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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I need to change that verbiage. I have since learned more about the deployment since then and that is not completely accurate. Backhaul is one of the biggest factors in a market start. Sprint has dozens of backhaul contractors working around the country. The backhaul is not being performed by the NV OEM's. But enough needs to be complete before they can get started in any market. This is one of the biggest causes of issues in the SF Bay market. Almost all of the work in each market is being done by subcontractors hired by each OEM. The OEM acts like a general contractor, managing the work performed by the subcontractors. The OEM also provides the equipment. OEM's have hired many subcontractors. Sometimes a sub will work in several markets for that OEM, sometimes only one. For the most part, preceding markets do not have a lot of effect on the market starts in the next round. Only if the OEM doesn't have the people to manage the new market because they are tied up handling issues at the previous market. Or in the case of a carry over subcontractor. I think I will go clear up the language in the NV Running thread. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  2. IMHO, this is a good time for Network Vision and LTE deployment. However, the network.sprint.com improvements should have started two years ago and they should have kept up with it. Then customers wouldn't be so antsy waiting for NV. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  3. Lady Godiva Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  4. Dropped 20 to 30 calls a day? You must be a heavy user. I don't think I use my phone for calls 20 to 30 times per month! Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  5. chicken bullion Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  6. 003 here too. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  7. For my personal situation, for four devices, it would be 300 per month on VZW if we share a 10GB data plan. Which is about approximately how much we use for four devices now. In comparison, I pay 198 per month with Sprint for four lines with my 25% discount. VZW offers me a 15% discount, and assuming they took it off everything, that would still be 67 more per month for me. The last time I did a VZW price comparison, the difference was approximately 75 per month with everyone getting 2GB plans in my family, but me getting 5GB. So the family plan doesn't offer much of a discount. Its more of a convenience to pool data. However, adding a tablet to the pool looks really cheap. As well as the USB/MiFis. And the ability to WiFi tether against your data allotment is a good idea that many people have been clamoring for. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  8. Great idea! Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  9. S4GRU


    I'm getting so sick of Facebook. My pages are now littered with posts and photos from my friends' friends. I scoured for a setting to stop that, but it doesn't seem to be changeable. Like I care that one of my friends likes a photo from a friend of theirs in Ireland. Facebook is so off course and getting more and more irrelevent. I may just cancel my FB account. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  10. Silver Ghost Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  11. S4GRU

    NYC LTE updates?

    I will check it all out the next time I get in front of a computer. Thanks. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  12. short bus Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  13. There is no tried and true method to determine the order of LTE markets. But this is the closest thing to a pattern: First up are Primary Sprint markets, regardless of whether they have WiMax. These are the most important because they have the most Sprint customers. Second up are non WiMax secondary markets. It seems Sprint thought they should go to the larger markets where WiMax was never deployed next. And this makes a lot of sense. Third are secondary markets that do have WiMax. These are places like Denver, Columbus, Rochester, Sacramento, and even Vegas. I guess Sprint figures these markets at least already have WiMax, so they should probably do places like San Diego, Memphis, Indianapolis...and maybe even Phoenix, Tucson and Milwaukee first. Because these customers have never had a 4G deployment at all. Last is everything else left over. And like I mentioned in the first line of this post, this is not always true. However, as someone who looks at this data a lot, this is the only thing even closely resembling a pattern in how Sprint determined where NV/LTE goes in order. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  14. Garden Party Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  15. tanked redneck Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  16. Yes. We have many Network Vision schedule maps in the Premier Sponsor section. Here is the link: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1043-network-vision-site-schedule-map-chicago/ More info about becoming a Premier Sponsor: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/announcements/s4gru-member-ranks-and-groups-r20 Robert
  17. Deployment will not begin in Vegas until 2013. Robert
  18. Its more of a spacing issue than anything. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  19. Only 40% of Clearwire sites are colocated with Sprint. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  20. We will have a Minnesota schedule update article in the next few weeks. Stay tuned. Everywhere that gets Sprint 3G service now will get LTE. The real question is when, not so much where. Did you miss the map in my OP that shows several new Central Jersey sites??? Did you miss my article I posted last night? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-263-houston-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-update/ Robert
  21. Work in Seattle has not begun. We will have a schedule update on this market in the next few weeks. Stay tuned. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  22. pepper spray Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
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