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Does NV site turn-on mean 800 CDMA MHz voice turn-on or capability is present?

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A new forum user here. I tried to search for this but failed to find it.


When a NV multi-mode site is turned on, does this mean that 800 MHz is turned on? Or does it simply mean that 800 MHz capability is available at the tower? My motivation for this question is the poor in home voice reception that I have. I could try an air-rave but if 800 MHz CDMA is coming, I may wait and live with the poor reception until I can see if 800 MHz fixes it.


I see from another thread that iphone 4s won't support 800 MHz voice , will the Nexus S 4G? Is there a better search than 800 MHz voice support?


Thanks in advance.

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IIRC no phones currently support 800MHZ voice that you are referring to and i believe that Robert said the 800 voice field test wont start until early 2013. My advice is don't wait and get an Air-rave

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IIRC no phones currently support 800MHZ voice that you are referring to and i believe that Robert said the 800 voice field test wont start until early 2013. My advice is don't wait and get an Air-rave


Most newer smartphones do support the 800 Mhz ESMR that NV will bring. The iphone, however, does not support this band, so it will not benefit from the better frequency.

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CDMA 800 is already live in approximately a dozen sites in the Chicago area. They are shown in our NV Sites Complete map in the Sponsor section. Sprint will bring up CDMA 800 slowly over some Network Vision markets in areas that do not have conflicting iDEN service on Channel 476.


It's my understanding that iDEN is being cleared in the nationwide thinning, enough to deploy the one 1xA carrier now, and that Sprint will add them over the next year or so. However, this information came from one source verbally. I have never seen anything to ever confirm that. However, it seems to be confirmed by the fact that 800 1x carriers are going live in the Chicago area. We have also have had S4GRU members connect to 800 1x carriers temporarily in the LA, Baltimore and DC markets.


As for devices that support CDMA 800 on SMR, one of our Moderators is working on a list to post on the site. It currently does not list the Nexus S 4G. I believe it does not support 800 SMR.



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As for devices that support CDMA 800 on SMR, one of our Moderators is working on a list to post on the site. It currently does not list the Nexus S 4G. I believe it does not support 800 SMR.




That is correct, the Nexus S does not support 800 SMR.

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Looking forward to that list, i was under the wrong impression it seems! Maybe its LTE800 i was thinking of then.

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This will also appear in the FAQ when it is posted, but here is a list of the current phones I have researched and found that support voice in the 800 MHz SMR band:

Samsung Galaxy S III


Samsung Galaxy Nexus

LG Viper

HTC EVO Design

Samsung Epic 4G Touch


Motorola Admiral

ZTE Fury

Kyocera DuraXT

LG Optimus Elite

Samsung Conquer

LG Rumor Reflex

Kyocera DuraPlus

Samsung M370

Huawei Express

Kyocera DuraCore

Samsung Transform Ultra

BlackBerry Curve 9350

Kyocera Milano

Kyocera Brio

LG Marquee

Samsung Trender


I might have missed a couple older phones, but I think I hit a good chunk of them. If anyone knows of any other phones that support SMR 800 voice, let me know and I will add it to the list. Thanks.

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Kyocera Milano

Kyocera Brio


Did Kyocera buy out Pepperidge Farm?



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Did Kyocera buy out Pepperidge Farm?




Next you can expect them to get a little nutty with the Kyocera Sausalito. Emmmm...


Can't wait to take a byte out of that!



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No Kyocera Echo?? Man, that phone is AWESOME. :rofl:


Magic 8-Ball says "don't count on it" sorry.


I remember Sprint sent me an e-mail about an exclusive preorder for the Kyocera Echo. I instadeleted it. They probably still have some of their initial stock left.

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Magic 8-Ball says "don't count on it" sorry.


I remember Sprint sent me an e-mail about an exclusive preorder for the Kyocera Echo. I instadeleted it. They probably still have some of their initial stock left.


I remember when they had the press conference to announce that thing. The Sprint VP for phones said it was going to be the first in a new device category and they were definitely going to make new versions . I guess he was wrong.

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Also added Samsung Trender. I think that will be the last one. I can't find anything else.


I'm actually impressed that the Samsung M370 has 800MHz support in a flip phone. That is the only one on the list...

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The Sprint Version of the Galaxy nexus supports 800mhz smr


Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner


Are you sure? Hmmm, will have to double check on that.

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None of the corporate PRL's support 800 voice. There was one for Chicago, but they removed it. You can install our custom PRL for CDMA 800 testing: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/files/file/18-cdma-800-testing-prl-21086xprl/



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As a side note, I have poor service in my house. I made a phone call to sprint and told them my reception at home was poor and they sent out an Airave for free. I just have to send it back if I ever terminate my service. This was almost a year ago, so I don't know if it was a program Sprint had that may not be running anymore, but its worth a shot.

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What about the new prl that just came out today. Can anyone confirm if the smr band was added back in?


Sent from my EVO LTE


Our Resident PRL expert, Digiblur, is on vacation.



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Are you sure? Hmmm, will have to double check on that.


Check right here on S4GRU... LOL http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-114-sprint-galaxy-nexus-fcc-testing-docs-appearno-800-lte-support/


It doesn't support 800LTE, but it does support voice like the rest of the list earlier in the thread.

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