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Network Vision/LTE - South Carolina Market (Columbia/Greenville/Spartanburg)


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Sprint is running a new fiber down Olympia ave in Columbia sc was also told there was going to be a lot more if this in the next few weeks I will try to go by there after work to take some pics


Cool. Keep us posted. Thanks.



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Hope so! My girlfriend's parents are in the Columbia market. You can check if the tower is Sprint by looking at opensignalmaps.com perhaps?


Tower locations in opensignalmaps are junk estimates. To see the actual Sprint tower locations, you should become a sponsor and view Robert's maps.

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Here a pic but not sure if this is for sprint but the are doing work on the tower


Is that your dentist who has his shingle above the dumpster?



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Ummm no ....... But u can go see him if u like


Excellent idea. I think that I will travel halfway across the country for my dental work because if there is one characteristic that we all associate with the South, it is certainly good teeth.


(Now, extra credit for those who can point out the logical flaw(s) in my humor.)




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Ummm ya u know if u do not like a post u do not have to look at it and so u know living in the south has nothing to do with bad teeth


Well, to know whether or not you like a post you do kind of have to look at it first but that's beside the point.


AJ was only joking, there is plenty of humor on this site. I wouldn't take it so personally.

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Ummm ya u know if u do not like a post u do not have to look at it and so u know living in the south has nothing to do with bad teeth


wyndd123, I intended for my post to be humorous, not offensive. If you took it to be the latter, I apologize.


As S4GRU staff, we have seen essentially the same posts and pics dozens, if not hundreds of times by now. So, we have to inject a little bit of comedy here and there just to stay sane. If you are willing to play along with that humor, make some cracks about us, too, this can be a simultaneously fun and informative site.


Best wishes...



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I just usually make reference to the fact that AJ lives in Kansas. Typically that is retort enough when he injects deprecating geographical humor.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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I just usually make reference to the fact that AJ lives in Kansas. Typically that is retort enough when he injects deprecating geographical humor.


Hey, there is nothing wrong with Kansas. Oh, wait...







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I just usually make reference to the fact that AJ lives in Kansas. Typically that is retort enough when he injects deprecating geographical humor.


On second thought, watch what you say, Herron. We have leverage over you. We can have you turned away at the border, your Crawford County fried chicken privileges revoked.





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On second thought' date=' watch what you say, Herron. We have leverage over you. We can have you turned away at the border, your Crawford County fried chicken privileges revoked.






I'll be good! I'll be good!


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I was on the Sprint campus a few months back, and as I was landing at the airport nearby, I realized I wasn't in NY anymore. Cows surrounding the airport, and everything was flat and featureless.

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