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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I'm not sure I follow you. However, a WiMax device cannot have it's WiFi antenna and software be modified to run LTE. It takes a LTE device to be able to modify it that way. But I am probably completely misunderstanding what you are trying to say. Robert
  2. Definitely looks like a legacy Sprint CDMA tower. Thanks for sharing. Robert
  3. The one thing I wanted definite confirmation on was the American bound LTE processor? Is this quad core LTE capable, or are they going with the S4 like so many rumors have said. Did anyone else see this answered definitively? Maybe I missed it? Robert
  4. If we take the comments from Clearwire's CEO at face value and extremely literally, then we could conclude that any LTE device that has a WiFi antenna and a chipset and modem that support TD-LTE could be modified to run on Clearwire's TD-LTE network. I would love to hear more info on it though. Because as of today, the only place I've seen anyone say that is the quote referenced in this thread. On another note, we have seen lots of things from Sprint and Clearwire relating to TD-LTE, but I have yet to see anything that confirms the concept of going back and getting existing LTE devices an update to run on the 2500 TD-LTE network. But I am intrigued at the thought. I don't think it is a big deal to resubmit it to the FCC for testing of the new frequencies. But in the case of the EVO LTE, if there was a way to modify the device with an OTA to make it run Clearwire TD-LTE, then they would have to get it tested through the FCC before pushing that OTA. Robert
  5. Absolutely it can be. Signal strength at a distance like that is very dependent on down tilt, or you may be perfectly situated between sectors. If you have line of site to a tower at 1.8 miles you probably would lose only one or two bars on most signal strength indicators. However, if the downtilt was aimed just short of your location, you could drop to as low as one or two bars on your signal strength indicator. Dense foliage and your building type of construction can make a difference too. Robert
  6. And that is a very reasonable approach. As a device MOD'er myself, that's what I would expect Sprint to expect from me. However, anything greater than that is overkill by the carrier IMO. Robert
  7. The information in the article is all we have to release at this time. Robert
  8. No. Work to start in July and 4G On-Air date in August for that site. Robert
  9. I don't know why. It didn't say "why" where it was referenced. Maybe it's because the 800 1xA hardware is not compatible with the older ground based RRU's? But I am being wildly speculative with that. Robert
  10. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  11. sniffing glue Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. News Radio Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. This is a great question, that I've never seen anyone ask. In docs I have seen for the Chicago market, they are installing 800 CDMA on every site except the dozen or so where they cannot use RRU's. For some reason ground radio units means no 800 CDMA in Network Vision...at least in Chicago. I assume this is the case in all markets, but I do not have the details for other markets the way I do for Chicago. 800 LTE is only being installed on approximately 80% - 85% of sites according to plans now. But those carriers won't start coming online until the second half of next year. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  14. fast car Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  15. Someone already made a donation in his name last night. Sandman, welcome to the Sponsor level. We hope you get back on your feet soon. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  16. ceramic bisque Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  17. Napolean Dynamite Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
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