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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. I really want to upgrade my phone but I do not want to get the One just for the "T6/Max" to come out month later. Any suggestions?
  2. So the OC and LA markets will not be able to use the 800mhz due to the US/Mexico agreement?
  3. Check out sensorly, it is pretty accurate. As for 3g it will probably be similar. LTE is definitely becoming more filled.
  4. How easy would it be for the big two to aggregate if they deployed lte in a similar fashion but for say 15x15 or 20x20? Also, after the 2600mhz is deployed does that mean Sprint will be able to do a 20x20 configuration?
  5. Doesn't the ogevo only have orange/green also? I'm confused what phone has more colors and how it works any different. What colors does Samsung have? Any examples?
  6. Something I recently came across, not sure if you guys already new about it and I didn't know if I should have started a new thread. There is 600 MHz spectrum going up for auction. Does anyone know how much is going up for sale? Will it a lot better than the 850 MHz sprint will soon deploy or just slightly better? Also, newb question; Sprint is currently rolling lte in 5x5, will they eventually do 10x10 in the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz or only the 2600 MHz? Thanks in advance, JN
  7. All the cell sites closest to where I am often at are not slated for awhile. They are not on the list for them map in this thread yet. I just gotta wait patiently.
  8. Hopefully HTC will not be scared to do a split screen considering all the lawsuits back in 2012. They can use the same stylus and revampted software similar to the HTC Flyer/Evo View. Would be pretty cool though.
  9. I thought they already announced a red and blue.
  10. I hope with the update the ability to remove blinkfeed. I know people enjoy it and it has had some good reviews, but not for me.
  11. From my understanding the boomsound will still work it just will not display the beats logo in the corner. As for Zoe that will be lost but I am sure there will be camera apps to simulate it.
  12. Of this is the case I hope the software is available for CDMA carrier models and not just the gsm models since the phone is bring sold gsm unlocked.
  13. It is steps to either go to sprint.com/verify and type in your company email(if your job provides a personal work email, ex. Firstname.lastname@workdomain.com) or print and fax the verification form along with recent proof, ex. pay stub, work ID, membership card(AAA or credit union).
  14. Realisticly they will probably require you to verify again. When I was still working at the corporate store we would let every upgrade know the main line will get text messages to verify.
  15. What is the possibility of dish buying Sprint? I am in favor of Sprint remaining a US company but I also feel like dish would just ruin everything; in particular since Softbank has experience in this field. I cannot help but think dish would increase prices, not to mention it seems the average person does not like dish as a cable provider.
  16. I should have asked this earlier, not sure if there is a real answer. Why is it that iphones get updates right away on sprint and version if 99.9% of the time its the carriers fault for them being delayed. Could it be part of the apple contract for the carriers to support the iphone? If so that means it is possible for other manufactures to get updates in a timely manor. I know verizon did the gnex dirty, ruined it for other cdma carriers(Sprint).
  17. So worst case scenario, what happens to Clearwire's spectrum if they are forced to file bankruptcy? Or will Sprint just continue to fund them to keep them from liquidating?
  18. Is there an idea of when we are supposed to start seeing the 800/2600? I know they are supposed to start deployment this year but it seems like it is still a long way off unless cell sites already have it in them and just needs to be flipped ON after the correct authorization. Also what will happen since the clearwire acquisition is: 1) being delayed, and 2) if dish blocks it and is forced to liquidate?
  19. It is most likely going to be gsm only.
  20. True. I completely again with having the "wow" factor to appeal to the masses. I feel there should be more options outside of rooting. As for the GPS issues. The evo lte and one x GPS starts up and after a few minutes stops responding and foece closes. Google now is also stating that it doesn't know your location and to turn on GPS even though all the GPS settings are already turned on. This is happening on some of the HTC one's also. I just feel the vanilla is the way to go because they upgrade better. For example, the first evo began to have horrible battery after the first major update. The evo 3d had issues when changing to ICS. The htc evo lte began to have issues after jelly bean. The galaxy s (epic) became unstable after after the first update. The galaxy s 2 (epic touch) had issues after the ICS update. The galaxy s3 began after updating to jelly Bean. Everyone who had these issues were "common" consumers and Nome tech such as ourselves here. I can only assume that there will be issues when the next updates roll out to the s4 and the one. Not to mention HTC tends to lag in the update department, I have been an HTC fan for the last 4 devices so I am really hoping they get their act together and not disappear like people are claimim; not to mention their staff is jumping ship.
  21. Yes I am aware of not making it the MAIN home page. They should have put it in the form of a 4x4 widget. With my androids I go between 3 pages, none of which include any news app or widget. And as for flashing, I'm not the best rooter and bricked my EVO for several hours until I found a fix. On a side note, I worked for Sprint up until the middle of May so I am very familiar with how these work. (I was a sales rep but not the kind that does not know anything) I was supposed to get the One for free until they transferred me prior to launch(each store manager picks someone), if you are transferred you just lose out, district manager doesn't take that into consideration and transfers to fill other stores staffing needs.
  22. I am against being forced to have blinkfeed as a home page. Older android indeed needed manufacture UIs, but not since the update to ics do they needed it. One exception would be the note 2. I worry that HTC will still be around in a few years, plus if aren't great at updates; not to mention there are GPS issues all all of their main phones. Even my rooted EVO still has GPS issues, so flashing another Rom fixing it is a maybe.
  23. Htc just announced their Google addition of the One but sadly it looks like it is gsm support only. Are cdma carriers that evil? The Google additions of the htc one and s4 have my attention a lot more than the manufactures versions.
  24. Since you just got it today the network may still be adjusting. Try updating profile and prl. If you happen to know your MSL and MSID then punch in the dialer ##MSL# and repunch in your PTN and MSID. Sounds like the cell site is being fickle.
  25. I honestly think something is wrong with HTC. I have the same two issues with my evo. The GPS will lock and work but after a few min it stops working. Sadly, if I upgrade soon I might jump ship to Samsung. After last 4 phones being htc ...HTC touch(first touch), HTC evo, HTC evo 3d, HTC evo lte.
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