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Network Vision/LTE - Tucson/Yuma Market


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I'm asking Tuscon people if it's really that bad.


Yes, it's really that bad. Sprint's voice coverage has done well for me, but it seems any time I want to utilize data in Tucson or Phoenix I'm *lucky* to see 100kbps. More often than not I can't even do light web browsing on "3g" without a fight.


Example: I forgot to turn wifi on at work and started an update of a 20MB app. An hour later it was at 90% and the phone was quite warm. This kind of event is common enough that it's no longer surprising.


I'm trialing a T-mo phone now. Voice coverage is a bit worse, edge data in the boonies sucks vs sprint's 3g (which is usually decent where backhaul saturation isn't a problem), but 10Mbit downstream in town via hspa+... I'm very torn as to who my GS4 is coming from next week.

Edited by TechSmurf
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Yes, it's really that bad. Sprint's voice coverage has done well for me, but it seems any time I want to utilize data in Tucson or Phoenix I'm *lucky* to see 100kbps. More often than not I can't even do light web browsing on "3g" without a fight.


Example: I forgot to turn wifi on at work and started an update of a 20MB app. An hour later it was at 90% and the phone was quite warm. This kind of event is common enough that it's no longer surprising.


I'm trialing a T-mo phone now. Voice coverage is a bit worse, edge data in the boonies sucks vs sprint's 3g (which is usually decent where backhaul saturation isn't a problem), but 10Mbit downstream in town via hspa+... I'm very torn as to who my GS4 is coming from next week.


Remember this when making your choice. Tucson may have horrible sprint data now, at the end of april 2013, but permits for building applications at sprint sites are starting to pile up and deployment has somewhat began in the market. In the next 3 months, expect massive boosts of progress as every OEM races to begin all their remaining markets and finish those that they began. Tucson will definitely be upgraded. Both inside the city and out in the rural areas and even if it's GMO's, it'll still provide decent 3g speeds if upgraded backhaul is not available.


On the other hand, t-mobile may provide temporary relieve now and possibly LTE in the coming day, their rural areas will still be neglected until at least sometime after 2015 after they're done working on their existing HSPA+ foot print. This means that the 2g edge areas will stay 2g for the duration of your contract whereas Sprint 3g will likely be acquiring new backhaul that'll massively improve speeds.

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Remember this when making your choice. Tucson may have horrible sprint data now, at the end of april 2013, but permits for building applications at sprint sites are starting to pile up and deployment has somewhat began in the market. In the next 3 months, expect massive boosts of progress as every OEM races to begin all their remaining markets and finish those that they began. Tucson will definitely be upgraded. Both inside the city and out in the rural areas and even if it's GMO's, it'll still provide decent 3g speeds if upgraded backhaul is not available.


On the other hand, t-mobile may provide temporary relieve now and possibly LTE in the coming day, their rural areas will still be neglected until at least sometime after 2015 after they're done working on their existing HSPA+ foot print. This means that the 2g edge areas will stay 2g for the duration of your contract whereas Sprint 3g will likely be acquiring new backhaul that'll massively improve speeds.


Its been getting alot better, but like most things it just needs time to get to the best! I signed my new 2 year contract with this in mind, and also that you get the most for your buck.

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I'm asking Tuscon people if it's really that bad.


For myself, is usable (email and some web browsing one the phone). It so happens that I am tethering today; at Casa Adobes I am getting anywhere from 150 to 700kbs.

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This same site () has what appears to e smaller RRU's on the legacy panels. I've seen many pictures here on this site but never an RRU on Legacy antennas. Does anyone know what they are?? I can't really take a closer picture because like I said before; that tower is located in a secured area fenced in. But if you look at the picture, you can kind of see it on the back on the second from the left panel.


can anyone Chime in. I'll try and walk my way in there and snap a better pic if I can.



thanx in advance..

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If you're seeing an RRU on a legacy panel, then chances are it isn't a legacy panel at all, but some other carrier. It'd take a pretty clear close up picture to tell what it is.


Also, please keep site IDs and other sponsor information in the sponsor section. Thanks!

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If you're seeing an RRU on a legacy panel, then chances are it isn't a legacy panel at all, but some other carrier. It'd take a pretty clear close up picture to tell what it is.


Also, please keep site IDs and other sponsor information in the sponsor section. Thanks!


One side of the site has the NV panel with an obvious massive RRU attached to the back and next to it, the legacy panel has some smaller ones. I will try and get some close ups. This is new to me.



I apologize for the site ID, Tapatalk don't tell me when I'm on the Sponsor section.

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One side of the site has the NV panel with an obvious massive RRU attached to the back and next to it, the legacy panel has some smaller ones. I will try and get some close ups. This is new to me.


Interesting. This is a new one for me too. Awaiting new pics :)

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This is what I was talking about.








Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Aren't those like diplexers or something where they split the connection into whatever frequency? I vaguely recall AJ or someone talking about them on ATT panels.

