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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. That was exactly what I was thinking about KitKat at least having the software in its code and the nexus watch for it to work with all devices, not just how the Samsung smartwatch only works with other Samsung devices. However, I do understand about all the R&D needed so you are correct about it not being released in 2013. $300 is a bit steep also. For HTC, yes that's what I hope also. I feel it is pointless to be that large of a phone and not enhanced drawing/note taking abilities above what our 4.7 inch and lower can do. Honestly, I just want a Nexus device on Sprint that has dual front facing speakers(not sure if HTC has a patent on that).
  2. Sadly with all this NSA stuff these days, I am scared to voice my opinion on anything political on any device(phones/tablets/computers). With a fingerprint database they will virtually be able to put anyone that want at the scene of the crime C.S.I style! I'm not much for conspiracies but big bro is slowly showing us his all seeing eyes.
  3. I am also hoping the HTC One Max is triband and it HAS to have their Scribe like the HTC Flyer/Evo View. I personally think all phablets should have styli. I also kind of want to venture out of HTC but TouchWiz is just so darn ugly to me. I bought my bro a note 2 and he loves it and wants the 3. You really think Google would not release say a smartwatch with their next flagship? I think it would be a good idea to to launch them together with KitKat partially focusing integrating smart devices(not just watches) into android for future OEM smart devices.
  4. If you want to hold on to your S III, swap with an older phone and you don't mind Sprint recycling and then go in and do the early upgrade. The reps have to take the handset currently activated at the time of the early upgrade. Ex, swap phones with the family member that is getting the S III and recycle their old handset.
  5. I have always been an HTC person but the note 3 and galaxy gear is appealing to me. I also can't wait to see what the Nexus 5 is, if it is also on Sprint, and if Google will add their own smart watch.
  6. Alright so the site was actually back up and running after only a few hours. However, accounting to SignalCheck hen connected to 3g it says eHRPD instead of Evdo.
  7. True, but all the carriers always bow down to Apple. Hopefully it will work in a similar way.
  8. As mentioned earlier in this thread, does this mean that the Sprint models will already be in the Sprint system? I am finding that process to be a long shot.
  9. I highly doubt the device will be sold from Google Play for Sprint. It will probably be very similar to the Galaxy Nexus. Only the GSM model was sold from Google while the CDMA models were sold from the carriers. This is the only thing that bums me out about Sprint.
  10. I am pretty heated right now. I have to tell friends and family if they want to get a hold of me to use viber or email me. If I did not have WiFi at home we would be back in the stone age since we do not have a home phone.
  11. Hey, I am curious. If a cell panel goes out on a none LTE accepted site will that initiate and upgrade when they go out and fix it? I have an issues that started happening a few hours ago. My phone can not make/receive calls or texts yet my phone still cuts in and out of LTE from a different site that has accepted LTE(LTE cutting in and out is normal as the site is pretty far). I am assuming that my phone relies on the closest site for 1x and Evdo and tries to get LTE from that further site. My only conclusion is that the site closest is down. I had to drive to a different LTE accepted site to make a few texts.
  12. They wouldn't necessarily need to add an IT department. They could get a business solution through say ATT, Comcast, Timer Warner, Verizon, etc. Usually with more business classes they get on call ITs. I have a buddy that works for a 3d party IT company that goes and fixes down internet service. Since he is on call most of the employees are salary based for legal reasons. Overall, I do agree that it would cost entirely too much.
  13. I was thinking about this the other day actually. I am sure not enough people have complained and the monthly operating costs would be a rather large increase.
  14. Sprint does not want customers to be able buy their phones for cheap because that would mean people are not renewing their contracts making them "high risk" customers. I am sure the system setup will be similar to the iphone in the sense that the device will already need to be in the Sprint system in order to activate on a subscriber.
  15. Just start signing your posts at the end like AJ. We refer to him as AJ instead of WiWavelength, which sounds like a decepticon from Transformers!
  16. I have the sleep setting turned on. However, it does it all the time while I am in the middle of doing stuff. I will be web browsing and then Chrome will give me the no network mumbo jumbo. Yes, it is all WiFi networks: school, home, friends houses. My HTC One is completely stock with no roots or 3rd part launchers.
  17. I noticed when I am on WiFi my ONE will continuously drop and then reconnect to wifi.
  18. It really just depends where you are and if you are close to an accepted cell site. Everywhere I go I am right outside LTE range.
  19. Now that SoftBank owns 78% of Sprint I wonder when making phone does for color, exclusivity, etc Son says "if you give Sprint the advantage we will buy more at SoftBanks end. Favoring Sprint in the US in exchange for increased business in Japan
  20. Even if the site itself is not labeled on the NV map? I thought the 3g sites mean it has not been worked on but is scheduled?
  21. Bums me out that the site I need accepted isn't listed in the nv complete map, only in the oc/la map. I am assuming that means it isn't scheduled for a good while.
  22. What is TRIM? Never head of it.
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