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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Thanks for all your patience. We have finally caught up with a few housekeeping items long requested: S4GRU Guidelines and Sponsorship Information threads. Over in the General Topics section of The Forums there are now two threads for these items. See the links below: S4GRU Posting Guidelines (a.k.a. The Rulez) Information about S4GRU Sponsorship levels and how to become a Sponsor Thanks! Robert S4GRU Administrator
  2. The worst part of the bug, is it doesn't matter what password you enter, it won't let you in! Robert
  3. I like Forum Runner better. Tapatalk has a bug that makes it difficult to access Sponsor forums. It prompts you for a password. The ability to zoom images is an advantage I was not aware of. I like your new auto signature. Awesome!!! Robert
  4. Night Court I don't know why, but I loved that show!
  5. by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, June 14, 2012 - 12:59 PM MDT S4GRU keeps rolling on with our Network Vision/LTE deployment schedule update series. Now we want to tell you what we know about the Kansas market, which makes up the KC Metro Area, Western Missouri and the State of Kansas. Back in February, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse told us all how the Kansas market will be launched with Network Vision and LTE in Mid-2012. Sprint's Network Vision OEM Ericsson has been steadily deploying around the Kansas market. As of this week, there are approximately 30 Network Vision sites broadcasting a LTE signal. These sites are all around the Kansas City area and extending out to St. Joseph and Sedalia, Missouri. Network Vision Sites in the Kansas market. Thirty sites are complete in the market. All of these broadcasting Sprint LTE, but being blocked from accessibility by Sprint. 30 Live LTE Sites, but still being blocked by Sprint Despite the good news of these live LTE sites, Sprint is still actively blocking LTE connections. They originally planned to allow sites converted to Network Vision standards to go live immediately upon completion by the OEM Contractor. This is still the case with 3G EVDO and even CDMA 800 sites when they are completed. In Sprint's original Network Vision plans, they were also planning to allow 4G LTE signals to be handled the same way. Turn them on and allow them to be discovered prior to the formal market launch at 50% site completion. Market Launch and Remaining Schedule In recently seen correspondence, Sprint has decided to move up launches sooner than 50% completion. This is likely to maintain a Mid 2012 launch in markets that have already been announced...like Kansas City. If they waited for 50% now, it would delay launch until September. In the case of the KC market, should Sprint launch by Mid July, they would only be complete with approximately 25% to 30% of all NV sites. This doesn't sound like a lot, but it would provide pretty good coverage. A little known item is not even Verizon launches on all sites in a market initially. Usually less than 50%, then filling in with more and more sites every few months. Anticipated Sites Complete at Market Launch. According to the Network Vision schedules that S4GRU has reviewed, if Sprint launched the market in Mid July, these are the anticipated sites that would have LTE complete at that time. This would provide fairly good LTE coverage over many parts of the market. At market launch, some areas will be well covered with LTE, and others may be kind of spotty. However, more sites will come online every week until the whole market is complete. And even with one or two bars of LTE signal on your device, you will still get speeds that are double to triple that of well performing 3G EVDO in most instances. And speaking of 3G EVDO, Sprint is not reporting any of these live Network Vision sites are currently broadcasting EVDO, only LTE. According to the NV schedule, these should have started coming online in May. However, none have shown up as NV 3G active to date. We know the new backhaul is in place at these sites since they are broadcasting LTE. That most likely means that the Switch Center is not ready for these sites. A huge backlog of 3G sites will probably come online in this market suddenly when the network is ready. The bottom line... We currently do not have a date that Sprint will formally "launch" the Kansas market. We believe they are targeting a launch month of July based on reports internally within Sprint. However, we hope that they will actually remove LTE blocking before the launch, since there are quite a few active LTE sites that can be used now in this market. Sprint's Network Vision schedule for this market currently has 30 Network Vision sites complete. Ericsson is plotting continual progress from here with production ramping up to a rate of almost 60 sites per month. S4GRU has poured over the schedule in this market and sees a December 2012 completion date. In our estimation of the schedule, it appears that Ericsson is behind in the market. But with the rate the schedule is supposed to pick up in June, Ericsson can certainly finish on time. We don't know how much longer Sprint LTE device holders will be denied access to active sites. However, we hope that Sprint lifts the connection ban for you soon. Photo of Kansas City provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. NOTE: S4GRU Sponsor Members can track regular updates of Network Vision sites completed nationwide. Completed sites are shown in an interactive Google Maps interface. Information about sponsorship can be found here: S4GRU Sponsorship
  6. S4GRU

