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Network Vision/LTE - Tucson/Yuma Market


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Wow.. I feel so bad for the people with sprint in south tucson! I was down there taking care of somethings and my phone was useless! What is going on down there?? If I lived down there i would of trashed sprint fast..


I was down by Valencia Rd and I-19 when i got these PATHETIC speeds.




That's why i'm always bugging on here because "we" south tucsonans are getting basically no data at all, not trying to complain but it's basically useless unless you're in wifi all day, not even joking i've seen unlocked iphones with EDGE go faster than my sprint 3G lol... But i know it's actually coming this time so i'm just being patient.

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That's why i'm always bugging on here because "we" south tucsonans are getting basically no data at all, not trying to complain but it's basically useless unless you're in wifi all day, not even joking i've seen unlocked iphones with EDGE go faster than my sprint 3G lol... But i know it's actually coming this time so i'm just being patient.


I feel for you man..


Im always getting lousy speeds but at least i can use it from here, cortaro, down to speedway. I dont ever travel past that so i have not really tested the network down there.


All i can say is please, PLEASE, HURRY UP WITH THE UPGRADES! Its needed.. BADLY!

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I feel for you man..


Im always getting lousy speeds but at least i can use it from here, cortaro, down to speedway. I dont ever travel past that so i have not really tested the network down there.


All i can say is please, PLEASE, HURRY UP WITH THE UPGRADES! Its needed.. BADLY!


Believe me when I say they are working as fast as possible. Sprint knows the network sucks, there's not much they can do about it until the equipment is upgraded!


You've already got several towers with new equipment on them. It's not doing much for you yet, but once the market is ready for LTE to go live, you should see improvements fairly rapidly.

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Wow.. I feel so bad for the people with sprint in south tucson! I was down there taking care of somethings and my phone was useless! What is going on down there?? If I lived down there i would of trashed sprint fast..


I was down by Valencia Rd and I-19 when i got these PATHETIC speeds.









Wow, Yuma data speeds are down today. One tower completely down on Ave A & 32nd street, they must have about 5 trucks lined up there wokring on that site. Thats the site that had the RRU type of device on the legacy panel.


Hope its a sign of good things to come soon.. Depearatly excited...

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Wow, Yuma data speeds are down today. One tower completely down on Ave A & 32nd street, they must have about 5 trucks lined up there wokring on that site. Thats the site that had the RRU type of device on the legacy panel.


Hope its a sign of good things to come soon.. Depearatly excited...


I really hope your right about Yuma being 75% complete by the end of June. I just recently moved back into town. I live by Fry's on 24th st. and sprint's network is almost non-existent. I hope they can get the upgrades done soon :)

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I really hope your right about Yuma being 75% complete by the end of June. I just recently moved back into town. I live by Fry's on 24th st. and sprint's network is almost non-existent. I hope they can get the upgrades done soon :)


Yuma itself doesn't have a ton of sites. It should be rather quick in comparison to Tucson. I'd say Yuma/Willcox/Bisbee/etc. will be announced before Tucson simply because the towers will be up and running. Why not announce 4-5 new cities with 4G LTE when you can instead of waiting to announce then with Tucson?

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And now the Admin is complaining about the complainers. Tone it down, guys.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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And now the Admin is complaining about the complainers. Tone it down, guys.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


Not sure what the big deal is. It's not even that bad. When a moderator makes that comment, it just attracts the negative energy. Especially when their is not that much complaning or more than usual going on.

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Not sure what the big deal is. It's not even that bad. When a moderator makes that comment, it just attracts the negative energy. Especially when their is not that much complaning or more than usual going on.


The moderators are working to enforce our rules. Arguing with them publicly about enforcing the sites policies is not a good idea. Please let this be the end of it. We will not get mired into an argument about our moderation publicly. If you want to continue discussion with me or our Moderators, please do so using the message feature.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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The moderators are working to enforce our rules. Arguing with them publicly about enforcing the sites policies is not a good idea. Please let this be the end of it. We will not get mired into an argument about our moderation publicly. If you want to continue discussion with me or our Moderators, please do so using the message feature.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


Maybe my post was taken out of context, I was actually excited because of the progress being done here.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I have been getting these weird 3G problems where it will be uploading but not downloading at all. It will time out, the 3G will completely disappear then after some time come back and connect again..


