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Theoretically thinking!


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Lets say the Sprint/SoftBank/Clearwire deal goes through, and Dish is unable to get into the wireless field....do you think Dish will lease its LTE spectrum to sprint/SoftBank or maybe sprint/SoftBank will purchase it?? Idk I'm bored and just thinking of possibilities.





Btw - Supposedly sprint had told the FCC today to throw out Dish's request to delay the SoftBank acquisition.

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Sprint will most likely ride out the leases for the EBS spectrum. A huge majority of Clearwires "160mhz" are leased spectrum from educational institutions and are not continous across the US like that 40-60 mhz or so of BRS.


Also, Sprint & co are not to keen to work with Dish especially since they're throwing a tantrum now after 1) failing to free load off of sprints network vision project by having Sprint deploy for them in exchange for utilizing the service [not helping out in deployment at all] , 2) going after clearwire after Sprint and softbank made their move in december, and 3) going after Sprint itself in order to delay everything and give a headache to Hesse and Son.

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Lets say the Sprint/SoftBank/Clearwire deal goes through, and Dish is unable to get into the wireless field....do you think Dish will lease its LTE spectrum to sprint/SoftBank or maybe sprint/SoftBank will purchase it?? Idk I'm bored and just thinking of possibilities.





Btw - Supposedly sprint had told the FCC today to throw out Dish's request to delay the SoftBank acquisition.


I think the PCS H block and 600 MHz auction are more worthy targets for Sprint/SoftBank to purchase than Dish's spectrum.

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I think the PCS H block and 600 MHz auction are more worthy targets for Sprint/SoftBank to purchase than Dish's spectrum.


I am of the strong opinion that Sprint should sell Clearwire to Dish minus the BRS spectrum then go after T-Mobile.

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Don't read too much on sprint asking FCC to continue its review. It improve's sprint bargaining position with dish and other offers have little to do with what the FCC has regulatory authority over. It doesn't mean sprint is more or less incline to reject dish's offer.

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