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Looks like EVO LTE launch back on...for May 23rd




by Robert Herron
Sprint 4G Rollout Updates
Thursday, May 17, 2012 - 12:06 PM MDT


It appears Sprint is moving forward with a revised launch date of the EVO LTE on Wednesday, May 23rd. Our source yesterday said that Sprint was working toward the 23rd. The blog Inside Sprint Now is reporting that the 23rd appears to be a go.

In an e-mail to one of our Sprint sources for more information, he did confirm that May 23rd is being said internally, but he has no details about the specifics of the authorizations from Customs or the supply chain. We will release more details with updated information about the EVO LTE deliveries as we know more. However, S4GRU Members who purchased from Best Buy are starting to get updates about a May 23rd delivery. Fingers crossed...


Source: Inside Sprint Now, Sprint Internal Source


UPDATE 12:30 PM MDT: Inside Sprint Now is reporting that they are working on shipping pre-orders earlier to arrive prior to the revised launch date of May 23rd. Our source was unable to confirm that at the time of this update.

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New info and we should all be getting the phones soon!http://insidesprintn...red-by-customs/http://taipeitimes.c...5/21/2003533313It’s about time as to this day I have not received one word of info from Sprint themselves! I was told when I ordered I would receive my phone on or before May 18th and I have received no phone calls, emails or text messages about any delay. Sprint really blew this ordeal. I’m happy that there will finally be movement on my phone as they have had my money for almost two weeks now!Enjoy,5th :)


Thanks for the info but I have to be honest with you, sometimes shit happens that you can't control, thats just the facts of life. Pre-ordering was available before an actual release was even known, pre-ordering was not necessary nor mandatory to get the phone and sprint did not convey that message either. All they said was that whoever pre-orders will be the first ones to get the phone whenever they were available, well guess what, they weren't available. This is why I seldom pre-order anything because I know that a pre-order doesn't guarantee anything other than me parting ways with my money. Now I can understand you being frustrated with sprint because they didn't communicate with you directly after you sent them your $200 by choice(even though its known that they sent out a mass email to those that did pre-order about the delay) but I am sure they are even more frustrated being that they have ten's of millions of dollars of inventory sitting somewhere collecting dust. So please stop with the sprint bashing because at the end of the day it wasn't their fault, HTC played a bigger role in this. Also remember that its just a phone.

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HTC EVO 4G LTE: Cleared by Customs






It would appear that customs has cleared the HTC EVO 4G LTE. According to the TaiPei Times:

“In a twist to the US’ import ban on various HTC Corp (宏達電) smartphones, the company yesterday said some of its products blocked by US customs because of patent-infringement concerns had been allowed to enter the US market after passing the customs’ review.”

I have not seen anything internally yet as far as shipping dates, but I would expect to have that info either later tonight or super early in the morning. I do know there were several plans drafted based on when they would be cleared, so I’ll get that info and match it up and see where we’re at. Hang tight, it’s going to be a fast paced next 24 hours! :) And who knew customs worked on the weekend for commercial stuff!

Thanks to about 200 people that sent me this article! I was out at brunch and having drinks with some friends on a lazy day, and had no expectations of anything breaking today :) At least now I’ve got some snooping to do.

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It still isn't know for sure the EVO is on that list. The source just mentions "some products". I think we should all be very careful about getting our hopes too high. Let's just sit tight. It should only be a matter of days.

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Thanks for the info but I have to be honest with you, sometimes shit happens that you can't control, thats just the facts of life. Pre-ordering was available before an actual release was even known, pre-ordering was not necessary nor mandatory to get the phone and sprint did not convey that message either. All they said was that whoever pre-orders will be the first ones to get the phone whenever they were available, well guess what, they weren't available. This is why I seldom pre-order anything because I know that a pre-order doesn't guarantee anything other than me parting ways with my money. Now I can understand you being frustrated with sprint because they didn't communicate with you directly after you sent them your $200 by choice(even though its known that they sent out a mass email to those that did pre-order about the delay) but I am sure they are even more frustrated being that they have ten's of millions of dollars of inventory sitting somewhere collecting dust. So please stop with the sprint bashing because at the end of the day it wasn't their fault, HTC played a bigger role in this. Also remember that its just a phone.

Why don't you go take a long walk off a short pier with your honesty because no matter how much you think I'm lying about not receiving any communication from Sprint you're dead wrong. I'm willing to PM you my email and username just to prove my point. I also have a close friend who ordered about two minutes after I did and has also yet to receive ANYTHING from Sprint. And NO HTC played NO role in this as it was ultimately Sprint who knew for over a month that the phones were being stopped yet still tried to push as release. My new phrase for the month is, “Risk with Mitigation!”

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Why don't you go take a long walk off a short pier with your honesty because no matter how much you think I'm lying about not receiving any communication from Sprint you're dead wrong. I'm willing to PM you my email and username just to prove my point. I also have a close friend who ordered about two minutes after I did and has also yet to receive ANYTHING from Sprint. And NO HTC played NO role in this as it was ultimately Sprint who knew for over a month that the phones were being stopped yet still tried to push as release. My new phrase for the month is, “Risk with Mitigation!”

