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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. For a supposed industry insider site, Fierce Wireless is increasingly becoming click bait -- with ignorant trolls running the comments. AJ
  2. Yes. The previous poster already addressed that. AJ
  3. Josh is stingy and stodgy. http://gigaom.com/2013/08/21/mobilize-2013-making-the-case-for-a-shared-bandwidth-future/ AJ
  4. Au contraire. Comcast Metrophone was a major Cellular 850 MHz operator in the Northeast before it was sold to SBC about 15 years ago. AJ
  5. Pigs will fly before the iPhone 4 has any relevance to LTE. AJ
  6. Like I stated previously, the Chicago "L" apparently has used leaky coax for several years, and cellular service works fine in the tunnels. AJ
  7. Who is John Legere? I call him John Legume. He must eat a lot of beans because he is a huge gas bag. AJ
  8. Do not be cheap. Pay for a comprehensive app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.basevelocity.radarscope AJ
  9. I want to add that I am glad this is the iPhone 6 "omnibus" thread and not the iPhone 6 "short bus" thread. AJ
  10. Well, the Framily campaign has that surreal SoftBank vibe everyone and his dog were clamoring for a year ago. So, make up your minds what kind of marketing you want. Speaking of which, do you think that Simply Everyone is better than Everyone Everything? Or what about Everybody Everybody? AJ
  11. Chameleon? Chameleon! Ha ha ha! I guess the "L" in your LTE stands for "lizard." Mike, is this your doing? Did you program SignalCheck to display "Chameleon" if the handset reports an invalid MCC-MNC? If so, you should make it more interesting. Have it display something like "FBI Surveillance Network." That would freak out a fair number of people. AJ
  12. Sprint is doing precisely what some of us have been saying for several years. Offer tiered data plans at lower cost to incentivize users to consume less on network data and save money. Keep "unlimited" as a high cost option. AJ
  13. I will take that bet. iPhone 6 will support carrier aggregation -- for AT&T, not for Sprint. iPhone 6 was certainly in development, maybe even in production, before the category 6 MDM9635 became widely available. So, like last year when Apple used the category 3 MDM9615 for the second year in a row, it will be about a year behind the curve on the latest baseband, going with the category 4 MDM9625 this year. That will limit LTE bandwidth to a maximum of 20 MHz FDD/TDD. Carrier aggregation will be possible only in combinations that sum to 20 MHz FDD/TDD or less -- such as the band 17 + band 4 configuration that AT&T is using in Chicago, etc. AJ
  14. All reports are that Chinook Wireless does not own its actual tower sites. No big surprise there. Most modern operators do not. And Sprint would gain nothing by buying Chinook's GSM based infrastructure -- especially for a just a few thousand subs. So, let Chinook fail. Then, potentially pick up some newly vacant site leases on the cheap. AJ
  15. Give me a break. Have you REALLY seen the state of our transportation system in this country? For the geographic size of this country, the extent is remarkable. And, seriously, what planned and funded the National Highway System, including the Interstate Highway System? If as a society we had left that form of "superhighway" up to big corporations, we would not be able to travel outside of cities except on toll roads. Large cities would have multiple toll roads from different competitors running in parallel, defiling the landscape. Other cities would be deemed insignificant markets and left unconnected by modern roads. Perhaps even worse, those smaller markets could be stuck with only one outside road provider each that would provide a barely passable road yet charge exorbitant tolls. Sound familiar? That, in a nutshell, is our glorious country's broadband Internet position. Geez, get some perspective... AJ
  16. The Robert M. Herron Museum of Modern Cellphones cannot comprehend phone sales. You are giving up technological works of art. AJ
  17. Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of MVNOs would exist. Why would they not compete? If they would not, then free market capitalism with little barrier to entry would have failed as a system. That sentiment goes against some of your recent statements. Are you saying that just for my benefit? AJ
  18. Well, that is no different from most of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming. The similarity is low population density. And two for profit operators may even be one too many in those western locales. That is why the sensible thing to do is nationalize the telecom infrastructure. Tell the likes of VZW, AT&T, Comcast, and even Sprint to "go pound sand." Their days of licensing spectrum, being granted right of way, and deploying infrastructure are over -- because they have failed to keep this country at the telecom forefront. So, they are relegated to selling service over the top on a nationally owned wired and wireless network. AJ
  19. Karma is a bitch for the former Chinook Wireless. In the past decade, it took an all PCS 1900 MHz, cdmaOne network and converted it to GSM. Then, after Alltel bought out WWC, which had operated under the Cellular One name in most markets, Chinook licensed the Cellular One name -- a move, no doubt, to make many Montanans think that the well known Cellular One had returned. But WWC was entirely Cellular 850 MHz, so the comparison was not even close. What was Chinook thinking?! GSM 1900 in Montana?! Awful choice. It was thinking only of roaming revenue/costs, not of its native subs. And in the end, Chinook got the shaft when VZW divested overlapping Alltel properties to AT&T. With AT&T, Montana now has W-CDMA 850 and/or GSM 850, rendering Chinook irrelevant. Too bad... AJ
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