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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. By my understanding, Mid Year is from June through August. I wouldn't expect Sprint to say anything about Baltimore prior to official market launch. Which is expected in July for this market. Robert
  2. We are working on an Orlando schedule update article. It should publish in the not too distant future. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com. Robert
  3. I guess I can see why someone could draw that conclusion. However, when Dan Hesse announced the first six markets, he did so off a schematic schedule. The final detailed site by site schedule was not available at that time. So compared to a verbal announcement of the preliminary schematic schedule, someone could deduct they are behind schedule. However, I am holding Sprint to the initial detailed baseline schedule to monitor progress. That didn't finish up until February for the first and second round markets...after the Hesse market announcements. And using that data, in some markets they are on schedule, some they are slightly behind schedule...and in Chicago they look like they are on track to getting ahead of schedule. In these schedule update articles, we are judging them against their detailed site schedules to determine how they are doing. A market launch is very subjective. Whether it is 50%, 40% or 60%, it doesn't much matter. A launch is just a PR blitz saying, come on in, the water is fine. Go swimming. Robert
  4. Try it again. I changed the settings the other day in IP Board that was accidentally blocking members from uploading anything to most forums. It wasn't a Forum Runner issue, it was a Robert issue. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. dingle berries Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  6. Sprint does not offer any home service with its LTE. Unlimited data is for smartphones use only. Sprint data cards and MiFis have data caps based on the plan you choose. So unless you can consume all your data using a smartphone, and not tethering (which would be a violation), then using Sprint LTE for home service probably is not going to work for you. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  7. And yet I haven't I haven't experienced any of these issues. I played my "Galaxy S II" variant through all kinds of speakers, including playing music through a forty speaker church sound system on Wednesdays and Sundays. But it would be disengenious to say I haven't encountered any bugs, but all these serious issues you cite cannot be all that common, because I have never experienced them on several Android devices. I have had slow GPS locking on my E4GT when I first got it, but it was corrected in a radio update. This was a Samsung issue and not an Android issue though. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  8. Captain Kangaroo Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  9. tequila worm Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  10. second shooter Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  11. Ft. Wayne/South Bend Status: LTE Launched/NV Upgrades Complete/LTE Deployment Continues NV Sites Accepted = 100% LTE Sites Accepted = 97% LTE Launched = January 28, 2013 (South Bend launched 11/26/2012) Original Scheduled Completion = April 2013 Complete = August 2013
  12. Sprint is using a multi-modal panel that includes 800/1900 CDMA/LTE in one panel. Most sites, they are installing only one panel per sector. However, there are a few really dense sites that I have seen two panels per sector. If you see the large panels, they have RRU's behind them, and there are still thinner, smaller PCS panels also on the same rung, then there is a good chance they are NV. If they are all by themselves, they are likely AT&T. If you have some pics, we can help identify. Robert
  13. by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, June 14, 2012 - 6:33 PM MDT Next stop, Baltimore! S4GRU continues our Network Vision/LTE deployment schedule update series with "The Greatest City in America." I didn't come up with that Motto, but I did read it on Wikipedia. So it must be true! Back in February, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse broke the news that Baltimore will be launched with Network Vision and LTE in Mid-2012. The Baltimore market essentially covers all of Maryland, except for the portions in the Sprint Washington DC market and Western Maryland which is mostly served by Sprint Affiliate Shentel. Sprint's Network Vision OEM Alcatel/Lucent has been actively deploying in the Baltimore market since March and is making good progress. As of this week, there are approximately 55 Network Vision sites that have completed upgrades. These sites are pretty spread out around the market, from Inner City Baltimore, out to the suburbs, one in Annapolis and even three out on the Eastern Shore! Network Vision Sites in the Baltimore market. More than fifty Network Vision sites are complete in the market. Market Launch and Remaining Schedule It was Sprint's original plan to launch markets when they reached 50% of sites converted to Network Vision. However, in recently seen correspondence, Sprint has decided to move up launches sooner than 50% completion. This is likely to maintain a Mid 2012 launch in markets that have already been announced...like Baltimore. If they waited for 50% now, it would delay launch until September. In the case of the Baltimore market, should Sprint launch by Mid July, they would only be complete with approximately 25% to 30% of all NV sites. This doesn't sound like a lot, but it would provide pretty good coverage. A little known item is not even Verizon launches on all sites in a market initially. Usually less than 50%, then filling in with more and more sites every few months. At market launch, some areas will be well covered with LTE, and others may be kind of spotty. However, more sites will come online every week until the whole market is complete. And even with one or two bars of LTE signal on your device, you will still get speeds that are double to triple that of well performing 3G EVDO in most instances. Anticipated Sites Complete at Market Launch. According to the Network Vision schedules that S4GRU has reviewed, if Sprint launched the market in Mid July, these are the anticipated sites that would likely have LTE complete at that time. This would provide fairly good LTE coverage over many parts of the market. Sprint is not reporting any of these live Network Vision sites in Baltimore are currently broadcasting 4G LTE, only 3G EVDO. According to the NV schedule, these should have started coming online in May with LTE. However, none have shown up as LTE active to date. This most likely means that either the backhaul is not quite ready to service 4G LTE, or the 4G cores that these sites are tied to are not quite ready for LTE traffic. A huge backlog of LTE sites will probably come online in this market suddenly when the network is ready. The bottom line... We currently do not have a date that Sprint will formally "launch" the Baltimore market. We believe they are targeting a launch month of July based on reports internally within Sprint. Currently Sprint continues to block LTE connections by its customers with LTE devices. Hopefully by the time LTE is ready at these Baltimore sites, Sprint will have stopped their LTE blocking schemes. Sprint's schedule for this market currently has 55 Network Vision sites complete. Alcatel/Lucent is continuing to progress and should increase the production rate up to 60 sites per month from here forward. S4GRU has poured over the schedule in this market and sees a December 2012 completion date. In our estimation of the schedule, it appears that Alcatel/Lucent is only slightly behind in the market and looks good to completing on time. Photo of Baltimore Inner Harbor provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. NOTE: S4GRU Sponsor Members can track regular updates of Network Vision sites completed nationwide. Completed sites are shown in an interactive Google Maps interface. Information about sponsorship can be found here: S4GRU Sponsorship
  14. The Columbus market is not listed yet. It will not begin until some time in 2013. Robert
  15. Sounds good. I could go for that. Who is BIGAPPLEDUDE? Robert
  16. This has always been the plan, and has been discussed in many S4GRU news articles and forum posts. Sprint is typically doing this in every market. Network Vision is not just slapping up some LTE service and driving away. They are tearing down and replacing every single piece of equipment and cabling at every site. The only thing not being replaced is the tower itself. There is a huge learning curve with Network Vision, it allows crews to train on low density populations. So they are essentially making the lower population areas that cover larger areas the guinea pigs. They are rapidly moving inward now. Chicago needs to brace itself. NV is a bumpy ride in this market. But they payoff in the end will be worth it. Robert
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