, will be unaffected. AJ
  7. Maybe you are a Pointer Sister... AJ
  8. Oh, so we are bumping off people now? Poor chapagetti. I hope that he went quickly. But I defer to your judgment, Godfather. AJ
  9. Thanks. Anecdotes about the Shentel secondary band 25 carrier abound, but no one has officially documented it -- until now. I will add the EARFCNs to the list. The center frequency choice is a bit unusual, so that may be worth some analysis, too. And I take it that this was in Berkeley Springs, WV in the Washington-Baltimore MTA? The PCS A block spectrum would seem to necessitate that. AJ
  10. No, please do not oversimplify this -- it is not that simple. The LTE carrier in the PCS G block theoretically could be expanded to 10 MHz FDD in some markets. Going on three years ago, I wrote about that: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-27-spectrum-analysisdoes-sprint-have-more-options-for-additional-lte-carriers/ It is not apt to happen soon, but please do not be so glib about it. That said, why are you so concerned with Sprint deploying a band 25 10 MHz FDD carrier in Chicago? Not all handsets without firmware updates would be able to utilize it. Is your e-penis that big? Are you looking for peak band 25 speeds in the Windy City? Especially, when you have "New York" in your username. In the end, one market does not a network make; one market does not a network break. If it did, Sprint would be kaput -- based upon the incessant complaints from our Louisiana members. The same could be said for T-Mobile, which operates a barebones license protection network in Nebraska but does not actually sell service there. Yet, both continue on as national wireless providers. AJ
  11. WiWavelength

    LG G3

    Does Jan Brady sound happy? AJ
  12. WiWavelength

    LG G3

    Every time I see MarshieZballer post, I cannot help but think "Marshie, Marshie, Marshie!" AJ
  13. To take the edge off is a good idea. Otherwise, it might be so Sharp that it cut my hand. AJ
  14. The interesting part is that we know both 311-490 and 311-870 are valid Sprint/Clearwire MCC-MNCs. So, it is not as if the OS is reporting some invalid 310-000 or default 310-120 -- as is the case on some handsets. I wonder, then, if the network is transmitting both PLMNs. That is definitely possible. AJ
  15. Remember, I created and last updated that map a decade ago while you were still a little tyke. The gist of the map remains accurate, but some markets have changed. Via Wirefree Partners III in FCC Auction 58 in 2005 and additional spectrum transactions with other operators, Sprint fixed its top 100 markets (e.g. Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Richmond, etc.) that were previously limited to a single 10 MHz PCS A-F block license. That was not so much of a problem during the CDMA1X era, but when EV-DV got shelved, the three carrier limitation became a real problem for EV-DO deployment. The only top 100 market exception, as I recall, was Fort Wayne, but its spectrum problem got solved with the far more recent USCC transaction. That said, yes, some rural counties scattered throughout the US still have only 10 MHz of Sprint licensed PCS A-F block spectrum. AJ
  16. To be honest, some locations, especially in building, will not get more reliable LTE service for years, if ever. And VoLTE will actually make the situation worse before it gets any better. So, you are doing the right thing by using Wi-Fi at home. Likewise, Sprint is exploring other solutions. I wrote about this issue recently in another post: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6178-optimizing-america’s-newest-network-a-word-from-john-saw-sprint-chief-network-officer/page-2#entry340908 AJ
  17. At this Sprint event, you will get to fend off a scheming photographer who is having a secret affair with your wife and fight a giant, human carnivorous grizzly bear in order to try to return home alive to your fashion model wife. It all sounds like fun. Terms & conditions: If you are not already married to Elle Macpherson, then she is not part of the promotion. You will not get to return home to her. AJ
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3db0UsV1Go AJ
  19. Yes, that is the appropriate convention. Unless I append something like "FDD," "downlink," or "unpaired," then 30 MHz means total paired spectrum. The PCS B block that Sprint has long held in St. Louis is 30 MHz or 15 MHz FDD. In the traditional PCS band, 30 MHz FDD would be outrageous, as that would be 60 MHz -- fully half the PCS A-F block spectrum in the hands of one operator. AT&T has a number of 40-50 MHz PCS markets, but the only 60 MHz PCS market that I can think of anywhere in the country is T-Mobile in Atlanta due to the MetroPCS merger. And I wrote an article about that: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-326-newco-needs-to-drop-some-of-the-pcs-from-metropcs/ AJ
  20. Mike, at the Sporting KC friendly last night, my Nexus 5 made its first band 41 acquisition. However, I noted an MCC-MNC discrepancy between engineering and SignalCheck Pro. Any insight? AJ
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