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Samsung Galaxy Note 5 User Thread


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You've definitely seen the bottom symbol, it's on quite a few terminals now you know what you're looking for. Walgreens, for example, has them, Home Depot, McDonald's, Mobile gas stations, most gas stations, 711, CVS, Riteaid, and convenient stores, etc.


The security comes with tokenization of your credit card so your actual numbers aren't transmitted to the Point of Sale terminal (in store). Everyone always laughs off mobile payments as being less convenient than just swiping your card, and it usually is, but this tokenization will keep your credit card number from ever being stolen. I use it as much as possible (was Google Wallet, but works better now as Android Pay) for this reason. Plus they email you receipts and payment details immediately. Not to mention automatic applying your rewards cards if applicable.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

Well I'm sold. Thank you so much


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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So which one is better? Or use both?


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

Samsung Pay is currently in a very limited Beta test, so it's not available to many people. Use Android Pay for now.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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I'm in the Samsung Pay beta, and it doesn't seem ike it is a beta - it seems pretty ready. I'm sure both Android Pay and Samsung Pay will work equally well when it comes to NFC terminals. Neither seem to do anything any better, except for rewards card functionality that's coming to Android Pay. 

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A decent write up of the note 5 on phonescoop.


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Sell some stuff


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

I have a nexus 5 with a badly damaged screen that's still works fine. I still have 424 to pay on my nexus 6 installment but I want to keep my nexus 6 too. I have to have two phones. One for stock and ease of use, timely updates, dat rf performance and those front facing speakers. The note 5 for everything else. I am dying to use Samsung pay. Easily my favorite feature.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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I tell ya, this is seriously the best and most solid device I've owned from Samsung and I've had all the "S" devices. 


Still impressed by the ability to hang on to B41 and LTE signals in general.  Everything is incredibly snappy, even with my huge number of apps installed.  Besides that lousy automatic burst mode in the camera (just taking some getting used to), I'm really happy thus far. 


The camera is ridiculous: Cropped image here taken under porch lights in early morning


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Has anyone noticed Microsoft Office using up the highest percentage of battery and I'm not even using it?

Haven't even opened Excel and it's been listed. Probably going to disable all those apps.


Sent from my Sprint Note5

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I have a question for Samsung Note 5 owners/renters - anyone who has a Note 5 on Sprint. I've been reading positive reviews about the Note 5's rf signal, which indicates that the FCC's reading from earlier this year is false. Is that the consensus people here have of it?


I'm looking into getting back on Sprint with a Note 5, as I've read today that Samsung is giving a $120 rebate on it no matter what format the device is being paid. I went to the Sprint website and saw the price of the Note 5 32gb at $25 monthly for a 24-month lease.


I don't want it at 24 months, only 12 months, which is available for $10 monthly extra, that when calculated at 12 months, is $120 additional. That extra cost is the exact same as the rebate Samsung is offering. So essentially after the rebate, the device is $25 monthly for 12 months, only $300 for the one year, which is a very good deal.


However, before I make a decision, I'd still like to know a bit more about the rf.

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Honestly the RF has been fine. Right in line, if not better, with any other phones I've had. I live in an area that has a lot of dead spots in Sprint coverage and the Note 5 hangs onto a usable signal longer than my S5 did. Admittedly that wasn't a great RF performer itself. However, since Sprint/Samsung updated their signal bars algorithm and display, the end user will not know the difference anymore. The signal bars show quality of signal and strength, not just cut offs at -100dBm being one bar. Example, in my grocery store, I'd get 1 bar of B26 on my S5, often it would drop down to EVDO. On the Note5, I've had 1/2 to 3/4 full bars in that store with speeds near 16mbps down. Sometimes can keep the B41 for a few aisles.


So overall I'm pleased with the performance of the RF on the Note5. I'm very critical of RF quality too, but it's been fine for me. Obviously, your mileage may vary depending on your area, etc.


Also, don't forget about the great WiFi calling here, really extends the Sprint coverage in dense buildings/homes.


Sent from my Sprint Note5

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Samsung Pay is live, BTW.  Not many cards are accepted to use with it, but AMEX does work. 


Also, if you sign up for it and add a card, you can get a free wireless charger or flip case.  Pretty neat.  That's only until the 11th though. 

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Samsung Pay is live, BTW. Not many cards are accepted to use with it, but AMEX does work.


Also, if you sign up for it and add a card, you can get a free wireless charger or flip case. Pretty neat. That's only until the 11th though.

I might try that. I'm planning on the device being used alot, so the wireless charger ought to be very helpful.


I also realized earlier that there is the Gear VR headset for it, which I read the Note 5 compatible consumer version will be available in November. I will definitely want that, as it'll be great to play Android emulation games on.

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I used Samsung pay and it was awesome. Game changer for sure. You get the free wireless charger too. Also at bestbuy you get a $100 gift card for buying a note 5 or edge plus. To top that off samung will pay your lease for the rest of the year. I can also confirm fcc report was BS. This thing is a band 25 monster. On par and sometimes better than the Nexus 6. Great band 26 also I was surprised. I will say 1x is not as strong as the Nexus 6 but 1x800 is. I haven't been to lady lake yet to test band 41 and CA but today I might. So far I have 0 regrets selling my Nexus 6. I dont even care about the 5x and 6p at this point.

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