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I just wish it was quicker.. Im just waiting for that one day where i come on here and there is a big update with lots of areas getting built up. I see so many areas getting hundreds of towers getting updated then look at tucson/yuma and see maybe 3 or 4.. What gives??? By this rate im going to move away from this damn place before we ever get a sliver of LTE, sad.

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its very spotty service, in a few spots around town I get descent service, but the majority is painful slow, like .04 down and the upload doesn't even register.

I was sitting in the middle on the town trying to check an email and it timed out like 10 times, it was pretty bad.

I think i will be moving to another network, its to the point that its a waste of money, what good is unlimited when you cant access your email?


Well that's what the whole NV project is about. The current network is outdated and wasn't build to handle the load currently on it. As the project progress, and it's moving faster all the time, your experience will improve greatly. LTE signals should start going live in the next couple of months which will alleviate your slow 3G speeds.


However, if the network doesn't meet your needs, then find one that does. Nothing is stopping you from switching. Just know that Sprint will have a top-tier network by the end of the year, and they have plans to keep it that way for years to come.

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I understand that and I been hearing this for 3 years about this imaginary 4g LTE coming any day now to Tucson AZ.

it gets old after a while, they have a lot of catching up to do and a lot of people including myself are getting a little tired of waiting


To be fair, it's only been the last year that LTE has been talked about.


Before that it was 4G WiMax, which was deployed by Clearwire. Unfortunately, they ran into financial troubles that were out of Sprint's control and the roll-out had to be stopped.


This is very different from the WiMax issue. Sprint is handling the roll-out itself, and will see it through to completion. And it's also progressing faster than any other carrier's LTE rollout. Sprint expects to have their entire network overhauled in roughly two years. Verizon has been upgrading for over 3 years, and is only now nearing completion, but running out of capacity in many locations. AT&T won't be upgrading their entire network, confined mostly to urban areas. And T-Mobile will only be doing metro areas.


If you can suffer through the next couple months, Sprint will be the best option in my opinion. If you can afford Verizon and don't mind data caps, then that would be an option for you.

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to answer some of the questions from the 3G Performance in Yuma Thread. I've been in touch with my friends at the store. They are being told 75% of Yuma should be covered with LTE by the end of June. Seeing how many towers are being upgraded and being worked on, that might not bee too far off.


Just today I saw Qwest working at the ave B and 20th street site, They might be working on the Backhaul hopefully.

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In Yuma today I couldnt get a mobile data connection...not even 1x. Any other Yuma users notice this? I was at the Air Station all day for training. Signal was good as usual there (4-5 bars)...but absolutely no data!?!

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Perhaps the national Clearwire outage today affected data for some towers?


Tucson folks, I know your pain, but trust me, NV is coming. I'm working on a permit map for the Tucson/Yuma market to help illustrate that your/my agonizing wait is not in vain and will post it in the sponsor forum when it's a little closer to complete (and after Robert's approval). It will double as a progress map solely for our perpetually ignored market (since we don't give a hoot about Phoenix, much less the rest of the country)

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In Yuma today I couldnt get a mobile data connection...not even 1x. Any other Yuma users notice this? I was at the Air Station all day for training. Signal was good as usual there (4-5 bars)...but absolutely no data!?!


The tower north of the Base on pacific Ave is being upgraded, it could be that they took it off line. There is also another tower East of the main gate on 3E but I don't know what the status is. I had similar occurrence yesterday closer to the Pacific site, I had full bars but no data.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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The tower north of the Base on pacific Ave is being upgraded, it could be that they took it off line. There is also another tower East of the main gate on 3E but I don't know what the status is. I had similar occurrence yesterday closer to the Pacific site, I had full bars but no data.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD


You are probably right, I had just never seen that before. Good to know though that the interruptions will all be worth it as upgrage is in progress. After NV is complete here, the only other thing I can wish/hope Sprint can do is build a new tower out here in the Foothills.

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Tucson has good cell density. Even in the parts of town where they won't be able to deploy 800 SMR LTE because of the IBEZ, Sprint will be able to use 2.6 GHz TD-LTE sites for better bandwidth deployment.

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You are probably right, I had just never seen that before. Good to know though that the interruptions will all be worth it as upgrage is in progress. After NV is complete here, the only other thing I can wish/hope Sprint can do is build a new tower out here in the Foothills.


Speaking of low coverage, seems like sprint has had a bad rep of having low to no service pockets within the city. Building penetration is another one even though I work 1/2 mile away from a tower, most sprint phones will switch to 1x indoors.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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I just talked to the work crew presently working on this NW Tucson site by Costco and I-10.

They said they have worked at 15 sites so far in Tucson installing the NV 3G and 4G equipment however will turn the tower back on with 3G tonight at 6pm. He indicated that the hard part of the job has yet to be done and that is the fiber optic cabling that still has to be run. He said that is coming but not today.


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