This was HTC's responsibility as the builder and shipper of the phone. Sprint has to go by what HTC has told them and it is obvious at this point that HTC thought they had given customs enough lead time to confirm that there was no patent infringement. Could Sprint have been more communicative? Yes, I agree with you there. But they did release information on the delay. Worse comes to worse you can refuse the shipment, get your money back, cancel your account and get the One X at AT&T if you feel that strongly that this was Sprints fault.
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Why don't you go take a long walk off a short pier with your honesty because no matter how much you think I'm lying about not receiving any communication from Sprint you're dead wrong. I'm willing to PM you my email and username just to prove my point. I also have a close friend who ordered about two minutes after I did and has also yet to receive ANYTHING from Sprint. And NO HTC played NO role in this as it was ultimately Sprint who knew for over a month that the phones were being stopped yet still tried to push as release. My new phrase for the month is, “Risk with Mitigation!”


Take a long walk off of a short pier? Ok Boss, if you say so. Also when did I ever call you a liar? Hmm? And how is this sprints fault? These phones(evo lte, one x) weren't held up due to the actions of sprint, they were held up due to litigation between htc and apple. Who knows if sprint new about it in advance and even if they did they probably had the same concerns and htc assured them that everything will work out just fine. Obviously it didn't work out and now everyone is scrambling to make things right. Now the only mistake sprint made is through public relations, they could have done a better job communicating with customers but other than that what else could they have done? They didn't infringe on a patent, htc did. Seems to me like you pissed off because you don't have the phone yet and it probably wouldn't have made a difference whether they emailed you or not, your attitude towards them would have probably been the same.

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S4GRU will not tolerate insults directed to other members. Please keep the tone civil towards each other. Your immediate compliance is required. Thanks.



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Do you know the Muffinman??? LOL thank for the update. I have been trying to find an update and this is the only site that keeps the info coming.

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Ok, this article states that BB is going to put the phone on sale on 5/23 & Sprint is going to sell it starting 5/25?????? What no one sees the conflict or is everyone so happy that "who cares"? My hope is that it is true, that Friday I can get my phone. I have searched online & there is no news elsewhere.

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Ok, this article states that BB is going to put the phone on sale on 5/23 & Sprint is going to sell it starting 5/25?????? What no one sees the conflict or is everyone so happy that "who cares"? My hope is that it is true, that Friday I can get my phone. I have searched online & there is no news elsewhere.


I was thinking the samething but as long as UPS has a boxs with my two phones in it by Friday I am a happy man.

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Ok, this article states that BB is going to put the phone on sale on 5/23 & Sprint is going to sell it starting 5/25?????? What no one sees the conflict or is everyone so happy that "who cares"? My hope is that it is true, that Friday I can get my phone. I have searched online & there is no news elsewhere.


Yes I see the conflict as do others I am sure, it was just something that we can read and speculate about in the mean time.




There are phones in the past that have been released at bestbuy before sprint had it available for sale. The touch pro or touch diamond(can't remember which one) was one of those devices, so it does happen, not saying thats the case this time though.

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Ok, this article states that BB is going to put the phone on sale on 5/23 & Sprint is going to sell it starting 5/25?????? What no one sees the conflict or is everyone so happy that "who cares"? My hope is that it is true, that Friday I can get my phone. I have searched online & there is no news elsewhere.


That might be based on the 5/23 relase date e-mail that BB released (and subsequently followed up with a "no actual date" e-mail).

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here's what my order status changed too....



Thank you for pre-ordering the EVO 4G LTE. We will do our best to get it to you by Thursday, May 24. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking number the moment your new phone ships. We apologize but we cannot support any further cancel requests at this time as our warehouse is processing orders. However, you may refuse shipment or call to request a return kit once you receive shipment.

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I will be going to Best Buy tomorrow to pickup my pre-ordered EVO 4G LTE phone. Hope Sprint turns on the LTE network here in Kansas City tomorrow! :)

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I will be going to Best Buy tomorrow to pickup my pre-ordered EVO 4G LTE phone. Hope Sprint turns on the LTE network here in Kansas City tomorrow! :)


They told you it would be there tomorrow?

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I pre-ordered from the Wirefly Friends and Family Store and this is the message I received today:


"Dear Bill,


Thank you for ordering from Wirefly Friends and Family Store.


Great News! We learned overnight that US officials finally cleared the Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE shipment and they will soon be on their way to Sprint and, of course, us.


We do not have a definitive delivery date yet, but we’ve done this many times before and we can assure you that the phones will literally spend about 1 hour in our distribution facility before we ship them out the door.


To be fair to all of our customers, we are shipping the phones in the order in which the purchases were made. We will send you an email as soon as your device is ready to ship. If you wish to make any modifications to your order, now would be a good time to do so because when the phones arrive, we’ll be heads-down working to get them out the door ASAP.


We are glad that Sprint, HTC, and the US Government were able to come to agreement because this is one incredible device and from everything we’ve heard, worth the wait. Thanks again for shopping with us. We appreciate your business.




You Friends at Wirefly Friends and Family Store"


So it still is unknown, but at least they finally communicated to us.

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