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Network Vision/LTE - Tampa Market


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You're right. I'm bored chasing sites, I'm kinda disappointed too that it appears they will be behind schedule here. I still believe when we get the first site in this area it will be something like 10-12 at a time but I'm just tired of waiting every week for a update that doesn't come. I see the clusterr they are building in at least two areas where multiple sites will likely come on line at the same time but still I'm just disappointed to see they wasted Aug-Oct doing what appears to be nothing at sites I have been too. No slab, no evidence of backhaul, no cabinets set. All things that could have been completed beforehand to speed up the process. Maybe it wasn't able to be done for one reason or another but still the basics of site prep could have been completed and I'm seeing it wasnt. Maybe this is where the other vendors are beating Ericsson. Preparation.


Yes, I feel the same way. Headed out to Cocoa in the morning as we're headed out on a cruise. I'll feel some 4G love over there. No time to ride down to Grant though... wish someone would and map that out there. I have seen no work going on this side of the bay (Riverview/Brandon). Only work I have seen is in St. Pete. When I get back may make a trip to some other areas. Surprised not to hear anything going on in SWFL also.

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I had a source give me the Site ID for the Epcot site (and another on in Orlando area), and they have been added as In Progress to the maps. If someone can go through and catalog all the Tampa sites with confirmed NV activity and send me the Site ID's, I will add them to the In Progress maps too.



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Can anyone tell me what this picture is telling me? It's a picture from a site I have been too and thought the backhaul was completed. You can see the trench line from the site to the vault but what is the orange conduit that is stick up out the ground? There seems to be nothing in it not even a rope




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That is the conduit they run the fiber in.


Can anyone tell me what this picture is telling me? It's a picture from a site I have been too and thought the backhaul was completed. You can see the trench line from the site to the vault but what is the orange conduit that is stick up out the ground? There seems to be nothing in it not even a rope




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TA73XC100 has what look like NV panels with the RRUs but no LTE and very strong (full) signal on 3G but horrendous speeds in the low 200s. So I guess it would count as in progress.


I had a source give me the Site ID for the Epcot site (and another on in Orlando area), and they have been added as In Progress to the maps. If someone can go through and catalog all the Tampa sites with confirmed NV activity and send me the Site ID's, I will add them to the In Progress maps too.



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Omg New Lte in Orlando check sensorly if o town lights up before Tampa st Pete I'm going to cry why don't they plan these roll outs by population density

Edited by TuX
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Omg New Lte in Orlando check sensorly if o town lights up before Tampa st Pete I'm going to cry why don't they plan these roll outs by population density

I am sure they have a very strategic plan. and I guess Epcot/Disney makes sense. But still seems like they are willy-nilly with their installs.

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Omg New Lte in Orlando check sensorly if o town lights up before Tampa st Pete I'm going to cry why don't they plan these roll outs by population density

I am sure they have a very strategic plan. and I guess Epcot/Disney makes sense. But still seems like they are willy-nilly with their installs.


The plan is...... to do what ever tower is ready first. There is no plan by population, best strategic site, or anything like that. The towers are done in the order in which they are ready. That means planning, permits, backhaul securing contractors, getting equipment there, all that. They aren't picking and choosing, skipping over regions on purpose, it just happens these towers were the easiest to get done the fastest.

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How come sites that have nv panels up and cabinets and back.haul.aren't up.then


How do you know there is backhaul? Unless you saw it installed, or have tested the connection, you can't know.


And there is always the possibility that there is some component that isn't ready yet. Something that's not connected. A piece that is missing.


I've seen towers site for a couple of weeks before the signal comes on. We have no way of knowing what the issue is, but I'm betting that it has to do with backhaul not being up to par.


And if they aren't accepted by Sprint yet, then there is no reason to expect an LTE signal from them. At this time, there are no sites accepted in the Tampa market. Why this is, we don't know. When sites start getting accepted, that's when you should start looking for LTE signals.

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Hey everyone. I'm new at posting on this forum but I'm always reading it. So- I finally decided to register.


On Monday I was driving on 275 north on the St. Pete side approaching the Howard Frankland (right by the new Welcome to St Pete sign). There's a tower on the northbound side of the highway near the St Pete sign and the 4th Street / Ulmerton exits. I saw a bunch of technicians working on the tower, and there were probably about four or five unmarked white utility vans parked there too. Not sure if they were doing anything for Sprint though. Does anyone know?



- George


Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk.

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