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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I did not see any comments with the speed test. So I didn't have the background information you just provided that makes the image seem relevant. It just appeared like a pointless slow speed test. We don't need to remove it since we understand it now. Robert
  2. What is the point of the post though? Please read the rules regarding speed test screen shots: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/ Robert
  3. It's also as high as 12Mbps in some places in Rapid City. And it's superb inside my home (where I don;t need it). My point though isn't that WCDMA fallback is never good. My point is that WCDMA fallback is not a good excuse to not build out your LTE network as the person I was responding to suggested. And since I use all wireless carriers, our members cannot ever pull the wool over my eyes. I know exactly how all the other networks perform personally. Robert
  4. Come here and join me in an AT&T area with no LTE and the wonderful HSPA+ (WCDMA) network that is great to fallback on. Right now I have to type this using my VZW hotspot, because this wonderful AT&T 3G (Faux G) has a 457ms ping and 300kbps speed here inside my office with a -78dBm RSSI. We AT&T customers just love falling back on their 3G. It is always awesome! Also, much of Tmo's WCDMA that does exist outside the cities is on T1's and they run as slow as Sprint 3G. Not much of a fallback in comparison to Verizon and Sprint 3G EVDO. The worst thing is to see the 4G icon and it runs at crippling speeds. Now you are changing your argument. You were comparing why VZW and Sprint had no choice but to move to LTE, but Tmo and AT&T have wonderful 3G fallbacks. Now you are essentially just changing to a Sprint sucks way of explaining the difference when your main point was largely disproven. iPhone 4/4S returns were not because of the difference between the difference in fallback on AT&T/Tmo versus Verizon/Sprint. It was just because of the poor condition of Sprint's 3G network. That is something completely different than what is being discussed in this thread and is off topic. In fact, it cheapens your original argument to use that. The fact that Sprint's legacy 3G network sucks is not a trump card for all intellectual debate. Robert
  5. Is it really a virtue to not upgrade to LTE at the rate you should simply because you have a better backup 3G network? AT&T and Tmo cannot be praised for upgrading and not upgrading. And Sprint and Verizon cannot be cursed for completely upgrading. Furthermore, Tmo does not even have ubiquitous 3G. And AT&T still has EDGE only in some embarrassing places too. Don't be so quick to overlook these significant issues with platitudes. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  6. It's getting to the point that I don't care about a degree anymore in positions I hire for. Granted, I don't work in the computer sciences, but most of the positions I manage require a bachelor's degree. And I waive that requirement all the time for people who have proven useful experience and training. Especially if they have good work ethic. It can be hard to get HR to properly screen my candidates, though. I just see so many people nowadays that have a bachelor's degree and have no practical knowledge or even concept of their career field. They never interned anywhere and expect not to start at an entry level position to get experience. I haven't hired someone with a degree and no experience in a long time. He didn't work out very well either. For any of you working on degrees now, I highly recommend you start working in your career field before you graduate. Even part time or as an intern. Don't try to walk out of the classroom and into a job, unless you are ready to start at the bottom and work your way up. The world is different now than it was 20 years ago when I was in school. There are people with experience you'll be competing with. Unless you do a very specialized and limited career field with more demand than qualified prospects. However, even if your position is in high demand, still find a good internship. It will help you stand out and help you to negotiate a better compensation package! Plus, you will start work knowing what you're doing and will master and thrive in your position much sooner. This will allow for better evaluations, raises and bonuses. It will also open up future advancement and other career opportunities sooner. It is better to come in and exceed everyone's expectations than to just meet them, or not quite meet them. First impressions are sometimes the only impressions that stay with some people. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  7. CDMA 800 will have greater range than LTE 800. But you will always have the ability to have Sprint LTE but roaming on 1x. Sites and sectors go down, and we are in a natural environment with tons of variables that can occur. Voice roaming while on Sprint native LTE will always happen to some extent until we have LTE only devices with voice over LTE networks in place. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  8. What's really exciting to consider, is it may not even be upgraded backhaul. Some legacy WiMax backhaul that is under burdened can even produce those kind of speeds. If that's the case, it may even get faster. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Yes, there are already hundreds of Band 41 (LTE 2600) sites live throughout Miami/Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. These are accessible to Triband LTE devices. More and more will go live throughout the next year or two. Robert
