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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Going back to this.... umm forgive my ignorance but what is ATT CYBIH It seems that is the only place that carry over data is mentioned is in that article. I checked with Sprint and yes they do have carry over data on plans that are not unlimited. But it is tied to the original amount you had. so for instance, the way it was explained... You are on a 10GB per month plan. In Jan: you used up 7GB thus having 3 GB unused/remaining that can be carried over. In Feb: you now have your regular 10GB +3GB for a total of 13GB to use. But you end up using 5GB, which now leaves you with 8GB carried over In Mar: You have 10GB + the 8GB carried over for a total of 18GB to use. You only use 7GB that month. leaving you with 11GB not used. You would think that you cn carry over that 11GB to the next month. Nope. Since your original data bucket is 10 you cannot carry over more than that same amount on to the next month, so instead of 11 you have 10GB + 10GB carry over to use the next month. Hope I didn't confuse anyone. TS
  2. Nice, but question, Is that the one for the U.S. (red colored Sprint version) or the the overseas version that the media is putting out left and right in reviews today? TS
  3. Taken like a grain of salt, one can agree or disagree with any sort of metric, survey or ranking regardless of the sources or how they come to their conclusions. I just look at the charts/images and say like my niece "It's pretty" Jokings aside, rankings are made to be broken sooner or later. But it does feel good when your team is on top. TS
  4. The member that we dare not speak their name retweeted a screenshot of a T-Mobile speedtest in New Orleans. I doubt Legere will respond to either the poster or the retweeter.. TS
  5. Mine keeps go back and forth between B26 and B41
  6. Good to hear about the OTA. I figure the Sprint version will come along soon enough. Now I have to go in search of un-root procedures to get the Note 4 back to virgin state to accept the OTA. Hopefully the Edge is next after that. TS
  7. He called him a "Tasmanian Devil" LMAO I can see a meme of that eventually. I feel that Hesse really didn't want to ruffle any feathers, but Marcelo seems like he will throw a punch if need be (or at least his twitter staff). All Legere has done is awoken a sleeping giant and that giant will stop at nothing to stomp out that pesky little ant. TS
  8. Seems that the technobuffalo Video has been set to private.
  9. I Like. I really Like. but knowing the Legere crowd, they will turn it to POS United. As for the colors, just make it multi colored. Blue, red, yellow, green like Google. Which leads me to this... Maybe, but regardless of who is admin, 2017 sounds about right. By then Sprint would be in a better position and Softbank will either be co-partner or sell Sprint outright to Google.
  10. Thread link added to the Network Vision FAQ. TS
  11. Well, I finally received it from ZTE. But I actually thought it would be the Live Pro or the newer SPro 2 but nope. I was sent the SPro instead which is the wi-fi version of the Live Pro. Not that I'm complaining, because this thing is super cute. Can't believe how small it is. TS
  12. I assume you do that / have a need for it on the road, because if its in an office environment, a regular phone line and PC would do wonders in regards to surf and talk. TS
  13. That is how it sounds to me. That's interesting.
  14. I still do not get the fascination over VoLTE / talking and surfing simultaneously. Maybe because I don't recall every having it or using it (on other carriers), but especially because I have yet to get a good example/reason of why it would be necessary. But that's for another thread. In regards to using Google voice full integration/Hangouts dialer, I downloaded it a while back but haven't figured out how to use it properly to simulate Talk and surf (to see what all the big deal was about ) but I was lazy to go search for proper instructions on how to do it. lol As for NYC, I love the progress that has been made since last year. No complaints. Even in the areas I've ventured into Long Island have improved. I go out there every three weeks and every time the network gets better on the areas we go to. It's funny, 2 years ago, my friends on Verizon and T-Mobile were happy and those on Sprint were not. Now they are not so happy and the ones on Sprint are loving the network. TS
  15. Judas A Priest, those comments in that article. aarrrgghhh TS
  16. I was thinking this morning that are we not close to it, but couldn't remember the date. Actually thought it was next week. But as usual time flies by, so yeah it does seem that it wasn't too long ago. no caffeine!!!! Sacrilege As for the numbers, like Mario said, they made a small mention of some numbers early in late Dec/earlyJan, but the numbers should be better. A quarterly report is usually done 2-3 weeks before distribution, so I would guess that the Jan mention would not include about a months worth of new data. TS
  17. This reminds me of those cooking shows, where the judges are sitting on their dumb asses criticizing the the contestant about their cooked food. just wish that once the contestant would turn around and tell the judges "Well, if you don't like it and feel it could be better then you f**king cook it." And yet, when they have those special editions that have the judges doing the cooking and getting evaluated, they fail miserably. So yeah, its not easy rebuilding a network from the ground up but like what so many including Deval have said, it quite astonishing how much as been done in the little about of time. Yet some will continue to feel that its not fast enough. TS
  18. twospirits

    Saygus V²

    That left me thinking. So does that mean that developers that create root type apps like Titanium Backup, Root Explorer etc don't need a rooted device to develop an app that takes into account root access? TS
  19. twospirits

    Saygus V²

    It's official. I'm shocked. lol Pretty cool its coming to Sprint. Thanks for the FAQ catch. TS
  20. The name should be different since it is done by another developer. The following are name suggestions might might work... ICheckSig or iCheckSig iOSignal or iOSignalCk i for iOS and the rest is self explanatory. TS
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