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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. It might be that you are on the edge of 2 different sectors or towers. My Viper will oscillate like that in certain spots in my home and I noticed that my phone switches sectors on me.
  2. Computer case Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner
  3. My 2nd LG Viper is more defective than the 1st. LTE must be coming.
  4. When I started having dropped calls on Verizon, I started getting annoyed with them, and a few months later, I jumped back onto at&t. And I stayed with at&t until I ported to Sprint in early 2011. Couldn't be happier. So far my only dropped calls on Sprint have been from areas where my 1x signal is -115dBm or worse. Otherwise it has been the best. I wouldn't join a carrier because they claim to be the best. Those Verizon users have been deceived by numbers.
  5. According to Robert when he was in Waco the Viper was connecting to LTE better than the Evo and the GS3.
  6. Unsolved Mysteries? I used to watch that show growing up.
  7. Please don't get me started with Comcast. I've been without internet from them all afternoon, and according to their end, everything is fine. Thank God for the Clear iSpot we keep around.
  8. Customer Service has been so great to me. They have worked with me everytime I needed something, and have even gone beyond the call of duty to make sure I was satisfied. However, some of the sales staff in some stores leave a lot to be desired, smh.
  9. That has happened to me once in a while. I think one day my data was down for like 6 hours, but it only happened once that I remember.
  10. network.sprint.com was put in place to show customers the upgrades they are doing to help the legacy network function until Network Vision would be complete. Whether they use it for Network Vision later down the road or not, no one knows yet, is up to them. However, it has a 12 month rolling window of time, past 6 months and next 6 months, so there are some things that appear to never leave the list.
  11. You've been around a lot longer than me. I'm just coming up on 2 years with Sprint.
  12. What customer service tells you may not be true. Some reps tell you something they just made up. Sprint told me that WiMax would come to my small town just outside of Las Vegas, and it never did. What you find on this site and even now on Sensorly is more accurate than what you could ever get out of Sprint customer service.
  13. I'm so saddened with all the impatience that people have with Sprint lately. I have more reasons than many of you to complain about Sprint, and Robert (S4GRU) has even more reasons to complain. People, Sprint has undertaken a massive project to make LTE happen, and it's not a cheap project either. Plus with some things out of their control like backhaul vendors taking longer times to upgrade the backhaul in some places, it's not entirely Sprint's fault. Please be patient with Sprint people, please! Network Vision can't happen overnight. I know many of us wish it could, but it can't. Thank you!
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