It has happened downtown, on river, and by cortaro. Anyone else having these problems?

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I have been getting these weird 3G problems where it will be uploading but not downloading at all. It will time out, the 3G will completely disappear then after some time come back and connect again..


It has happened downtown, on river, and by cortaro. Anyone else having these problems?


Uhm... this is how my service has been for years.


BTW, Sponsors, don't forget to head over to the sponsor forum and take a peek at the new Tucson/Yuma Permit thread. I've stuffed a bunch of info in there so far and I'm frequently digging up new sources of information to add. It's still not 100% complete, but it's getting there!

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Uhm... this is how my service has been for years.


BTW, Sponsors, don't forget to head over to the sponsor forum and take a peek at the new Tucson/Yuma Permit thread. I've stuffed a bunch of info in there so far and I'm frequently digging up new sources of information to add. It's still not 100% complete, but it's getting there!


Its never happened to me before, and it happened in one of the areas that i have been driving around for years and it was the first time it happened there. That why i said it was weird.

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Its never happened to me before, and it happened in one of the areas that i have been driving around for years and it was the first time it happened there. That why i said it was weird.


someone put it to me this way and it makes sense...


You can't change the oil on a running car; same for network, sometimes it has to come off line to "change the oil" apply upgrades. I don't get discouraged when I see slow data around town because my experience has been that it picks right back up. I know crews are working in town all over the place so when I see an outage, it actually gets me excited.

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someone put it to me this way and it makes sense...


You can't change the oil on a running car; same for network, sometimes it has to come off line to "change the oil" apply upgrades. I don't get discouraged when I see slow data around town because my experience has been that it picks right back up. I know crews are working in town all over the place so when I see an outage, it actually gets me excited.


I know they have to turn off the cell to upgrade it, It would be impossible to keep them up and running when they are literally disconnecting cables and changing out equipment.


I have just never experienced it happening all over town. like Robert said before things are going to get worse before they get better..

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Just a follow up - I drove in the same area that it would not download like yesterday and it did the same thing (upload arrow lit up and no download arrow). It stayed that way the whole time until i cycled airplane mode. I guess it connect to a new tower but i did get a very low download compared to normal.



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So I was on the phone with Advanced Tech support because of no service all day, the Tech told me that they have a new system to view updates on their site and they are getting real time updates from technicians on open tickets.

Obviously I put that to the test on a site I know is currently being worked on at Ave A and 32nd street. He told me that this site still has an open ticket to finish up LTE upgrades and will be off line until the 20th. His next comment was, LTE for that tower is slated to be turned on, on that date.





Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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So I was on the phone with Advanced Tech support because of no service all day, the Tech told me that they have a new system to view updates on their site and they are getting real time updates from technicians on open tickets.

Obviously I put that to the test on a site I know is currently being worked on at Ave A and 32nd street. He told me that this site still has an open ticket to finish up LTE upgrades and will be off line until the 20th. His next comment was, LTE for that tower is slated to be turned on, on that date.





Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


He was using several tools for all that info, not just one...


I can say a new tool just launched company-wide to help with network issues. The old system of reporting network issues was convoluted and bass-ackwards. Unless a very specific series of events happened to trigger automatic alerts, it required customers to call in and complain about issues, going through all of hte troubleshooting steps for the device before a network CTMS ticket would be made. That ticket then had a 72 hour turnaround from the networking team. That team would determine if the issue was network, account, device, etc. and if needed would contact the customer directly for more info. Average turnaround for a true network issue from start-completion was about 15 days. This resulted in approximately a month's worth of customer revenue lost per valid ticket (spread across average number of customers on a site, etc.).


The new system however allows any rep in a call center or retail store to note a location with very little work in comparison. Service Trender allows a rep to see how a specific phone has been working on the network, dropped calls, blocked calls, minutes of use, towers used (including individual sectors), roaming usage, etc. are all tracked for each line of service. Raw data can be viewed and the system uses an algorithm to determine if the issues are likely handset or network-caused. It also allows the reps to view the usage on an interactive map, calculate distances to towers from a location, etc. to help pinpoint an issue. It pulls data from the Network Event Board to show current and recent network tickets and take that into account. A Quality of Service score >95% is considered good (green), 94-90% neutral (yellow), and <90% poor (red). It also can breakdown time of day and when issues seem to occur more often.


