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Boston Network Vision/LTE Deployment schedule update




by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 - 5:03 AM MDT


The next market in our Network Vision/LTE deployment schedule update series is...Boston, Mass. This market has not been announced by Sprint, but appears to be on the way for a late August launch, and work is already well under way in this market.


The Boston market essentially covers the entirety of the Bay State, from Pittsfield to the end of Cape Cod. Sprint's Network Vision OEM Alcatel/Lucent has been actively deploying in the Boston market since late February and has a lot of sites up and running. As of this week, there are approximately 150 Network Vision sites that have completed upgrades. These sites are pretty spread out around the market, from Springfield to Suburban Boston and way out to New Bedford and Cape Cod!



Complete Network Vision Sites in the Boston market. Approximately 150 Network Vision sites are complete in the market. The map on the left showing sites with 3G on-air and the map on the right showing 4G LTE on-air.


Market Launch and Remaining Schedule


It was Sprint's original plan to launch markets when they reached 50% of sites converted to Network Vision. However, it has now been determined that Sprint will move up launches sooner than 50% completion in several markets. This is likely to maintain a Mid 2012 launch in markets that have already been announced. However, in an unannounced market like Boston, we don't know if they will resume pushing back market launches to 50%, or if they will now settle on a 30% - 40% completion to be the new normal for market launches.


If Sprint waits for 50% completion to launch the Boston market, it would make the launch month to be October (should AlcaLu stay on schedule). That being said, if Sprint should launch around the third week of August (as we suspect), then the market would be less than 50% complete. This doesn't sound like enough, but it would provide pretty good coverage. Even Verizon doesn't launch on all sites in a market initially. Usually less than 50%, then filling in with more and more sites every few months.



Anticipated Sites Complete at Market Launch. According to the Network Vision schedules that S4GRU has reviewed, if Sprint launched the market in late August, these are the anticipated sites that would likely have LTE complete at that time. This would provide fairly good LTE coverage over many parts of the market.


Until recently, Sprint was not reporting any of these live Network Vision sites in Boston have 4G LTE complete, only 3G EVDO. But this weekend, 4G LTE sites started to go on-air in the Boston market. The 140 or so 3G only Network Vision sites will likely start coming live with 4G LTE very soon.


The bottom line...


We currently do not have a date that Sprint will formally "launch" the Boston market. We believe they are targeting a launch month of August based on reports internally within Sprint. However, after reviewing the schedule, it may actually pan out to be late August or the first of September. Sprint will likely announce a launch date for this market, and a few others like Austin, Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles around the time of the first launch.


Sprint's Network Vision schedule for this market currently has 148 Network Vision sites complete. Alcatel/Lucent is plotting continual progress from here with production increasing up to a rate of almost 70 sites per month. S4GRU has examined the schedule in great detail in this market and sees that most of the sites will be complete by February 2013. However, there are several sites that will linger past the completion. In our estimation of the schedule, AlcaLu is right on time, and should have no problem meeting or exceeding the schedule.



Photo of Boston skyline provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


NOTE: S4GRU Sponsor Members can track regular updates of

Network Vision sites completed nationwide. Completed sites are shown in an interactive Google Maps interface. Information about sponsorship can be found here: S4GRU Sponsorship

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If these NV sites are live, why am i still getting crappy 3G speeds? I am averaging 300k/114k in Somerville, MA. Did they block access to their NV sites until LTE goes live?

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If these NV sites are live, why am i still getting crappy 3G speeds? I am averaging 300k/114k in Somerville, MA. Did they block access to their NV sites until LTE goes live?


Two reasons...


1. Only 16% of all the sites in the market have been converted as of the writing of this article. If you are on a legacy site, then nothing has changed for you, yet.


2. Not all the 3G Network Vision sites have new backhaul on the day they go live. If the backhaul has not landed at the site when NV crews show up, they still convert the site to Network Vision and hook up the legacy backhaul for a short time until the new backhaul arrives. So in some sites, there is a slight delay until normal NV performance takes over.


Sprint is not blocking access to the 3G network at completed Network Vision sites. We are getting lots of good reports of much improved speeds at confirmed completed sites in the Lynn/Beverly area. 1.5Mbps to 2.6Mbps.



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Two reasons...1. Only 16% of all the sites in the market have been converted as of the writing of this article. If you are on a legacy site, then nothing has changed for you, yet.2. Not all the 3G Network Vision sites have new backhaul on the day they go live. If the backhaul has not landed at the site when NV crews show up, they still convert the site to Network Vision and hook up the legacy backhaul for a short time until the new backhaul arrives. So in some sites, there is a slight delay until normal NV performance takes over.Sprint is not blocking access to the 3G network at completed Network Vision sites. We are getting lots of good reports of much improved speeds at confirmed completed sites in the Lynn/Beverly area. 1.5Mbps to 2.6Mbps.Robert

So.. what was the point of this article? You stated that 150 NV sites are complete, don't you think complete should mean going live with the new backhaul??

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So.. what was the point of this article? You stated that 150 NV sites are complete, don't you think complete should mean going live with the new backhaul??


The point of this article is clearly identified. IT IS A SCHEDULE UPDATE. We get requests for schedule updates every day. And now we are in the middle of an article series providing a schedule update on every first and second round market.


The conversion to Network Vision is complete, all the work has been done physically at these sites. And most of them do have the new backhaul in place. But there are a small amount that will be on legacy backhaul for a short time. Sprint reports sites that are accepted complete from the OEM, but they do not report which ones may not have backhaul upgrade yet. I have no way to segregate those out.


And trying to do so doesn't much matter, because its always in flux. But this is the schedule update for Boston that is a snap shot in time for the moment as best that can be identified and reported at this time.



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very cool thanks for the update. I had to deal with the wait with Verizon, and trust me its well worth the wait everyone. It would be nice to get an official statement from sprint stating the next cities that they plan to deploy LTE service. But its still nice knowing that the deployment is going smoothly and expanding.

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Hello, Any idea when Western MA will get some Network Vision action? I live in Pittsfield and was curious. Thanks for all the updates!!!

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Hello, Any idea when Western MA will get some Network Vision action? I live in Pittsfield and was curious. Thanks for all the updates!!!


Pittsfield does not have any sites in the first half of the market deployment. The schedule shows deployment will start in the Pittsfield area in October and wrap up in December.



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Robert do you know when the site in Webster Ma. will get complete. I want to see if it has LTE before sprint can block it.


It is scheduled for July 21st at this point.



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That one is blocked. I work less than a half mile from it.Is there a way to tell that there is LTE signal?


If you have your MSL number for your device, you can go to your phone dialer and dial ##DATA#, select Edit Mode, then go down and select LTE record. It will give you a list of all the LTE sites you have connected to, even blocked sites. If you see something there, your device has been seeing LTE sites but unallowed to connect.



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Have you pressed Clear File since you were last in that area? Also, I believe you must go in to Edit Mode to see the LTE records. I believe if you go into View Mode, it will always say record empty.



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I am in edit mode and have never pressed clear, Can I force it to look for LTE?


No. If you have never pressed clear and you are in Edit mode means that your device has likely never detected a LTE site in its range. Is it possible you were in CDMA only mode when you were in the area of that site? If so, it will not look for or connect to a LTE signal at all.



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