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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I'm so happy for you all in the NOLA market. I think I'm just as excited as you all are. The Red Stick is next!!! Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. Small cells are exterior systems designed to cover a block to one square mile. Add extra capacity for high usage areas and infill in low signal areas. Its to help provide more capacity without expensive macro site cell splitting or buying more spectrum. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. no dice Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  4. Nextel runs its own separate iDEN network. iDEN is their PTT network. It will start being decommissioned on July 1, 2013. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  5. Yes. Sprint will be adding LTE 800 to approx. 80% of their sites starting in the 2nd half of 2013. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  6. I may be wrong about this, but it's been my understanding is that it is not a problem that your device is previously listed in another carrier's database, but that it is not listed in the new carriers database. And getting them to add a device from another carrier to their database is very difficult. And I also believe it needs a firmware flash. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  7. Yes, exactly. It costs Sprint a lot more to deploy so many sites. But the advantage is increased capacity. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  8. No problem. If that's the worst thing that happens today, then it was a very good day. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  9. Specifically? No. But probably in the next 30-60 days. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  10. Wow. That is not what I said at all. You will need to re-read that. If you have follow up questions about anything specifically, let me know. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  11. Yes. In places where there is already full site density deployment. I did LTE device testing in Wichita Falls, Texas over Thanksgiving weekend. On the north side of the city, the network is already fully deployed on almost all sites. In all the areas of full deployment, with a full strength LTE signal, Sprint LTE averaged 33Mbps. Verizon LTE averaged 20Mbps with a full signal. The peak speed achieved on Sprint LTE was 37.5Mbps. The peak speed on Verizon LTE never went above 25Mbps in all our testing. And this was with several devices. When we were outside areas of full deployment and did testing, Sprint had weaker signals and the speeds did fall to 3-10Mbps. In those areas, Verizon was still averaging 15-20Mbps, because they are fully deployed in those areas. When Sprint LTE is fully deployed in the same areas, the speeds will go up as well. Sprint's LTE on 1900 maxes out at 37.5Mbps speeds with a 5x5 LTE carrier. Which is more than sufficient. Sprint also is more likely to keep their speeds up because they will have a lot more network capacity in any given area because it takes more PCS 1900 sites than LTE on 750 (and Sprint has half the customers to serve from each site). Also, Sprint has more options for additional LTE carriers, because they only need to dig up spectrum for 5MHz channels, instead of wider 10MHz channels. Sprint has a solid LTE capacity advantage with its deployment. Except in very urban areas. In very urban areas, even 700MHz LTE carriers have to make their network dense. So Sprint does not have a density advantage in places like New York. But they will in places like LA, most of Chicago, and almost all other Top 100 markets. Robert
  12. I was speaking about Sprint, but you do raise a good point. Sprint will finish it's LTE deployment start to finish sooner than Verizon. And a lot of people bag on Sprint as if they can do it even faster than they are. Sprint's LTE deployment is far more complex than Verizon's, on almost double the sites. All things considered, Sprint is flying. And the deployment is unprecedented in wireless history, especially when you consider the scope of work. Robert
  13. Where I have been in New Mexico, Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska and Texas the past few months. Sprint LTE was equal or better to Verizon LTE in fully deployed areas of Waco and Wichita Falls, Texas in my extensive device testing. I have two Verizon LTE devices and a T-Mobile HSPA+ device. I do not live in a Sprint vacuum. I have steadily watched Verizon LTE speeds in the areas I go drop steadily. Originally 25Mbps+ in most places. Then down to 15. Then down to 10. Now averaging 3-6Mbps. Additionally, it is well known by posts all over the place that Verizon LTE speeds are falling and they are running out of capacity. There are dozens of posts about it here in our forums as well. It is less likely to be an issue though in very urban areas like NYC, because Verizon does have greater site density there than they do in suburban locations. Robert
  14. Someone sent me a PM about it last night. They think it is Site #OR54XC003, just south of Oxford. Robert
  15. No. Even in the Bronx they have only deployed on about every third site so far. Density will get greater and greater as deployment continues. When fully deployed, Sprint will likely equal or outperform Verizon and AT&T due to the greater site density. Verizon speeds have already started falling in many area. They are only above 10Mbps now in my area in the middle of the night. Robert
  16. Sprint has planned to only keep approximately 100 of the iDEN only sites out there. However, I hope with SoftBank investment, Sprint will rethink this strategy. I've estimated in an take off I did over a year ago, Sprint would need to keep less than 1,000 iDEN only sites in non CDMA coverage areas. 1,000 seems like a manageable number to keep and add to the the network and keep the coverage relatively unchanged for iDEN users commuting to Sprint CDMA/LTE. Robert
  17. I will be at the White Rock site at 4:30PM. White Rock gets very good coverage over about 3/4 of the area, except the back of Rover Blvd. and the back of Pajarito Acres near the canyon edge. But the main parts of White Rock and over near Overlook Park are good. But where it is bad, it is very bad. Robert
  18. Yes. I need to drive by and check things out. I'm currently at the office. Robert
  19. Wow. I've never exceeded 16Mbps on WiMax. That is admirable. Robert
  20. We have had no reports of working starting in La Crosse to date, but it should. Probably within the next 30-45 days at the most. Robert
  21. If you could take some photos of work in progress, we can confirm. We keep hearing reports of work occurring in Michigan, but we have yet to see bona fide evidence. You can post the pics in this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2262-network-visionlte-east-michigan-market-detroitflintann-arbortri-cities/page__st__160 Thanks! Robert
  22. Yes, I suppose. But LTE availability doesn't pay our S4GRU expenses. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  23. If Sprint wanted to make a sizable donation to our PayPal account, I wouldn't object. But it hasn't ever happened yet. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  24. Dear John Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
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