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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. How did you do that? the sprint care reps on twitter are slow and not helping.
  2. Yeah kinda the itch cant be scratched, I am hoping since I am due on 3/1 I can actually pre-order it though. I hit the reserve button so here's hoping it works. Prism White 128GB... I'm assuming it will go through I doubt it would if I wasn't eligible.
  3. I dunno I'm getting the itch, I might pre-order and just deal with the hole the overall package is pretty sweet aside from the damn hole... Decisions...
  4. It would drive me mad, can't do it. It drives me mad to see a spec of dust under my screen cover, so every few days I'm taking my case off and cleaning it. Imagine a giant black cutout in the screen, why couldn't they just go notch? I could live with that. I've really got to see this thing in person, I may change my mind but I doubt it.
  5. You know the answer, really pissed I upgrade every year and now I'm not... 😣
  6. Will today is the day for everyone or just me to be let down lol.
  7. My upgrade is the same day but I'm waiting to see the exact specs, hoping the hole punch was a joke to throw people off. Otherwise I'm staying put, may go iPhone or Note 10 so long as it doesn't have a hole in the screen.
  8. If the merger doesn't happen I'm switching right away, to whom I don't know yet. Will probably just bite the bullet and go Verizon and be done with it.
  9. The beta was great, I just never updated the prl or profile after going to the stable firmware, and failed to update them again when I reset my device to stock.
  10. I have CDMA, LTE / CDMA, GSM / UMTS and Automatic which it is set to. I just reset my phone after having the beta and installing the official pie update, perhaps something got messed up.
  11. So 256QAM is on both B25 and B41? what about B26? I assume it's the backhaul that is the bottleneck for sure.
  12. Forgot all about T-Mobile roaming, I haven't seen it in a long time all I get is 3G when I lose LTE now.
  13. It's possible, speeds are still the same today as they were this time last year. Perhaps a bit slower.
  14. Couldn't careless at this point, still don't even have massive mimo or 256qam yet, deliver what you promised beforehand.
  15. I love how one plus did the camera hardly noticable but the punch would just be so distracting, I couldn't deal with that staring me in the face all day.
  16. It those are real I'm going iPhone or just staying with my S9+... That hole ugh... I've loved every iteration of the Galaxy from the S6 up, have to walk away now. Maybe the Note 10 won't have the hole.
  17. About the same I guess? Haven't really paid attention.
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