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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Ask and you shall receive boss. Its interesting to note from the specs that the Edge is smaller in height but a bit wider. The display according to these specs is also smaller but does that include the side panel or not? Sources: Images from Verge Specs from BGR Format: me TS out
  2. Sprint Galaxy Note 4 Pre-register site is up now. Sprint will be offering both the Note 4 and Note Edge. The only carrier offering both versions. woohoo and from the statement, it might seem like it will be offering the Gear VR too. hmmm
  3. That is true (Used to love it being naked without a case) until that one day when it slips and falls and shatters. Lesson learned. Besides whats a few more millimeters of case protection love handles to a huge phone anyway. lol maybe its me, but I really am disliking that female presenter.
  4. Note Edge, Ha Called it lol Now lets see if it comes to Sprint.
  5. The kid was only 12 years old. Sucks to have your child taken away like that.
  6. So that's 9AM EST. Good to know, Thanks
  7. Social media showdown: Sprint's Claure fires back at Legere Interesting to note that Marcelo is just retweeting other people tweets, not actually doing the tweet. TS
  8. Do my eyes deceive me or did Sascha Segan write a Sprint article without bashing the company into the ground? Exclusive, Sprint's Head of Product on learning from Japan. TS
  9. That is true, seems the Uncarrier is getting unraveled and is now doing the following.
  10. Aside from blurry images 15, 19, 21 and 48, they came out really nice.
  11. I so much wanted the Note 3 but with it not being tri-band I had to settle on the Mega. I'm so looking forward to the Galaxy Note 4. Speaking of Galaxy, I feel that Samsung should just make 3 versions of the S Series and 3 versions of the Note series and nothing else in its phone line up. Something like this... Since most phone bezels keep getting smaller with each generation, I feel it should just be those sizes. Seems that there is basically a 06" difference between screen sizes for phones and 0.7" difference for tablets. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. btw, does anyone know if the Samsung Note 4 unveiling will be broadcast? TS
  12. I'm curious, was there a restocking fee with that test drive?
  13. ^ isn't that his other boardroom? Where he usually gets his ideas. A dump a day, another uncarrier play. Here is Banana John or is it Johns Banana?
  14. Correct, its North Bergen on 91 st, not Lodi (I confused the location with National Liquidators in Lodi) then again North Bergen and Lodi seem to be the same place for me, it is NJ after all. its all one big blur. Yeah the Target in Gateway is good, I like the one in Elmhurst a bit better just traffic is a bitch. I find the LTE in the area very good. TS
  15. No Shit. The magenta lovefest those two show is stomach turning. ugh I hope to see one day our own very s4gru network analyst on those programs to set the record straight on facts. TS
  16. lol I never seen that commercial and I'm starting to regret I just did
  17. Really, I went last 2 weeks ago and it was really nice and this past weekend also and it was busier than before because of the kids, but I didn't encounter any bad attitudes on both occasions. Then again, kid shopping will bring the worst in folks. lol I guess it also depends on the time one goes. I usually go early. TS
  18. I usually compare the Walmart over in Lodi, NJ as the litmus test of Walmarts. Big, with a food center. The one in Valley Stream was recently updated and I can say its as close if not the same size as the one in Lodi. There used to be a Pet store and National Liquidators next to them. They closed and Walmart expanded into their space, basically doubling the size. TS
  19. You can read the manual or download it, but basically what tommy posted and what is in this thread are the main points. There is a desktop dock that is suppose to increase the range but I don't believe it gives much of difference. There is also a section dedicated to the device over at the Sprint Community forums too that you may want to browse through. TS
  20. lol I tweeted something earlier today as well but haven't checked if he blocked me. I'm sure he has lol TS
  21. Well if you ever go in that area, the Classic Diner on the corner has the most awesome lemon chicken soup (but only on Fridays) TS
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