  10. In an LTE network with fiber backhaul, the problem is not the backhaul. It's the airlink. It can only handle so much. And some major users in each sector is enough to ruin the experience for many. In my opinion, WISP service and mobile wireless for smartphones should not be on the same network. The smartphone business IS SO HIGHLY COMPETITIVE right now. Smartphone customers think they need 50Mbps+ at every freaking second. And Sprint's competitors are able to get the tech media to constantly tell the world their networks are that fast. If Sprint burdens their B41 network with tons of WISP traffic, they will only be able to maintain 10-20Mbps (if they are aggressive with additional B41 carriers). And then Sprint will not be able to compete. The cost to the network is too damn high for Sprint to pursue the WISP business, in my opinion. Sure, they will get those people who want cheap unlimited WISP service (that are grossly expensive for the money they bring in) at the expense of high yielding mobile wireless customers who will stay over at Tmo and Verizon because their networks will be able to keep higher average speeds. If Sprint wants to do an unlimited B41 LTE WISP, it needs to be on its own network so when their speeds drop, it does not impact smartphone speeds. It wouldn't be difficult to do, really. In most markets, they could provide an additional 2 or 3 carriers just for it beyond the 3 carriers slated for mobile carrier aggregation. But I don't think Sprint is all that concerned about going after these customers as a conventional WISP. Even this B41 router is just being touted as a backup data solution. Since it is tiered data, it would be very expensive to run as even a backup for a business for any length of time. But it would be good to have in an emergency, as even an expensive backup is better than nothing in a catastrophic outage. And it could be used as a Primary ISP, for customers who don't use much data. Robert
  11. Because Sprint 3G is on its antiquated legacy network with T1 lines for backhaul. So even relatively few subscribers using unlimited over a very small pipe equals bad juju. Network Vision is upgrading their entire network to support better 3G data and voice and LTE service on three bands. Robert
  12. You're sad they are continuing deployment after the announcement? They are working through the Rochester market in record time. You're sad that they dare announce when they have coverage over most of the area like Tmo, AT&T and Verizon did? If we are talking about what we think is sad, I think it's sad that you would come to our forums and complain about it. It would probably be good for you to consult our posting guidelines before you continue your conversations. It seems like you're heading for trouble. Robert
  13. A launch is just a public announcement. They are not stopping deployment until complete. A launch is just a means for Sprint to get the word out, make the coverage official to appear on maps and allow customers to file trouble tickets. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. These forums get indexed by Google. I wouldn't post your number in a public thread. You should probably either message it, or at a minimum post it in Sponsor sections that don't get indexed. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  15. Both. Where do you think Winco gets its 'quality meats' from? Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  16. Work is ongoing in the city too. Sites can only be accepted and activated in clusters in Samsung markets. When full clusters are ready in the city, they will get inspected, accepted and integrated. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  17. Every single site in the market? Another 6-9 months, at least. More and more will go live every week. And coverage will be total before every site is done. But it will take a long time to get every site with LTE on it. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  18. They don't throttle. Sprint only throttles video streaming to 1Mbps on My Way and Framily Plans. You are getting the maximum throughput available to you in these instances. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  19. No it doesn't. Doesn't pass the smell test. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  20. No. Miami/Metro Dade has not cleared out of the way of Sprint's 800 spectrum yet. The FCC has given them an extension. Probably will not be able to begin until Summer. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  21. Sprint ended unlimited on hotspots mid contract before. They can still do it again if it becomes a problem. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. Sounds like that's unintended. Probably a leftover old plan not cleaned up. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  23. Tmo has WCDMA fallback. That's the difference right there. Sprint B25 will get some relief from getting all their sites online. Also, Sprint needs their other two bands for a competitive/superior experience. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  24. Nowhere is fully deployed with B25 yet in the Puget Sound fortunately. Also, it will help that B41 is very widespread. But in places without B26, they will need to start adding B41 all the sooner. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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