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Disney Parks - AT&T now "Official Wireless Company..." - Why not allow equal access???


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From The Orlando Sentinal: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/the-daily-disney/os-att-is-now-the-official-wireless-provider-for-walt-disney-world,0,520333.story

"AT&T and Disney Parks today announced that the wireless provider would be the official wireless company for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort.

The agreement will bring a lot of branding and marketing endeavors, of course, but it also will have a very real technological effect for AT&T users in the theme parks here in Orlando and in California.  Those include: Ten cell sites across Walt Disney World Resort; more than 25 distributed antenna systems to increase wireless capacity; more than 350 so-called “small cells” to extend network connectivity; and more than 40 repeaters to boost the mobile performance for both guests and Disney cast members."

It's a shame that Disney does not equally embrace all of the major wireless providers and allow similar installations for all of them.  It would seem to me, from a social networking point of view, that providing access for visitors to quickly post photos and status updates would be free advertisement for Disney Parks and is limiting to only work with a single wireless service provider.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Verizon the current official wireless provider?  When I was at WDW in October, 2012, many of the cast members still had Nextel devices.  Does anyone have insight as to why Sprint didn't bend over backwards to accommodate the Disney Parks with devices and equipment and become the official provider?

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If I am correct the park employees used Iden devices. That is why. And im sure disney gets free phones, or really discounted services now

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marketing im sure that disney probalby uses ATT.. hey att how bout we make you the official carrier of the mouse?  ok... you do that we will give you a big cut in your telecom expenses which i imagine is pretty substancial.. we get free advertising.. you get discounts sweet

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Who. Cares. Its still ATT, endorsed by the mouse or not. Disney wants every guest to have a magical , whimsical time. They arent going to cater to one carrier *in spite* of the others. They theoretically want your phone to quaff fairy dust and glitter, no matter who your provider may be. This is just marketing.


Sent from my Note II. Its so big.



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Simply put, AT$T just showed up with the biggest dump truck full of cash.

I wouldn't they it's that simple because from what I have been reading, they have been one of the biggest pushers of micro cell sites and they put there 700 LTE on every tower unlike Verizon who doesn't care if there speeds go down in the dump and spaces them as far apart as they can.


But yes I am sure green paper also had alot to do with this. 

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