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Everything posted by COZisBack

  1. The Airplane On with WiFi on also works on Android, but I don't know how that affects WiFi Calling.
  2. 1: Yes, may have been turned on for testing and has been turned back off 2: Yes, until capacity is spread out across the bands.
  3. Sounds pretty bad ass. I'd like to pick up those options.
  4. Even if true, don't expect a price increase here in the United States.
  5. BGR has lost a lot of respect in the tech community. It's just gotten ridiculous.
  6. Have the new address yet? If so throw over in sponsor forum.
  7. Anyone is free to contact me, I haven't blocked anyone. Except for maybe this one guy ????. The reason why topics are merged is to reduce redundancy and clutter. Since you own this particular product your question can quickly be answered by asking another member that owns this product as most people in this particular thread do. It's like if you buy a Corvette and have a question about, you don't ask the world that has no clue about Corvette's you go to the Corvette club and ask fellow owners. [emoji6]
  8. What type of advice are you looking for? For security purposes I don't see many sharing contact information.
  9. As much as I no longer trust BGR's opinions, sometimes they actually post facts: http://bgr.com/2014/08/05/verizon-two-year-contracts/
  10. Already beats EVERYONE'S unlimited everything. Throw Tethering on there for a few bucks more. You're golden my friend.
  11. The tide is getting ready to turn folks. It may be the best time to jump on and finally have solid expectations. http://fortune.com/2014/08/21/sprint-disruptive-pricing/
  12. COZisBack

    New Guy!

    Welcome to S4GRU.com
  13. *Cough* We can either decipher it to know for sure or just enjoy that you have it. *Cough*
  14. I'd have to see the latest PRL you're on, know what area you're in when this is happening and etc etc etc etc. We can either decipher it to know for sure or just enjoy that you have it.
  15. Agreed that's where they are currently. I have no timeline of when I expect this to happen, but only stating on when it does happen.... When you're truly on a supported Spark network, Sprint will be able to advertise the most consistent LTE network. You'll be able to average the highest consistent speeds. Those may be in the range of 15-20, but that will be the moniker.
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