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Sprint 800 MHz LTE Set For Launch In 2014

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Ugh soooo much speculation and so many questions racking my brain right now. LOL.


Just give me 5min with Fared Adib where he can't not answer any question I ask and ill be set. Haha


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Will 800 1xAdvanced migrate fully to 800 LTE?


I don't know what your question is. I know what all those words mean, but together it doesn't make sense. Please elaborate.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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I think that the reason for no 800 LTE(Band 26) devices more has to due with the fact that Sprint has yet to get the OK from the FCC for wideband deployment. It doesn't seem to be a technological one.

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I think that the reason for no 800 LTE(Band 26) devices more has to due with the fact that Sprint has yet to get the OK from the FCC for wideband deployment. It doesn't seem to be a technological one.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express


then explain why no 2.6 support then....

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WOW! if this is the case and Sprint is turning on 800 LTE before next June(when Clearwire slated to have 5k sites live by)' date=' THEN Sprint is doing everyone right now a HUGE disservice by not having the EVO 4G LTE cleared for 800 LTE...imho(yes they could re cert the device for the band, but whats the likelihood of that happening?.....


did we ever come to the conclusion that sprint got the full go ahead clear from FCC on the re purposing of the 800 band? can't remember here as last i remember is they requested it or something along those lines...[/quote']


Not before next June. Clearwire will have more sites initially, but 800 LTE will be right behind and will go much faster in deployment. Also 800 LTE is going in most Sprint markets. Clearwire LTE is initially just going in one third of Clearwire's existing small footprint.


Sprint and Clearwire also will be deploying LTE hotspots all over the country where additional LTE capacity is needed beyond what 800 and 1900 can provide, or in places where LTE 800 cannot be deployed.


I agree that Sprint should be releasing 800 LTE devices now. But it is less important now that their additional LTE carrier plan in 1900 is starting to come into focus.


As for the FCC, Sprint now can run wideband operations in 800. But not LTE. They are seeking that approval now. Their ETA for that appears for early Fall. Far in advance of LTE 800 deployment. But they will begin LTE 800 FIT testing once they get that approval.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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I agree that Sprint should be releasing 800 LTE devices now. But it is less important now that their additional LTE carrier plan in 1900 is starting to come into focus.

Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


Additional LTE carrier in 1900? Could that mean that Sprint is planning on acquiring the H-block?


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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I think that the reason for no 800 LTE(Band 26) devices more has to due with the fact that Sprint has yet to get the OK from the FCC for wideband deployment. It doesn't seem to be a technological one.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express



then explain why no 2.6 support then....


I think it's both. Even though technologically it could be overcome now, why spend the money to push it now? And since the FCC isn't permitting LTE on 800 now, it doesn't really matter.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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Not before next June. Clearwire will have more sites initially, but 800 LTE will be right behind and will go much faster in deployment. Also 800 LTE is going in most Sprint markets. Clearwire LTE is initially just going in one third of Clearwire's existing small footprint.


Sprint and Clearwire also will be deploying LTE hotspots all over the country where additional LTE capacity is needed beyond what 800 and 1900 can provide, or in places where LTE 800 cannot be deployed.


I agree that Sprint should be releasing 800 LTE devices now. But it is less important now that their additional LTE carrier plan in 1900 is starting to come into focus.


As for the FCC, Sprint now can run wideband operations in 800. But not LTE. They are seeking that approval now. Their ETA for that appears for early Fall. Far in advance of LTE 800 deployment. But they will begin LTE 800 FIT testing once they get that approval.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


Gotcha. clears up some stuff...


Still wanna have a sit down 1min convo with Fared Adib to ask details on why no 2.6 built in support now if its not a space issue on the device...and if decision is to simply just hold off till next year for it, I'd expect next years phone(EVO) to come loaded with all 3 bands at a min...


So whats it gonna take to trap Mr. Adib to get him to answer 5 questions from us? lol

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then explain why no 2.6 support then....

Clearwire's 2.5GHz LTE network still has to be deployed. That isn't going to launch until June of next year. If an phone's antenna can be reused(amps n all) for a different network technology(like what's done on the Lumina 900), theoretically(AFAIK), the EVO 4G LTE can do Band 26 LTE. However, how to get something certified that has yet been given the legal OK? CDMA operations on 800MHz was given the OK before the EVO 3D hit the FCC.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express

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Gotcha. clears up some stuff...


Still wanna have a sit down 1min convo with Fared Adib to ask details on why no 2.6 built in support now if its not a space issue on the device...and if decision is to simply just hold off till next year for it' date=' I'd expect next years phone(EVO) to come loaded with all 3 bands at a min...


