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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. No. Charleston is in the GA/SC Coast market. We are not aware of any work starting yet in this market. But probably will this Spring. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. Unfortunately, there is no typical. I have seen a site start and then go live in 3 weeks. But that is unusual. I have seen it be 4 months from start until LTE goes live. But that is unusual too. It also varies from OEM's. Maybe I would say Ericsson on average is 7-10 weeks. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. Yes please. I really enjoy before and after photos. Thanks! Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  4. I have seen several Nextel iDEN only sites with only Sprint posted. Especially in Texas. Quite common, especially at post merger sites. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  5. I thought we all used "S4GRUFTW" as our WiFi password? Oh well. I use FBIsurveillance as my SSID's. Even though it provides no real additional security, I like the concept of messing with peoples minds. Additionally, I don't think most people want to jump on a WiFi titled FBIsurveillance. I even use that SSID on my Tmo and VZW hotspots. I wish I could see all the reactions of people who have come across it. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  6. In fully deployed areas, Sprint LTE performs very well. Indoors and out. However, in early deployments scenarios, only every other, or every third site is converted and operating making for much thinner coverage. As site density matures with deployment, the signal will get stronger and the speeds will get faster, and the better the signal will penetrate buildings, etc. Robert
  7. Sensorly uses crowd sourced data. Whoever provided the data to Sensorly had only a 1x signal. It could be because the EVDO network was down that day. It could be because they were in 1x only mode on their device. Or it could be a Sensorly data harvesting error. Robert
  8. Probably not. Not at least on things that are visible. They may be working on backhaul. This is the first time we have ever received a Site Dispatch report. We didn't know if it meant work has started, or the request for work is being made. I appreciate you going to check it out for us, so we can know what these Site Dispatch reports mean. I would guess that it means that the OEM is notifying Sprint that these sites are ready and they are about to begin work. If you can check things out every few weeks when you are in the area, I would appreciate it. It would be a tremendous help. Robert
  9. Sprint is only planning to convert approx. 100 iDEN only sites to Network Vision CDMA/LTE. I'm hoping with the SoftBank investment, Mr. Son will convince Sprint to keep more. I once did a take off and only approx. 800-1000 iDEN only sites are outside of Sprint CDMA coverage. It would be great if they kept all these sites. Let us know when/if you take any photos. Thanks! Robert
  10. I'm not seeing Ericsson NV cabinets. I only saw what appeared to be legacy Sprint panels on the rung that appeared to be Sprint to me. Robert
  11. I don't feel comfortable pestering sources for specific info that way. I don't even ask about my market. I take what I'm given and only ask pertinent and on-topic follow up questions. Many of the people we deal with do not even know what they're looking at and wouldn't even understand my questions. Robert
  12. Thanks for the photos. The new cabinets look exactly like the new cabinets that were dropped off by Ericsson today at my site in New Mexico.
  13. You are right. I can't believe I did that. I am Captain Geography! Man, oh man, that really hurts!!! I'm facing South now. Maybe that's why I screwed it up? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! Robert
  14. I think the only intent of ISP's TOS prohibiting your neighbors from using your WiFi even with your permission is completely economical. They want your neighbors money too. Robert
  15. It's really tall. About 300'. And the gauge of materials feels kind of wimpy for such a boomer. Also, winds can be ferocious in the area. I live between two tall parallel mountain ranges. The Sangre de Cristos to the East get above 13,000 feet, and the Jemez Mountains to the West are over 11,000'. Winds from the North get funneled in between the ranges. Especially in late Winter and through the Spring. Additionally, my cell is very small for a rural site. The seam to the next cell to the north is 3/4 of a mile and the seam to the south is about 2 miles. My sector only covers about 30 homes and 2 miles of rural highway. And all my neighbors use Verizon. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on my sector. That's another reason why I'm shocked to see my site up first. I figured it would be last. It has to be one of the least used sites in New Mexico. Anyways, even at the seam edge of my site, signal is still -82dBm or better for 1x and EVDO. We don't need 800MHz on this site at all. Don't need it for capacity, penetration or distance. I'm sure I will never see a TD-LTE hotspot at this site either. As wonderful as 90Mbps speeds would be. Also, I would prefer LTE where I go, not at my house. I have WiFi at my house. But it will aid in LTE device testing. That's for sure. But I am not going to look a gift horse (gift Hesse) in the mouth! It actually may make sense to kick off deployment at a site in a new market in one of the least used sites. That way, as workers are in the learning curve and more prone to make mistakes, they will affect the least amount of customers. I look forward to all the pains everyone has encountered with NV deployment so far. I'm still shocked. But smiling from ear to ear. I would have expected 12/27/2013 before 12/27/2012. Robert
  16. Yes, work is just starting in this market. You probably will not see any evidence of work for a few weeks and the first LTE signals in a few months. Robert
  17. We have a non Sponsor thread for actitivty in the Austin market (which includes San Marcos) here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2092-network-visionlte-austin-market/ Additionally, our Austin topic in the Sponsor section is one of the most happening threads in all of S4GRU. We have some very committed wireless nerds in that thread. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  18. We only accept donations via PayPal or you can mail a check to me. If you want to mail a check, send me a PM. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  19. Not on my site. Sites with Ground Based RRU's don't get 800MHz deployment based on info I've seen in the past. And the guy at the site today confirmed that. I do have a list of which sites get Ground Based RRU's for about 2/3 of markets. I will be posting that info in the Premier Sponsor thread soon. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  20. I just stopped at the Los Lunas site. There are no new cabinets or RRU's or panels present. But it looks like a new MW radome was installed with conduits running to the Sprint cabinets. Oddly, this site has four sectors. I've never seen that before. It looks like it was a two sector highway site originally and they added sectors facing the two opposite directions from the highway when demand required it. Los Lunas was a rapid growth area in New Mexico until the recession. I will go to the Los Alamos/White Rock site tomorrow to see what I can see. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  21. I have made reference to my site on dozens of posts and where I live. Its pretty public knowledge for anyone looking. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  22. It is such an obscure site, it almost seems impossible to be coincidence. Of all sites to begin of the 500 in this market. It seems unfathomable. Robert
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