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iPhone 7 / 7 Plus Speed Tests


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Let's see some Speed tests :)


Also - Mods - if you feel the need to moderate - PM me first...


Also, no.  Staff does not seek member permission nor provide member notification in advance of moderation.



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Also, no.  Staff does not seek member permission nor provide member notification in advance of moderation.



Maybe staff should rethink their methods?


I mean come on AJ, look at this subforum alone, you have a product that was preordered at almost 4x the rate than last year, yet, there's absolutely no excitement in the Apple forum, only 4 threads created and a total 9 threads replied to in the month of September. If you're not trying to generate traffic, ok, then business as usual cause it's working.

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Maybe staff should rethink their methods?


I mean come on AJ, look at this subforum alone, you have a product that was preordered at almost 4x the rate than last year, yet, there's absolutely no excitement in the Apple forum, only 4 threads created and a total 9 threads replied to in the month of September. If you're not trying to generate traffic, ok, then business as usual cause it's working.


Rethink what methods?  The inmates do not run the asylum.


Why generate traffic?  And why would speed tests accomplish that?  iPhone 7 speed tests are like any other speed tests.


Your arguments are unconvincing.



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Considering how few new topics happen on S4GRU anyway, a thread specifically for speedtests should be fine. 


It should be fine in any Android subforum too. I get the desire to keep speedtests out of other discussion threads, but isolated to their own thread should be ok. 

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Considering how few new topics happen on S4GRU anyway, a thread specifically for speedtests should be fine. 


It should be fine in any Android subforum too. I get the desire to keep speedtests out of other discussion threads, but isolated to their own thread should be ok. 


S4GRU prohibits posting slow speed test images -- unless done so specifically for diagnostic purposes.


S4GRU tolerates other speed test images but does not encourage them.  While we cannot prevent members from running speed tests, S4GRU does not condone repeatedly running speed tests on "unlimited" or zero rated data, since each speed test easily can consume upwards of 100 MB.


That is why this thread is under review.



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S4GRU prohibits posting slow speed test images -- unless done so specifically for diagnostic purposes.


S4GRU tolerates other speed test images but does not encourage them. While we cannot prevent members from running speed tests, S4GRU does not condone repeatedly running speed tests on "unlimited" or zero rated data, since each speed test easily can consume upwards of 100 MB.


That is why this thread is under review.



Speed tests hurting the network is exaggerated. It's not like users sit there for hours running speed tests over and over. Most speed tests are started and done within 30 seconds and the impact to the network is minimal if a user only runs one or two tests.
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Speed tests hurting the network is exaggerated. It's not like users sit there for hours running speed tests over and over. Most speed tests are started and done within 30 seconds and the impact to the network is minimal if a user only runs one or two tests.

But when they get together with a group of their buddies and then they start competing for who has the biggest e-penis, then it starts to affect the network. It's a vicious cycle that never ends.



Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk

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But when they get together with a group of their buddies and then they start competing for who has the biggest e-penis, then it starts to affect the network. It's a vicious cycle that never ends.



Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk

Are they going to sit there all day comparing speed tests??? I doubt the e-penis measuring contests last longer than 5 minutes, at most. Does it affect the network, sure. But only for a short period of time.


This stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to gravely impact a network.

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Are they going to sit there all day comparing speed tests??? I doubt the e-penis measuring contests last longer than 5 minutes, at most. Does it affect the network, sure. But only for a short period of time.


This stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to gravely impact a network.

I disagree with this, I've seen speedtests negatively impact experience multiple times.  Unless you are doing a diagnostic test, there is no need to a speed test unless your are into measuring contests...

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I disagree with this, I've seen speedtests negatively impact experience multiple times. Unless you are doing a diagnostic test, there is no need to a speed test unless your are into measuring contests...

Please explain. Most speed tests don't last over 30 seconds (with half of that time dedicated to download). How can one quick burst of data usage negatively impact your user experience??? You're more likely to suffer from slower speeds via signal degradation/interference than from someone running a speed test near you.
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Please explain. Most speed tests don't last over 30 seconds (with half of that time dedicated to download). How can one quick burst of data usage negatively impact your user experience??? You're more likely to suffer from slower speeds via signal degradation/interference than from someone running a speed test near you.

In my neighborhood, we are almost exclusively Sprint as high speed internet is not available to us.  We actually did some tests with one person running netflix, others doing speed tests, then two and three streaming video and others doing speed tests.


We got very used to seeing the red spinning circle as soon as those speed tests fired off.  We had a random smattering of Samsung Galaxies, iPhone, LGs, etc.


The speed tests pulling a huge burst of data negatively impacted the users of services and when multiple devices were running tests, everyone was impacted.

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In my neighborhood, we are almost exclusively Sprint as high speed internet is not available to us. We actually did some tests with one person running netflix, others doing speed tests, then two and three streaming video and others doing speed tests.


We got very used to seeing the red spinning circle as soon as those speed tests fired off. We had a random smattering of Samsung Galaxies, iPhone, LGs, etc.


The speed tests pulling a huge burst of data negatively impacted the users of services and when multiple devices were running tests, everyone was impacted.

I find that hard to believe as Netflix builds cache for their streams. I can shut off my router and Netflix will still run for a few seconds before it completely stops. If what you claim is true, than your internet speeds are already below 1 Mbps.


