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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Well, much of it. But that does not matter. A 10 MHz FDD carrier would take up 20 MHz of that spectrum, leaving only 10 MHz for CDMA2000. That is not going to happen, as it would cut CDMA2000 down to three carriers. AJ
  2. WiWavelength

    LG G3

    http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6006-lg-g3/?p=337423 AJ
  3. T-Mobile upper management believes that it has the technically superior network. So, if the merger were to happen and Legere were to run the show, I am afraid that the Sprint sites and infrastructure are what would get cannibalized or canned. Much of Network Vision would have been for naught. AJ
  4. What did you use to come back down from LSD? That could have helped me out a lot in the 60s. AJ
  5. The Nexus 5 is doing both band 26 and band 41 at Sporting Park tonight. Interesting. AJ
  6. No, not in St. Louis. The PCS A-F block spectrum gained from USCC is 10 MHz (5 MHz FDD), and it is not contiguous with existing Sprint spectrum. So, please do not make that assertion. Additionally, for the record, Sprint variant Samsung devices have been receiving Class II filings at the FCC OET for other LTE carrier bandwidths. Those devices, though, will likely require software updates that may not trickle down to all users. And the claim that wider LTE carrier bandwidths are more efficient is oft spoken but unproven. Back it up with evidence. Otherwise, it is mainly there to stimulate the peak speed e-penis. AJ
  7. I had the stock 500 GB Toshiba drive replaced with a 120 GB SSD. While the Mac mini is already quiet, I wanted no spinning drives or fans in my listening room. And I could not care less about the loss of storage capacity. Nothing but the OS and a few applications are stored locally. The spinning drive where the audio is stored is on a 2 GB NAS in another room, connected by 1000BASE-T Ethernet and a 5 GHz 802.11n bridge. It works well. AJ
  8. Yep, your testicles are now like hard boiled eggs. AJ
  9. When do we get the Area 51 flying drone that we can use to buzz Josh in Pahrump? AJ
  10. There is no 1922.5 MHz in the PCS A-G uplink or downlink. Those ranges are 1850-1915 MHz for uplink, 1930-1995 for downlink. So, you just saw a SignalCheck bug. Have you updated the app recently? Either way, report it to Mike. AJ
  11. I thought a 400 lb man is called "Tiny" because that is the way his penis looks to him below his belly. AJ
  12. Do you want to use your iPhone and/or iPad as a remote? That is another factor to consider. AJ
  13. I like the idea. However, our volunteer staff members often have more work than they can handle already running The Forums, writing articles for The Wall, and living their real world lives. AJ
  14. My audio server is a mid 2011 Mac mini -- with a third party SSD replacement -- running JRiver Media Center. It may not be the cheapest, but if you care about silence and elegance, you are unlikely to find a better solution on the PC side. AJ
  15. WiWavelength


    No kidding. The EVO LTE? Its time has come and gone. Put it to rest... AJ
  16. A podcast is not going to result in a cease and desist order. If Sprint were to take legal action against S4GRU, it would have already happened two years ago. Now, S4GRU is fairly well protected by its reputation and visibility. Any legal action would end up being the big guy putting down the little guy who is actually doing the job of education for the big guy. The tech press would pick up on the story. The mainstream press might even pick up on the story. Members would be quoted about how they would have ported out from Sprint if not for the info available here. It would become a public relations problem for Sprint. AJ
  17. I wonder if it is just some back of the napkin math: (CAPEX + OPEX) ÷ subs. Those figures are public info in the quarterly filings. AJ
  18. Sorry, that is the tenuous nature of LTE. The very nature that allows the LTE airlink to carry such high throughput also makes it far more fragile than other airlinks. And, by the way, you are relatively new here, but S4GRU does not host complaints -- especially a complaint about getting only 3-4 Mbps on LTE when you are in an urban area and may be a full mile from your serving site. That is a significant distance. Regardless, that is still quite usable LTE, even though it may not arouse your e-penis or impress your friends. My suggestion is that you just start using your service and stop worrying about running so many speed tests. AJ
  19. And you could put strychnine in the guacamole. Whatever. Just go take your traveler's cheques to a competing provider. AJ
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