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Engadget visits a Network Vision upgraded site in San Fran

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Pretty nice look-in on Sprint's Network vision upgrades in San Fransisco by Engadget.




Wasn't sure what thread to post this in, but I don't think this thread was a bad choice =)


Lots of incorrect info in that article....wow...  Not sure why they were focused on wimax when that is Clearwire.  Antenna specs were incorrect.  RF Amplifiers?  Jeez...

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Lots of incorrect info in that article....wow...  Not sure why they were focused on wimax when that is Clearwire.  Antenna specs were incorrect.  RF Amplifiers?  Jeez...

Lol I read it and did indeed question the mention of RF Amplifiers. But if it's worth anything, they took some good pictures of the equipment  :tu:

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Pretty nice look-in on Sprint's Network vision upgrades in San Fransisco by Engadget.




Wasn't sure what thread to post this in, but I don't think this thread was a bad choice =)


Nice pictures, kind of cool to get an up-close look at the nerdy nitty gritty.  Sure, RF amplifiers isn't correct, but at least it was an overall  positive-spinning Sprint article instead of the usual.  Kudos to Sprint if they actually did reach out and invite her up to that roof to see progress.


Oh, and whoever gave SignalCheck the shout-out in the comments section there is my hero! :)



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Nice pictures, kind of cool to get an up-close look at the nerdy nitty gritty.  Sure, RF amplifiers isn't correct, but at least it was an overall  positive-spinning Sprint article instead of the usual.  Kudos to Sprint if they actually did reach out and invite her up to that roof to see progress.


Oh, and whoever gave SignalCheck the shout-out in the comments section there is my hero! :)




I just wish some of the other tech blogs would do an upclose in personal article with tons of pictures of the cabinet internals of Sprint Network Vision sites for Alcatel Lucent and Ericsson markets.  Ive seen the Samsung ones before and unfortunately the engadget article is the same since its based out of San Francisco.

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I just wish some of the other tech blogs would do an upclose in personal article with tons of pictures of the cabinet internals of Sprint Network Vision sites for Alcatel Lucent and Ericsson markets.  Ive seen the Samsung ones before and unfortunately the engadget article is the same since its based out of San Francisco.

Ericsson : http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2902-how-to-spot-sprint-panels-and-rrus-ericsson-style/

AL : http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3915-how-to-spot-sprint-panels-and-rrus-alcatel-lucent-style/



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I wasn't talking about what the antennas and RRUs look like.  I know what those look like and aware of those threads. I am talking about the AL and Ericcson base station cabinet internals.  I have seen some brief Sprint press release shots of AL and Ericcson cabinets but not up close and detailed like the Engadget article.

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Lots of incorrect info in that article....wow... Not sure why they were focused on wimax when that is Clearwire. Antenna specs were incorrect. RF Amplifiers? Jeez...

Engadget has not been good at all when covering sprint's NV. Lots of incorrect info, to the point I don't even read them any more. The verge has been pretty good though.

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Lots of incorrect info in that article....wow...  Not sure why they were focused on wimax when that is Clearwire.  Antenna specs were incorrect.  RF Amplifiers?  Jeez...


And, of course, here is the Sprint troll, who has also made an appearance here, WillieFDiaz:


WillieFDiazSF 1 day ago

I know of this cell site location. I live in SF, and pass it almost daily. I have to say that Sprint isnt showing you a true Network Vision site. If they were, CDMA in this area would have suffered drastically in a period of a few days, while Sprint installs the new Network Vision CDMA/LTE equipment and junctions. Instead, they are showing you a partial deployment which they are doing because true Network Vision was found to be too costly and too disruptive (according to Sprint, customers would experience outages for 3 - 14 days) not to mention, Sprint is losing customers left and right in many cities being 6+ months overdue with launches.
This particular site serves an extremely limited area of Van Ness, and by limited, I mean, the speed you got on the rooftop are actually speeds you see ON A GOOD DAY. The average is 2mbps - 5mbps, and on a bad day, it drops down to what EDGE speed would be if Sprint was a GSM carrier - that is to say, less than EVDO speed. 3G itself in this area is only about 500kbps - 900 kbps while LTE is what I stated above. 
Unfortunately for Sprint, AT&T being part of the deal driving Fiber to their premises has not helped since AT&T has made it a known issue for Sprint to get Fiber in many areas and often delayed Sprint from getting the Fiber at all until AT&T serves its own sites and customers first. Sprint however really screwed themselves when they sold off their landline and fiber business as Embarq and later CenturyTel. All that could have made Sprint the biggest and fastest network in America.
My point with my rant is that Sprint has not been forthcoming, and is desperate to show it IS deploying in SF, albeit at a snail pace. Remember how T-Mobile fell behind when it was waiting to be bought out by AT&T and now they are playing catch up? Sprint is doing the same thing with waiting for SoftBank or Dish or ANYONE to buy it out and invest in it. The big kicker is that in San Francisco, we already have a fully deployed Verizon LTE network, an 85% deployed AT&T LTE network and a now 25% deployed T-Mobile LTE network not to mention the 70% deployed MetroPCS LTE network that even if Sprint ripped everything out and went away, customers still have at least 4 other choices to pick from, all much more covered, much more fast, and much more signal penetration than anything Sprint is working on. It really is disappointing and sad and even depressing that you even wrote this article bragging up Sprint when in fact, Sprint has BARELY even 3 areas in SF that even offer this speed, and as I said, that is on a fantastically GOOD day with a clean view with no other phones around. Van Ness and Golden Gate is one area, Union Street between Gough and Buchanan and 19th Ave at Lincoln at Golden Gate Park are the ONLY three areas where Sprint SCREAMS, and that is only if you think 20mbps (TOPS) is screaming, when you see T-Mobile at 30mbps and AT&T at 50mbps...



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Yeah, if you will excuse me, I have to go vomit after reading the comments made following that Engadget article.  I am sorry I read those.  About the wireless industry, most consumers are just flat out stupid.



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Yeah, if you will excuse me, I have to go vomit after reading the comments made following that Engadget article. I am sorry I read those. About the wireless industry, most consumers are just flat out stupid.




Saying they are stupid is an understatement lol.


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2



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