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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. These procurement consortiums are all the latest rage for government agencies. We have similar outfits here in New Mexico that School Districts use to purchase things. In aggregate, 89 New Mexico School Districts have much more buying power as one group than they do individually. This sounds like exactly the same concept on a much larger scale. Robert
  2. Maybe someone will respond to you. But I assure you that my comments in that thread are based on real world observations that are what members and social media followers have been saying to me for months in comments, posts, threads, PM's, etc. They are not my personal machinations or flights of fancy on my part. Robert
  3. Thanks! I won't have my GNex for a few weeks still. So I'm giving advice blindly! Robert
  4. I feel for your circumstance. But unfortunately for the long run, you will likely need to figure something else out. In order to keep unlimited for smartphones, Sprint will have to crack down on tethering. Usage limits for hotspots and data cards are going to be sticking around. If you must stay with a mobile broadband ISP, then you will likely have to find a way to stay within a usage threshold of 5GB or 10GB some time in the future. Robert
  5. I did a write up about this in another thread recently: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/825-network-woes-fixes/page__pid__14438#entry14438 Robert
  6. Try your Debug screen the next time when you are cycling through LTE. You get there by pressing ##DEBUG# in your phone dialer. In a LTE device, they may not even have a LTE section in the DEBUG menu. I don't know. But it's worth checking out. Robert
  7. Cleaned up the Athens thread to stay on topic and moved the other topic posts to here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/886-network-visionunlimited-ltecarrier-aggregation-moved-from-athens-ga-thread/
  8. This thread was separated out of the Athens GA LTE thread, which was going off-topic: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/844-athens-ga-lte/
  9. What happens when you try to use LTE there? Does it show anything in the DEBUG screens saying it is trying to connect? Do you see it flash through the signal indicator? Just curious what happens when a LTE device tries to connect to a live site that Sprint is blocking. Respond when you get a chance. Robert
  10. If you are a heavy user, performance is likely a very important factor. And Sprint hasn't been a network performance leader the past 18 months. Hopefully, these heavy users at Verizon and AT&T have been "reprogrammed" and don't consume data the way they used to. I would hate to see a large influx of new system hogs invade the unlimited LTE network. It just will mean draconian limitations for us sooner than later. Robert
  11. With buffering ahead in a streaming experience, there should be no issues handing off between LTE carriers, or even LTE Advanced carriers, from a streaming performance standard. However, if you are in a position where you were not buffered ahead very far, you may notice handoffs. Robert
  12. You raise an interesting conundrum that I don't think Sprint has fully thought through. And this could possibly derail unlimited for the long run, but... With unlimited LTE, Sprint LTE speeds are going to be faster than approx. 75% - 80% of their customers home ISP's. Many people may try to abandon their Home ISP's and try to exploit Sprint LTE for home service, or like in your case, why use a local ISP limited to 600k or 1.5Mbps upload speeds? Many people will jump on the Sprint LTE to do uploads with their 5-10Mbps upload speeds. Even I might be tempted. I only have 600kbps upload at my home myself. I expect Sprint to crack down on unauthorized tethering on their new LTE network. The new network has ample controls to indentify tetherers. I don't see the status quo being maintained. And they are going to have to implement something to preserve the new network. Sprint does not have the spectrum resources to be a Home ISP for even 20% of its data customers. Robert
  13. I don't disagree with your logic and conclusions. But when you consider that there is no capacity gain with carrier aggregation, there is only speed gain, why bother? This is just my opinion of course. Just one lone voice of many. But I don't have any interest in losing battery life for more speed that I don't need. 3-5Mbps meets my needs. 10-15Mbps is just gravy, to me. 30Mbps wireless speeds? It's hyperbole in my opinion. Why should carriers pay so much money for the extra speeds? Customers are not going to pay more for it. That's for darn sure. Look at home ISP's. When there is a la carte pricing based on speed, the lion share of customers purchase speeds less than 10Mbps. If we did the same with mobile and institued speed based a la carte pricing, I bet consumers would not care one peep about 20, 30, 50Mbps mobile speeds. They would pick something that meets their needs. Like 5 to 10 Mbps. If I owned a wireless company, I would go with 5x5 carriers and just keep adding for capacity. Market why it's better to have an unlimited 10Mbps network that meets your needs and avoid CA. All just my opinion. Robert
  14. S4GRU


    Its probably the only significant negative about the EVO LTE. But the 'pro' column is chock full of items. The battery isn't enough to stop me from buying one, but it is a bummer. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  15. You can't. The FCC has broken down 800 into uplink and downlink sections. TDD would require FCC approval and then larger guard bands would be needed so as to not interfere with adjacent usage. This would waste spectrum and not really feasible and would have no discernable benefit. Clearwire TD-LTE is already being designed to seamlessly handoff to Sprint FD-LTE. So no issues there. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  16. being serviced Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  17. It depends on your needs and the market you are in. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  18. S4GRU


    Yeah, they source XDA at the bottom of their article. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  19. LTE Carrier Aggregation is not the panacea its being heralded. It causes significant device battery drain and prevents the use of MIMO in smartphones. I personally think deploying 5x5 LTE carriers is more than sufficient with Sprint spectrum. It performs more than acceptably and exceeds the needs of 95% of customers. Maybe even more. Sprint's 5MHz LTE is faster than most of their customers home ISP's! And it is way faster than smartphones can even appreciate and handle. I think customers will really be more than happy with 10-15 Mbps LTE speeds. Any faster than that is just a pecker size contest. Sprint should reject carrier aggregation and just focus on more carriers (and spectrum) for capacity. Clearwire should also avoid CA and just deploy 20MHz TD-LTE carriers. They will exceed VZW speeds. That should be enough for bragging rights. What would you rather have? A fast Sprint LTE device with a battery that lasts all day? Or a blazing fast Sprint LTE device with carrier aggregation that will last half a day? For me the choice is easy. No carrier aggregation. I just think consumers are going to reject speeds beyond 10-15Mbps soon. It will just be bragging rights on paper only. It will have no real usable difference for smartphone users. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  20. In some places where they have 850MHz, it can be very good (like here in NM). In places where thetly just use PCS (like Dallas) it is the same as Sprint. In fact, Sprint will be better than VZW at NV sites in places where VZW only uses PCS, because Sprint is installing radios up high behind their antennas in Network Vision for an approximate 20% signal/propagation gain. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
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