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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. In 2012, Sprint starts deploying a 1xAdvanced carrier in 800 SMR during Network Vision. This allows better signal propagation for voice and 1x data for devices that are 800 CDMA capable (not the iPhone). In Mid 2013, Sprint will start deploying 800 LTE. This will allow high speed data to have better propagation. However, Sprint has no plans to put 3G EVDO on 800. They do not have enough spectrum to put more than 1x and LTE on 800. And in some markets, they don't have enough to even put LTE on 800 (or will have to use a smaller carrier). AJ is working on an article this week on 800 deployment info. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  2. EOL has already been announced for iDEN devices. However, perhaps they will still sell existing inventory for existing customers as device replacement in case of damage, etc. I would hope that they would not sell them to new customers, or if they did, they would fully explain that the system is being decommissioned soon and they will need to commute their service to Sprint Direct Connect in the coming months to complete their contract. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  3. My 3G speeds stay between 1.0Mbps and 1.4Mbps 24 hours a day in Northern New Mexico around Los Alamos, Española and Pojoaque. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  4. Agency Protocol Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  5. March Madness Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. I'm going to order on 5/7 for my wife whether or not they announce a launch date. I'm sold! Robert
  7. Agreed. Once iDEN is completely decommissioned and the losses written off, and Network Vision cash burn is completing, Sprint should be above the profitability threshold. Sprint will be in a completely different position come Q1-2014. Robert
  8. Here is the Athens Sprint LTE coverage maps: For Non-Sponsors: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/884-sprint-lte-coverage-map-athens-georgia-area/ For Sponsors: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/883-lte-coverage-map-athens-georgia-area/
  9. Here is a Sprint 4G LTE coverage map of the live sites as of April 28, 2012 in the Athens, Georgia area. These are all the LTE "On-Air" sites where Sprint is actively broadcasting a LTE signal. They are not necessarily connectable, as Sprint is blocking LTE access to many sites at this time. S4GRU Sponsors can use an interactive version of this map to zoom in and pan around by following this link: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/883-lte-coverage-map-athens-georgia-area/
  10. Awesome. I'm working on an Athens LTE coverage map right now. Robert That -83dBm, is a -69dBm equivalent. On LTE signals, you will need to "add" 14 to the reading for comparative purposes. At least on the GNex. May be the case with the Viper and EVO LTE too. Robert
  11. And to add to the chorus, it's the same reason why Verizon customers shouldn't freak out because their new devices don't support LTE on AWS. It would be better if Sprint supported 800 LTE and 2600 LTE now, but since those networks will not even start to come online for 14 to 18 months, it's just not a big deal. Ironically, AT&T is the only major carrier thinking long term as their LTE devices support LTE on AWS. However, they just had to jettison a lot of their AWS spectrum to Tmo as part of the breakup. So even though AT&T devices will support LTE on AWS, they will likely not be able to deploy much of a meaningful LTE network there. I still really like Sprint's long term spectrum position and future LTE capacity. I'm quite bullish on it. However, I think Sprint will need to complete a buy out Clearwire in the long term to completely secure their future spectrum. Although things are currently quiet and peaceful with Clearwire, Sprint is counting on their spectrum for the future. And they will need to secure it a little better... Robert
  12. Sprint is deploying LTE over its entire network between now and Spring 2014. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. pear cocktail Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  14. pecan orchard Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  15. 41? That's two tenths of one percent of all posts! So, only 99.8% of all posts are by men... Robert
  16. And I wasn't trying to lump you into the "naysayer" category. I mean Sprint naysayers in general. But I can see why you may think I was referring to you. And I definitely agree that Sprint will have a higher LTE adoption rate than VZW. How much higher? We are all speculating at this point. However, it is going to take some time for Sprint to catch up to Verizon's LTE deployment rate. Even if Sprint customers do it at double the rate, it will still take 12 months for Sprint to get to the same adoption level. Robert
  17. The problem with WiMax and moving more is a handoff issue and the spotty coverage caused by 2600MHz propagation, constantly going in and out of coverage. Sprint's LTE network will be superior at LTE to LTE handoffs and will have much more solid coverage after each market is completed. The difference will be night and day. Robert
  18. The only reference I can recall seeing is in LTE FIT reports that say that the each of the OEM's can support 3MHz channel LTE. I don't remember anything speaking about devices. Robert
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