    Hello der

    No problem. In my post, AJ and I were typing in reference to an inside joke. I don't sprechen sie Deutsche. Robert
  7. We are trying. So far, it's working out. We have chased off or converted all the trouble makers to date. Robert
  8. Now they just need to execute! From here forward, the number of sites complete in the schedule ramps up every month between now and November. Then they hit their stride and continue at roughly the same rate through completion. I hope this is the beginning of the ramp up as the schedule shows. Robert
  9. No matter what, the problem is temporary. It most likely can be fixed by software, with an OTA. But even if it is a hardware issue, then HTC is going to have to ship everyone new devices to replace them with one that does work. That is so painful to consider, that I just don't even want to think about it. Let's get back to thinking about an OTA. Robert
  10. I love S4GRU and all the different backgrounds of knowledge everyone has. I am sitting back and learning things myself from my own website. This is great. Thanks to everyone for their contributions to this thread. I am very happy with where we have progressed to. It's exceeded my wildest expectations. Robert
  11. This is my thinking too. I am really debating writing the article. I think this one would get picked up big time. However, if Sprint is near a fix with HTC, I don't want to broadcast something like that. Tough call. Robert
  12. We update maps as we get the info from sources. I have no idea when to expect them, nor do I have any idea about any more Central Jersey sites other than what is on this map. Sorry. Robert
  13. I do not know of any NV work being started yet in the RDU market. I am sorry that I do not have more information at this time. Robert
  14. Hammond was a Samsung FIT. So it is an active test area for Samsung and Sprint. I am unsure when the testing will end. Likely soon. The signal is constant in your area. When it appears, it is no longer being blocked. When it goes away, it's back in blocking mode. I hope for you it ends sooner than later. But I do not have more details than this at this time. Robert
  15. Yes, in the OP it says this list is a "Work in Progress." And work had not progressed much since LTE started coming out. I've been swamped! There are many Protection Sites live in Mizzeruh. Robert
  16. I have added clarification in the OP. I have been asked repeatedly in this thread and in PM's. The sites are only new adds expected in June and does not include previous sites reported live. To me, it makes no sense to create a June schedule map and include previous month live sites. If I kept that logic, it would get crazier and crazier every month. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  17. Monster drink Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  18. S4GRU


    This looks more like my usage. I'm a pretty heavy user. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  19. I find the Galaxy Nexus is the easiest to hold and use of the new large phones. It feels more slender than an EVO in a lot of ways. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  20. Scott, Dave and I don't have that luxury. We even have to see what the dopes are typing. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  21. I understand your frustrations. I also think that Sprint should stop blocking LTE connections. But Sprint is not trying to tease you. If they had their way, no one would have been able to connect during the period when you did. However, when the OEM completes LTE on a site, they do have to make it live for a little while to test and make sure it is fully functioning for the customer. Then they call Sprint and tell them its ready for Sprint to take over control. The first thing Sprint does when they take control is modify the SID to start blocking LTE connections. I, personally, would rather be able to connect and try things out in that brief period, then to openly complain about it. If Sprint sees a lot of people complaining about having LTE show up for a day or two then disappear, they will start ordering the OEM's to start blocking the site connections themselves. And none of us will be able to use LTE until launch. And this would really tick off some people. Because sometimes Sprint forgets to block some sites. As far as the GS3 being another device without LTE...that's very short sighted. I suppose you will think that GS3 will have LTE when LTE shows up in your neighborhood, right? Until then, it does not. Even if the entire DFW market has LTE, there will be millions and millions of Sprint customers without LTE. Would you say that a GS3 on Verizon doesn't have LTE? Yet, there are millions of VZW customers who still don't have LTE two years later. Would it be legitimate for them to say the new GS3 is yet another VZW device without LTE coverage? Same goes for ATT, which even has less customers covered with LTE than Verizon. Sprint is not surprising anyone about the state of their LTE. They have not oversold their LTE network. Heck, Sprint doesn't even advertise their LTE network at all. All their device advertisements are about the devices, not about their blazing LTE capabilities. You wouldn't even know the devices had LTE in them, except for in their titles. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  22. We will have an update article regarding the South Bay market soon. Stay tuned to our articles section at S4GRU.com. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  23. I love it. Banlandia!! Woot! Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
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