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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. You should also add the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem to your daily recitation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampling_theorem AJ
  2. Is there really any debate? "Andrea Jordan" is far superior to "Roberta." Nobody truly names a girl "Roberta" anymore -- it always gets changed to "Bobbie." AJ
  3. And for the record, I, too, am not an EE -- but I regularly am mistaken for one -- even though I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. AJ
  4. Yep, the Shannon-Hartley theorem is the historical foundation for modern digital communications. AJ
  5. None of the VZW, AT&T, Sprint, nor T-Mobile networks work that way. So, they are all "screwups." Sorry. AJ
  6. If what you propose happened, then some handsets in some locations would bounce back and forth between LTE and eHRPD all of the time. They would drain their batteries like a drunk guy at a urinal. The system is not perfect, but you have to understand that it is a balancing act. AJ
  7. Again, one -- or even a few locations -- does not an issue make. That is not a representative sample. Plenty can offer experiences as counterexamples for both Sprint and T-Mobile. Plus, the Nexus 5 is a quirky handset. I should know -- I own one. And it is on the early .15 baseband firmware. The Nexus 5 is the best and the worst. There is good reason why its tri band capability was basically six months in coming. AJ
  8. It is not a Sprint problem. VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile devices will hang on to a "3G" signal long after a solid LTE signal is available. Again, you just have to deal with it. The issue cannot be fixed until LTE is the only airlink. Then, beware what you wish for, as the options may be LTE or nothing. AJ
  9. Do I need to say it more clearly? The Katy, TX network is inadequate. The area has outgrown the site spacing. Locals have told us so. Please do not use that as an example. It is just cherry picking bad experiences. Your Overland Park, KS experiences speak to the contrary. Absent nationalization, wireless will never be consistent from market to market. AJ
  10. All I can say is this. If you are obsessed with being on LTE 24/7 everywhere -- even within the established coverage footprint -- good luck. That is not going to be the case for years, maybe another decade. eHRPD fallback is going to happen. So, deal with it, or go find another provider -- and hope for the best. At least in the Kansas market, eHRPD fallback is hardly the shitstorm it is made out to be. Because of the traffic now running over LTE, eHRPD is just as usable as LTE for real world purposes -- absent the e-penis speed tests. AJ
  11. No, it does not. Plenty of people could chime in how VZW could not resolve their issues in one, two, or even three calls. Big Red is not magic, nor is Magenta. Your anecdote shows nothing, so please do not extrapolate -- other than to say that all major wireless operators have some customer service challenges that come with the territory of serving tens of millions of subscribers. AJ
  12. And I am not sure that an experience at Christian-fil-A in Katy, TX is a representative sample of the Sprint network or a rational rebuttal to e/CSFB. Here is what we know. Sources told us that SVLTE would not continue with tri band handsets. We initially disputed that contention, but it has long since proved to be accurate. Single RF path, e/CSFB handsets are here to stay -- because they better align with SoftBank's economy of scale and keep CDMA2000 from being an albatross around Sprint's neck. They also are known to be superior RF performers -- due to the LTE idle state and the lack of power reduction or intermodulation issues from simultaneous airlinks. Now, you can argue about the LTE scan timer issue. But that is a handset programming concern. And it can be addressed by placing the handset in LTE only mode. AJ
  13. Any S4GRU martyr will be rewarded in paradise with 72 virgin wireless territories. AJ
  14. Not so much. iDEN deserved to die. WiMAX deserved a chance that it never really received. AJ
  15. Eh, no. e/CSFB issues are not rampant, certainly not in the Kansas market. Now, "3G" fallbacks will long be an issue, simply because LTE is a fast but fragile airlink. Regardless, e/CSFB is superior in RF performance and battery life. That Apple was able to make the Sprint variant iPhone 5/5S/5C an excellent performer all around -- despite its oddball single RF path, no e/CSFB configuration -- is a testament to engineering. But it is one that no Android OEM would likely duplicate -- because no Android OEM has the curious luxury of developing just a single design over the course of a whole year. AJ
  16. Except for those who obsess over simultaneous voice and data, e/CSFB is superior to both SVLTE and Apple's CDMA2000 iPhone 5/5S/5C solution -- because e/CSFB allows the handset to idle solely on LTE. Both SVLTE and Apple's solution require the handset still to camp on CDMA1X, too, following the prescribed slot cycle. AJ
  17. What about central Illinois wheat and corn? AJ
  18. No problem. Just "douche" the site to put out the fire. AJ
  19. The VZW variant Note 3 has historically bad LTE ERP/EIRP. That is a clear danger sign. But middle of the road or even high RF output is not a clear indicator. And that is why we should not jump to performance conclusions based on only FCC OET test results. To steer this back on thread topic, the Nexus 5, for example, does not set the world on fire with its RF figures, yet the Nexus 5 does set the world on fire with its real world RF moxie. AJ
  20. I would be careful in making that assertion. Nothing in the Galaxy Note II's RF output figures showed it to be an exceptional performer, yet it was. We cannot judge by ERP/EIRP alone. AJ
  21. Or, as Robert likes to sing to his daughters... My little pony, Legere's such a phony, Pink horse shit should be shot on sight. AJ
  22. Coming soon for girls, Bronies, and Magentans... "My Little Pony: Magenta is Magic" AJ
  23. Wait, is this Marcelo Claure or Jaime Escalante? Next, is he going to teach Sprint subs "calcoolus"? AJ
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