So whats it gonna take to trap Mr. Adib to get him to answer 5 questions from us? lol[/quote']


I would love to hear his response. However, Clearwire and Sprint don't even have devices in labs yet to begin testing TD-LTE and how the networks will interact. They are just finishing up the info to give to OEM's to start designing prototype devices for testing. There is no way for Sprint to put 2600 LTE capability in a device right now. Sad, but true.


The more I dig into this, the more I realize how complex the entire schedule to pull all this off for Sprint is. It's crazy. They have so many cart before the horse and chicken before the egg things that they have to pull off. I have more respect for Sprint now than ever. And if Sprint explained these things publicly, they would have much more support from their customers.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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I would love to hear his response. However, Clearwire and Sprint don't even have devices in labs yet to begin testing TD-LTE and how the networks will interact. They are just finishing up the info to give to OEM's to start designing prototype devices for testing. There is no way for Sprint to put 2600 LTE capability in a device right now. Sad, but true.


The more I dig into this, the more I realize how complex the entire schedule to pull all this off for Sprint is. It's crazy. They have so many cart before the horse and chicken before the egg things that they have to pull off. I have more respect for Sprint now than ever. And if Sprint explained these things publicly, they would have much more support from their customers.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


things like that re-iterate what my qualcomm guy said about them...always ever changing plans and sooo many ideas out there...


The TD-LTE is a big wrinkle i guess there, and one I tend to greatly overlook when thinking about it. All I view is knowing Clear is having 5k sites up by next June so why not be ready to support it very soon...completely dismissing the whole difference in LTE b/w the two...

Here is a lil paper on the differences b/w the two i ran across for those that like to read...



All in all this makes me much more inclined to pay full price for the device this year and use my upgrade next year in fear that the full retail price will be much more than this one and hopefully include everything band wise along with new chip and other specs...

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things like that re-iterate what my qualcomm guy said about them...always ever changing plans and sooo many ideas out there...


The TD-LTE is a big wrinkle i guess there' date=' and one I tend to greatly overlook when thinking about it. All I view is knowing Clear is having 5k sites up by next June so why not be ready to support it very soon...completely dismissing the whole difference in LTE b/w the two...

Here is a lil paper on the differences b/w the two i ran across for those that like to read...



All in all this makes me much more inclined to pay full price for the device this year and use my upgrade next year in fear that the full retail price will be much more than this one and hopefully include everything band wise along with new chip and other specs...


Thats a good strategy. Next years devices are more likely to be even more expensive than this years, with more bands/antennas crammed in them. And possible inflation. I would also likely buy this year and contract upgrade next year if I was in your shoes.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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They also kinda thought they had Lightsquared sealed in too...but I believe the main reason was the towers are too far. My area doesn't have them close enough for 1900mhz in many places...2.5 would just be downright horrible on that tower spacing.


For what Sprint and Clearwire have planned, TD-LTE 2600 site spacing will not matter. The idea is to deploy TD-LTE 2600 "hotspots" in high Erlang (to use a rather outdated term) cells. TD-LTE 2600, where available, will take offload traffic from LTE 1900/800 but will not need to provide contiguous coverage.



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For what Sprint and Clearwire have planned' date=' TD-LTE 2600 site spacing will not matter. The idea is to deploy TD-LTE 2600 "hotspots" in high Erlang (to use a rather outdated term) cells. TD-LTE 2600, where available, will take offload traffic from LTE 1900/800 but will not need to provide contiguous coverage.




Interesting strategy. Hopefully it will work with Clearwire's other partners signing up for LTE.


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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Interesting strategy. Hopefully it will work with Clearwire's other partners signing up for LTE.


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner


Thats the kicker. It will be challenging for Clearwire LTE partners who dont have their own LTE networks. Clearwire will be a good solution for extra capacity for existing LTE networks, but not much else.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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Thats the kicker. It will be challenging for Clearwire LTE partners who dont have their own LTE networks. Clearwire will be a good solution for extra capacity for existing LTE networks' date=' but not much else.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner[/quote']


Ouch. That will definitely suck in the end. What a shame.


Then again, maybe Clearwire will expand as they sign up more partners and fill in those gaps that will be there? (Maybe that is just wishful thinking?)


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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Additional LTE carrier in 1900? Could that mean that Sprint is planning on acquiring the H-block?


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner


I think Sprint needs to do whatever it takes to get the majority of the H-block spectrum when it comes to auction since it is adjacent to the G-block. With the H-block, Sprint could combine the G and H-block to make a 10x10 LTE configuration.

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I think Sprint needs to do whatever it takes to get the majority of the H-block spectrum when it comes to auction since it is adjacent to the G-block. With the H-block, Sprint could combine the G and H-block to make a 10x10 LTE configuration.