Having said that, you streaming Netflix is more detrimental to the network than a few speed tests that won't go on for more than a few minutes. Most Netflix shows are longer than ~21 minutes while movies are 90+ Minutes. Speed tests don't last that long and half of a speed test is only download while the other half is upload. So maybe don't complain about speed tests if you're watching Netflix....just saying.

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I find that hard to believe as Netflix builds cache for their streams. I can shut off my router and Netflix will still run for a few seconds before it completely stops. If what you claim is true, than your internet speeds are already below 1 Mbps.


Having said that, you streaming Netflix is more detrimental to the network than a few speed tests that won't go on for more than a few minutes. Most Netflix shows are longer than ~21 minutes while movies are 90+ Minutes. Speed tests don't last that long and half of a speed test is only download while the other half is upload. So maybe don't complain about speed tests if you're watching Netflix....just saying.

Netflix was an example, any streaming app can and is impacted by unnecessary data usage


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Netflix was an example, any streaming app can and is impacted by unnecessary data usage


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Everything impacts the network. Thanks to Net Neutrality, you can either consider all data usage necessary or 'unnecessary'. If you want to say speed tests are unnecessary, then you have to say the same for all data being used over the network, including streaming apps that negatively affect speed tests. (see what I did there?)


The point is that this negative stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to cause a long term burden on a cell.

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The point is that this negative stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to cause a long term burden on a cell.


The law of large numbers.  With approximately 1000 users per urban sector, those speed tests are occurring more frequently than you believe.  Each speed test may last only 30 seconds, but all speed tests across all users are like big 18 wheelers rumbling past your house every few minutes, if not more often than that.



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please, provide facts to prove your assumption that speed tests occur more frequently than I (or anyone else besides your self) believe.


Also, prove how frequently I believe those alleged speed tests are occurring.



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The law of large numbers. With approximately 1000 users per urban sector, those speed tests are occurring more frequently than you believe. Each speed test may last only 30 seconds, but all speed tests across all users are like big 18 wheelers rumbling past your house every few minutes, if not more often than that.



I don't believe most people even know there are speed test apps available for their phones. There is only one other person I know who has a speed test app on their phone, and that's because I installed it for them.


People who measure their network quality are small in numbers. Phone and network dorks are few and far between. Having said that, I will acknowledge that there may be a handful of abusers who leave apps like root metrics running hours and hours of speed tests. But this stigma that all speed tests are useless, pointless, and harmful to the network is farkakt. A few continuous speed tests won't break a network. Wether they are useless or not is relative.

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Everything impacts the network. Thanks to Net Neutrality, you can either consider all data usage necessary or 'unnecessary'. If you want to say speed tests are unnecessary, then you have to say the same for all data being used over the network, including streaming apps that negatively affect speed tests. (see what I did there?)


The point is that this negative stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to cause a long term burden on a cell.

Data usage on an app that servers a purpose is completely different than data usage just to show how fast a connection is.  From a diagnostic perspective, a speed test can provide useful data if there is a problem, however, outside of that its just like burning gas in your car revving the engine to see who's is the loudest or burying the accelerator from a red light turning green to be faster than the car next to you.  It's cool and all, but a waste of your resource.


An app that usefully uses data is a much better use of the resource.

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An app that usefully uses data is a much better use of the resource.




I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that point.


Speed tests are not useless, but I don't think anyone expects or wants them to be higher prioritized over normal or even 'important' data.


Giving speed tests higher, or lower priority than normal traffic further reduces the accuracy and diagnostic point of even doing the test in the first place.


If someone does a speed test on an already loaded sector, the effect on anyone else on the sector is minimal because the sector is already overloaded and the speed test (again unless intentionally prioritized higher) will either time out or show the slow speeds that everyone is already getting.


In any case, usefulness of any data is all about perspective.


Watching a dumb cat or baby video maybe pointless to you.


But for someone else, it could be a grandmother watching a far off granddaughter play or relive memories of a favorite pet.


Or the usefulness of checking your bank account vs reading the reddits and 4chans of the world.


It is no one else business to judge the usefulness or lack thereof, of anyone else data usage, as long as doesn't break the law or sprints terms of service.


Finally, if sprint does have problems with someones usage, they can and will take their own measures about it.

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I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that point.


Speed tests are not useless, but I don't think anyone expects or wants them to be higher prioritized over normal or even 'important' data.


Giving speed tests higher, or lower priority than normal traffic further reduces the accuracy and diagnostic point of even doing the test in the first place.


If someone does a speed test on an already loaded sector, the effect on anyone else on the sector is minimal because the sector is already overloaded and the speed test (again unless intentionally prioritized higher) will either time out or show the slow speeds that everyone is already getting.


In any case, usefulness of any data is all about perspective.


Watching a dumb cat or baby video maybe pointless to you.


But for someone else, it could be a grandmother watching a far off granddaughter play or relive memories of a favorite pet.


Or the usefulness of checking your bank account vs reading the reddits and 4chans of the world.


It is no one else business to judge the usefulness or lack thereof, of anyone else data usage, as long as doesn't break the law or sprints terms of service.


Finally, if sprint does have problems with someones usage, they can and will take their own measures about it.

Awesome post. Could not agree more.

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