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Do Verizon/ATT/T-mo Site Maps Exist?


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I've always been curious as to exactly how much coverage Verizon has, based on their site placement. 


Are there resources like S4GRU out there for other carriers, specifically VZW? Whenever I see a "hole" in Sprint's coverage on the sponsor maps, I wonder if Verizon has a few sites out in the boonies that would serve potential customers there. 


Tracking T-Mobile and AT&T would be interesting too if anyone knows of a source for those sites, but Verizon has been piquing my interest as of late. 


I've already used things like Sensorly to view user sourced content, and have checked each carrier's vague coverage maps. I'd really like to see actual site placement though if it was possible. 


(I'd never, ever switch since my Sprint coverage is fine, just curious) 

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I haven't ever been able to find a website like this for any other carrier. There are ways you can find sites for other providers but they are not sure fire, won't work for every area and aren't anywhere near as comprehensive as here. There is a central fcc database of antennas although searching this is difficult as there are sites which are owned by 3rd parties so looking for 'at&t' won't show you every site that has an at&t presence. Given the rapid rate of build out from all providers over the past few years, if your county has an online permit system you can search that although this has it's flaws as simply searching for tmobile won't return all tmobile sites as it appears some legacy sites are under different company names.


So basically, you stand a chance of being able to find some sites for other providers but it will take a lot of leg work, won't be comprehensive and won't be in a nice format like it is here. It is very easy to underestimate the amount of work taken to produce something like this, we are spoiled! It has taken me a long time to put together a vague idea of tmobiles coverage on a small island where most sites are shared with other providers. Even now I turn up a new location now and again. Sorry I can't be of more help.  


Sensorly is about about the best app I have found for coverage, very realistic and detailed. 'cellmaps' is about the worst, it states there is coverage in places that frankly it is impossible to get a signal. 

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There is nothing like S4GRU anywhere. We are awesome because of our sources. As much as I like to think I'm wonderful, we really are all here because of them. :tu:


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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There is nothing like S4GRU anywhere. We are awesome because of our sources. As much as I like to think I'm wonderful, we really are all here because of them. :tu:Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

It's more of a combination of your sources, your tirelessly hard work, participation from all the wireless nerds who visit, contribute and donate to this site and a good dose of understanding from your family.

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Theres lot people who care about sprint and there technology. We all know sprint been thru rough seas , but is now seeing the sun shine threw all cloud days.

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i have not seen anything like this site, robert (and people i am not sure of, of corse) do an awesome job getting information. all the people have been very helpful thats why i come here, tho i do not have sprint yet and i am still new.  


id believe vzw and att has good enough coverage that most people dont care to make maps but just my 2c.

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When I finally have some normal free time, I'll go back through southern Nevada and build a map for at&t, Verizon, and T-Mobile in Clark County Nevada. Since I have good access to all the major permitting offices, it'll take time to build the maps, but easy to extract the info.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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