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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Broken Arrow Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. I couldn't do it without my team, our wonderful sponsors and most importantly...our sources. Thanks for the thanks! Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. Haven't heard any updates since my last article on it. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-166-sprint-battling-network-vision-deployment-woes-in-the-windy-city/ Robert
  4. If Sprint's NV Schedule holds for May, the maps below show 627 LTE sites that should come live in May 2012. These maps does not include 3G only sites that will go live in the same period. It's possible that sites will go also live in Boston, Chicago and DC too dependent on backhaul and 4G data center connections. S4GRU Sponsors can view interactive versions of these maps by following this link. Also, Sponsors can follow along as we show progress throughout the month in our NV Complete Sites thread.
  5. Great info. Thanks for the update! Robert
  6. And I live with that regret every day. That's why I won't let the Kindle Fire escape me when it goes on sale. I've learned that lesson!!! Robert
  7. In my previous life I worked in hotel development. Up until October 2009. Robert
  8. It's my understanding that the contract Sprint has with Clearwire prohibits Clearwire from throttling Sprint customers. However, Sprint can have their customers throttled. It's just that Clearwire cannot make that determination themselves of a Sprint customer. However, Clearwire can do whatever they want with their own customers. And often does. Robert
  9. With a solid LTE network, Sprint should have no problems maintaining truly unlimited smartphone data for a long time...even with partners, MVNO's and prepaid divisions. Especially considering the deep spectrum resources that Sprint can exploit in Clearwire. However, unauthorized tethering will likely start being cracked down on. AT&T now sends messages to users devices when they are doing unauthorized tethering. I expect Sprint to first crack down on heavy unauthorized tetherers, and will likely then move on to crack down on all unauthorized tetherers if they have to. Using LTE as an unlimited home ISP is not going to be allowed by any network. We don't have enough spectrum to do that except in probably rural and remote tertiary markets. The people who have enjoyed that in the past just need to be happy for the years they were able to do that. It's just a luxury that will not be sustainable in the future. Robert
  10. What part of LTE do you think is mostly hype? You seriously think LTE speeds are going to plummet to less than 100kbps like EVDO??? The reason why EVDO was not upgraded the past two years was because Network Vision was coming. Sprint tried to not upgrade EVDO only to turn around and upgrade it again in only two years. Most think that was a mistake now. But that issue is not directly transferrable to their LTE deployment and network. Where did you hear that Sprint is feeding Network Vision/LTE sites with T1's? Not here. We have been reporting through articles and our forums that Sprint is upgrading to fiber/microwave/AAV backhaul in Network Vision. If Sprint connected LTE to T1 lines, it would be limited to 1.5Mbps speeds. Because that's what T1's max out at. However, the live LTE sites being reported about now are pushing 20Mbps+. Sprint has a clear plan for additional LTE capacity, that is way better than AT&T has, and even better than Verizon has all things considered. Robert
  11. S4GRU


    Unfortunately I get them inconsistently. It would be nice to get them weekly. hint, hint, cough, cough Robert
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