And then with the C5 block they own, they could rollout 15x15, or is that not possible?

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And then with the C5 block they own, they could rollout 15x15, or is that not possible?


Well it seems like Sprint only has some markets with the C5 block as well but currently no wireless carrier has deployed a 15x15 LTE carrier. Even if Sprint did create a 15x15 LTE carrier, it won't be supported by the HTC EVO 4G LTE anyways since it can only handle 5 MHz and 10 MHz carriers. At this point, I wouldn't want Sprint to play all of its cards even if they could. I want Sprint to start with their 5x5 'G' block deployment and slowly add another 5x5 carrier when the 'G' block carrier is starting to fill up.


I would think that Verizon's 10x10 carrier is not completely filled yet so we know that it can handle a lot of capacity. Lets not forget that Clearwire LTE in 2013 will provide the much needed capacity relief that Sprint needs to maintain their unlimited data.

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Well it seems like Sprint only has some markets with the C5 block as well but currently no wireless carrier has deployed a 15x15 LTE carrier. Even if Sprint did create a 15x15 LTE carrier, it won't be supported by the HTC EVO 4G LTE anyways since it can only handle 5 MHz and 10 MHz carriers. At this point, I wouldn't want Sprint to play all of its cards even if they could. I want Sprint to start with their 5x5 'G' block deployment and slowly add another 5x5 carrier when the 'G' block carrier is starting to fill up.


I would think that Verizon's 10x10 carrier is not completely filled yet so we know that it can handle a lot of capacity. Lets not forget that Clearwire LTE in 2013 will provide the much needed capacity relief that Sprint needs to maintain their unlimited data.


True. Clearwire can help keep Sprint from giving up unlimited data in the near future.

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Can LTE be allocated in say a 7x3 configuration? I say that because typically my speeds on evdo are about 50-100k down and 700-800k up. I wouldn't think that all that spectrum would need to be allocated for upload. Most people are used to having under 1mbps for uploads.



Also it looks like LTE is up to 12 times more efficient that EVDO so that should help for the near term capacity problems.

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True. Clearwire can help keep Sprint from giving up unlimited data in the near future.


That is a really good point, and that may have gone unnoticed have you not brought it up. I think the knowledge you continue to bring fourth is is invaluable! Thank you for bringing this invaluable knowledge to the S4GRU community. I look forward to your future insight!

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That is a really good point, and that may have gone unnoticed have you not brought it up. I think the knowledge you continue to bring fourth is is invaluable! Thank you for bringing this invaluable knowledge to the S4GRU community. I look forward to your future insight!


Thank you, but I haven't brought that much knowledge to this site. Most of what I have brought was personal questions and actual experiences in my usage of cell phones over the last 10 years.


Unless you were talking about Eric's comment above mine that I was quoting.

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For what Sprint and Clearwire have planned, TD-LTE 2600 site spacing will not matter. The idea is to deploy TD-LTE 2600 "hotspots" in high Erlang (to use a rather outdated term) cells. TD-LTE 2600, where available, will take offload traffic from LTE 1900/800 but will not need to provide contiguous coverage.




Yeah just hopefully when this happens the settings in the phone for it allow the user to configure it some on their end easily. With clear live I'd like to know exactly what LTE network I'm connected to and the signal strength of it...there may be times ill rather be on sprints and will hate being forced to clears if not better fully...

Something that Sprint and micro smith deal will handle likely...just interested how it all will look once done...


Have a feeling that we won't be able to tweak connecting to clearwire or not from a general user standpoint, which will kinda suck imho...


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Here's another article coming out of the reporters day at Sprint HQ yesterday. It's basically repeating what fiercewireless had, but might have some extra pieces of info in it.






Even so, the process of completely decommissioning iDEN will take a few years. This year, Sprint will shut down 9,600 cell sites, which represents about a third of the total. By 2013, the rest will go.


At that time, Sprint can turn its attention to LTE-Advanced, which VP of Development and Engineering Iyad Tarazi said is ready to go today, but will launch in the first half of 2013. The carrier is already deploying 2x2 MIMO [multiple-input and multiple-output] antennas and is going to 4x4 MIMO. When LTE-Advanced comes online, Sprint will have tablets ready for it, he said. Azzi added that it will have its roadmap for LTE-Advanced devices laid out by November. (SeeSprint Plans LTE-Advanced Launch in 2013.) "We're ready for LTE-Advanced," Tarazi said.




There a short photo slide show to go along with the article. Unfortunately you can't make out what the Sprint powerpoint slides have on them. Some look like they might contain interesting info.



Edited by marioc21
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