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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I am headed to an important meeting, but I will add this point. The number of total sites being completed in 2012 is way down. They were initially aiming for 20,000 sites in 2012. NV is a total of 38,000 sites. This may not be a total schedule slip, as they may make it up in 2013. But it is a slip. If I were Sprint, I'd consider changing strategies. Perhaps whole market conversions are not the way with the current schedule. Instead of having four/five crews in each of the markets now, maybe break it up and get two of those crews moving on to another market. Even though it will slow down one market, the other one will start getting deployment early. And more markets can have some sort of LTE coverage. However, I wouldn't slow down Chicago, given their problems. If anything, I would speed that one up. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  2. Sounds good. Lets talk more as the launch date gets nearer. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  3. The purpose of the article links in the forums is to give members who only access S4GRU via Tapatalk and Forum Runner a place where they can see the list of articles and click on a link to read the article. They are not there for the purposes of giving threads for members to comment. If you access the forums from a computer, there is a description below these forums that explain their purpose. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  4. Im going to throw this grenade out there. But there is a chance that the MSM8960 LTE device arriving in the Lenexa labs on 5/7 is this new Motorola Photon Q instead of the anticipated Windows Phone device we keep yammering about. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  5. This thread just isn't going anywhere and is just going to flame back up again. I think it has run its course. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  6. SIM card Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  7. Let's talk! Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  8. If the Sprint GNex ever gets to $399 cash price, then I will buy one. If it doesn't, then, oh well. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  9. SF Bay Market deployment should begin in a few months. There has been a lot of permitting delays and red tape in this market. I know, shocking, right? Robert
  10. No problems. It looked like to me you were complaining about our article with all the ones out there. Robert
  11. There is no Network Vision work under way in the Toledo market. This market is not even completed with design yet. Band Aid improvements will not be visible by looking at the base cabinets. Robert
  12. If they do that with the Sprint CDMA/LTE version, I'm in! Robert
  13. It depends on your elevation relative to the tower, the foliage in between, what kind of structure and windows you have in your home, etc. However, you likely will get a LTE signal 3 miles away. But the problem you will more likely encounter that will prevent you from connecting is this: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-167-sprint-intentionally-blocking-new-lte-devices-from-accessing-live-lte-sites/ Robert
  14. That's not materially different than what is in the S4GRU article posted above (back from February 7th). Robert
  15. I have no contacts at Shentel. All my info related to Shentel is public. Here is my last write up relating to Shentel Network Vision plans: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-20-sprint-regional-affiliate-shentel-releases-some-more-network-vision-info-in-conference-call-with-investors/ Sorry I don't have more info. Would love to get a source from Shentel some day. All the NV data I have to date only focuses on corporate Sprint sites. Robert
  16. The Tri-Network Hotspot launches May 18th. I think we will see them starting to take the LTE network to discoverable by then in select areas. Robert
  17. Welcome! And thanks for the compliments. Robert
  18. Akron is in Sprint's Cleveland market. We have written an article about where the Cleveland market currently is in Sprint's Network Vision schedule: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-153-are-milwaukee-and-cleveland-making-a-run-on-the-sprint-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule/ Akron will get a full LTE deployment as part of Network Vision upgrades. This will likely occur in the first half of 2013. WiMax deployment was never planned to go nationwide. And the problems with WiMax deployment stalling was because Sprint was using a 3rd party (Clearwire) that ran into severe financial problems. This time with LTE, Sprint is deploying it themselves. And they are planning to deploy it nationwide. Sprint has to upgrade every site to its new Network Vision standards and will upgrade each site to LTE while they are there. This deployment is night and day different than how WiMax went down. Robert
  19. Spence...we reported it accurately, "Sprint is still proceeding with a May 7th Pre-Order start and device launch on June 10th. And Sprint did take the EVO LTE pre-order site live last night." We didn't say that Pre-Order has started, only that the site where it will happen is now live. We are very clear that Pre-Order is scheduled to begin on May 7th. Robert
  20. What cities does what fall under? Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  21. I heard all this when the iPhone 4 came out. It was going to be the death of Android. Yet, here we are. Strong as ever. Android is both adapting and innovating. LTE was a huge advantage for Android. Apple and WP are joining that party late. Google will have to find the next big thing and beat Apple to market. It will change things when the iPhone goes LTE. To what extent remains to be seen. But there will always be a market for Android as long as Google continues to adapt ahead of the market. Without a catastrophic misstep by Google or Apple, Windows Phone will likely be relegated to third string quarterback. Just praying for a quarterback controversy. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  22. by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 2:00 AM MDT Rumors are spreading like wildfire that the EVO LTE is going to be launching early...maybe even as soon as the middle of May. However, S4GRU.com has received internal documentation from a source in Sprint's Product Development division that reconfirms the June 10th launch date for the new HTC EVO 4G LTE. In fact, the EVO LTE is currently finishing up its stay in the Sprint Lenexa labs and was scheduled to complete lab testing on April 27th. However, there are problems with the device that are occurring. It is being reported to S4GRU that "LTE device connectivity in lab testing continues to be problematic due to under defined processes and complications around provisioning and SIM UICC profiles. Escalation of this issue is in progress." This is not believed to hinder the previous schedules that S4GRU received from Sprint and reported to you. Sprint is still proceeding with a May 7th Pre-Order start and device launch on June 10th. And Sprint did take the EVO LTE pre-order site live last night. Given this latest information about lab testing issues, the rumored Mid May launch seems all but impossible. Once the device can leave the lab, it will still take approximately 4 weeks for production runs and distribution. Although some of you may be inclined to say that the EVO LTE has slipped from schedule and is now running late, S4GRU was the first to name a launch date for this device, and we said it was June 10th the first time. So it sounds like even with the lab setback, it's still right on time. Image shown on the Sprint EVO LTE Pre-Order Web Page.
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