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S4GRU Staff
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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Toilet cleaner Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  2. Twisted Sister Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  3. Walking dead Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  4. Money tree Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  5. Spreadsheet updated to here (always wanted to say that) TS
  6. Danger Danger Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  7. Holy Cow Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  8. Probably the same marketing team that did totes ma goats for Sprint after they were fired by Sprint. Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  9. Really. That's one less latte a month. Lol I'm still shocked that Sprint is offering that toy. Now if they start offering the drone in shape of the Millennium Falcon, I'm going to freak out. Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  10. Its funny, I've been a member there since 2004 and have a total of only 40 posts to my name. lol Last time I post on there was back in 2011 (except today). But yeah, getting back on topic, it is a ghost town for the most part. Deval has over 20K posts. Man that guy never shuts up. TS
  11. I was up there recently and much like where my sister lives further north near Hopewell Junction, I stay connected, but its only 3G. Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  12. I'll update the spreadsheet tonight. I'm out of town and no where near a pc. Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk Edit: Spreadsheet Updated
  13. I've said that I wouldn't get the Note 5 because of the lack of sd card and removable battery. But I have to admit I am a sucker for new devices. I don't know. I think I'll wait for the LG Pro or whatever is coming with a stylus and see how it compares. TS
  14. I can't tell if that is a question or a statement. the ? is throwing me off. TS
  15. Ah that explains it. early morning in Nola. Memories and good times. lol Pocket/butt post many a times. TS
  16. I think I'm going to rename this thread Celebrity Deathmatch. [emoji48] Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk
  17. Seems that Dracula just took a bite out of Brian Nichols in the comments. lol How Sprints latest moves can accelerate the path to bankruptcy. TS
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