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Signal Amplification - I want to install a booster at my house

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  • 6 months later...

Here's my install currently only one indoor antenna. Took my signal level on my Gnex from best -93dB to -75dB, and worst -120dB to -93dB.


Parts list:

805045 - Wilson Electronics dual band 800/1900 65dB Amplifier

304411 - Wilson Electronics dual band yagi

301121 - Wilson Electronics dual band ceiling mount Omni

952320 - 20Ft LMR-400

952350 - 50Ft LMR-400

P8AX09 - Citel Gas discharge surge suppressor(I had these on hand, can be substituted with Wilson PN 859902)


In the picture of the amplifier it is not yet grounded. I cannot stress how important it is to properly ground the surge suppressor.





How is your setup working for you? Does it help voice calls as well as data? Can you give an overall cost guesstimate?

My fledgling LTE signal needs some help in the house and I'm running out of aluminum foil.

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Make sure you get something with the g block support. If you have a broadband connection at home it is easier to just get a wifi router though.


Sent from a little old Note 2

Sprint Overdrive is my "broadband". No DSL, no cable internet, but other options are slowing getting better. Maybe next year.

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How is your setup working for you? Does it help voice calls as well as data? Can you give an overall cost guesstimate?

My fledgling LTE signal needs some help in the house and I'm running out of aluminum foil.

It helps both and still works great. My setup will not help with LTE since it does not cover the PCS G or the SMR 800 blocks sprint is using for LTE. This is not an issue for me since I offload to WiFi at home anyway. I am in the midst of upgrading my home WiFi from ABG to ABGN. Still trying to decide what APs to use. The best I've found so far top out at 125 Mbps even though they claim 300.

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