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A game of angry birds being played with sprint`s towers?


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I couldnt help but laughing a little bit when sprint said some of their network vision/LTE deployment was being slowed down by, and i quote "Birds".... Although, its more complicated than that. Red birds are angry at the faster yellow birds for taking up the tower space. The red birds want their space on the tower. So what happens? Birds are flung at each other. Towers are destroyed, and the precious LTE equipment has been shat appon by the "Angry LTE hungry birds" who, once again, slow down the completion of tower upgrades..... Now if sprint told a story like this, then id definetely be more entertained.. None of this makes sense, i have not a clue why i spent 15 minutes in programming class typing up this insane made-up story. But it sure makes my life more entertaining thinking about something funny sprint could of said besides just "birds" :rofl:

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I couldnt help but laughing a little bit when sprint said some of their network vision/LTE deployment was being slowed down by, and i quote "Birds".... Although, its more complicated than that. Red birds are angry at the faster yellow birds for taking up the tower space. The red birds want their space on the tower. So what happens? Birds are flung at each other. Towers are destroyed, and the precious LTE equipment has been shat appon by the "Angry LTE hungry birds" who, once again, slow down the completion of tower upgrades..... Now if sprint told a story like this, then id definetely be more entertained.. None of this makes sense, i have not a clue why i spent 15 minutes in programming class typing up this insane made-up story. But it sure makes my life more entertaining thinking about something funny sprint could of said besides just "birds" :rofl:


Don't forget about the Pink and Blue birds that are putting up LTE and fighting it out too...

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