Using this information a rep determines if it is likely a network issue, and can now use the new Network Pinpoint tool to enter a specific location (address or cross streets) and mark it as having an issue. Dropped calls, voicemails, delays, test issues, slow speeds, no service, etc. are all available to mark. This information is pulled systematically every 15 minutes and compiled along with current Service Trender information nationwide to determine network issues before they become major outages and is automatically sent to local network teams for dispatch and monitoring. This is in addition to the new Network Vision monitoring and remote system that are being put in place with all of the new equipment nationwide. If an issue is discovered, a network ticket will be made so reps can see that the network teams are already aware of the issue with that tower. No more 3-15+ day turnaround, faster issue resolution, and fewer complaints overall.

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He was using several tools for all that info, not just one...


I can say a new tool just launched company-wide to help with network issues. The old system of reporting network issues was convoluted and bass-ackwards. Unless a very specific series of events happened to trigger automatic alerts, it required customers to call in and complain about issues, going through all of hte troubleshooting steps for the device before a network CTMS ticket would be made. That ticket then had a 72 hour turnaround from the networking team. That team would determine if the issue was network, account, device, etc. and if needed would contact the customer directly for more info. Average turnaround for a true network issue from start-completion was about 15 days. This resulted in approximately a month's worth of customer revenue lost per valid ticket (spread across average number of customers on a site, etc.).


The new system however allows any rep in a call center or retail store to note a location with very little work in comparison. Service Trender allows a rep to see how a specific phone has been working on the network, dropped calls, blocked calls, minutes of use, towers used (including individual sectors), roaming usage, etc. are all tracked for each line of service. Raw data can be viewed and the system uses an algorithm to determine if the issues are likely handset or network-caused. It also allows the reps to view the usage on an interactive map, calculate distances to towers from a location, etc. to help pinpoint an issue. It pulls data from the Network Event Board to show current and recent network tickets and take that into account. A Quality of Service score >95% is considered good (green), 94-90% neutral (yellow), and <90% poor (red). It also can breakdown time of day and when issues seem to occur more often.


Using this information a rep determines if it is likely a network issue, and can now use the new Network Pinpoint tool to enter a specific location (address or cross streets) and mark it as having an issue. Dropped calls, voicemails, delays, test issues, slow speeds, no service, etc. are all available to mark. This information is pulled systematically every 15 minutes and compiled along with current Service Trender information nationwide to determine network issues before they become major outages and is automatically sent to local network teams for dispatch and monitoring. This is in addition to the new Network Vision monitoring and remote system that are being put in place with all of the new equipment nationwide. If an issue is discovered, a network ticket will be made so reps can see that the network teams are already aware of the issue with that tower. No more 3-15+ day turnaround, faster issue resolution, and fewer complaints overall.


Thanx for the great info


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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So I was on the phone with Advanced Tech support because of no service all day, the Tech told me that they have a new system to view updates on their site and they are getting real time updates from technicians on open tickets.

Obviously I put that to the test on a site I know is currently being worked on at Ave A and 32nd street. He told me that this site still has an open ticket to finish up LTE upgrades and will be off line until the 20th. His next comment was, LTE for that tower is slated to be turned on, on that date.





Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


I can also confirm this information because I just talked to customer service and they also told me that Ave. a and 32nd st tower will be back online on monday with lte. He said that was the only tower he had any service info on. I just hope it's all so true...i think i gotta pinch myself, so giddy with excitement.

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I put it at 50% chance that the site just ends up 3G accepted. AlcaLu will not start firing up LTE in the Tucson/Yuma market until they have many sites to bring online.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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I put it at 50% chance that the site just ends up 3G accepted. AlcaLu will not start firing up LTE in the Tucson/Yuma market until they have many sites to bring online.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


Well 50% is better than 0% lol I'll take what I can get :P


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I put it at 50% chance that the site just ends up 3G accepted. AlcaLu will not start firing up LTE in the Tucson/Yuma market until they have many sites to bring online.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


That tower just got accepted for 3g a couple of days ago, so I'll take that 50% too.


If it does fire up, I can see alot of us lurking around the school like child predators.


Robert, did you ever see the pic I uploaded from that very tower we are talking about. It had what appeared to be an RRU attached to the legacy panel.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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