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1900 LTE and building penetration?

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I am a longtime lurker but finally decided to register (hello!).


I was wondering if anyone has any idea what building penetration should be like with LTE on 1900... I realize that by basic physics it should be an improvement over WiMax on 2500, but does anyone know any more information beyond that? It was honestly difficult to get WiMax indoors on my NS4G, even though I live about 500 meters from the nearest tower. I find that in general, while WiMax works outdoors fine in my area (Reston VA), it drops about 2/3 of the time I walk indoors.


I have also heard that Verizon's LTE has pretty good building penetration in our area, but I am/was under the impression that theirs is deployed on 700.


TLDR: What kind of LTE availability should we expect indoors with Sprint's LTE on 1900?

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2-4 bars in most situations. 1 to 2 megabits down.


Based on that, You should do quite well with 1900 LTE, probably even see a bit of an improvement in signal strength.

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I was just going to open a similar thread that was a little bit more general - does LTE comport any increase or decrease in signal propagation vs. CDMA, WiMax and/or GSM/UMTS deployed on the same frequency?

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At the end of my contract sprint and clear... I feel like dropping you like a bad habit. Unlimited 4G is useless if I can never have a steady and constant signal to use. Indoors or outdoors. Your spectrum choice sucks sell that and force nextel people off and take the LTE to the 800mhz. Yeah I know I heard myself while typing this. Just sick of 2g speeds everyday.

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At the end of my contract sprint and clear... I feel like dropping you like a bad habit. Unlimited 4G is useless if I can never have a steady and constant signal to use. Indoors or outdoors. Your spectrum choice sucks sell that and force nextel people off and take the LTE to the 800mhz. Yeah I know I heard myself while typing this. Just sick of 2g speeds everyday.


Who do you think you are writing this to? We have virtually nothing to do with Sprint. I suggest you go to sprint.com


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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At the end of my contract sprint and clear... I feel like dropping you like a bad habit. Unlimited 4G is useless if I can never have a steady and constant signal to use. Indoors or outdoors. Your spectrum choice sucks sell that and force nextel people off and take the LTE to the 800mhz. Yeah I know I heard myself while typing this. Just sick of 2g speeds everyday.


LTE doesn't work well in a noisy environment, 800Mhz picks up noise like crazy. 1900Mhz is a better choice for LTE, 800Mhz LTE and 1xA voice will come but it's only to fill gaps. and increase signal propagation where needed. This will aim to get rid of dead zones and bad indoor voice and data (LTE not evdo) coverage, but 1900Mhz doesn't pick up nearly as much noise and that's why I presume they're using it.

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Trust me sprint corporate reads this blog. I know.


Even though Sprint may read our blog and forums, doesn't mean we find complaints to Sprint on our pages a good use of our site.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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