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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. I get the feeling at&t and Sprint share a lot of sites being the eldest of the carriers.
  2. Apple might take them to court for using their method to reveal new devices. No body wants that.
  3. Google's policy states their gift cards cannot be used to purchase any device. I would have 75 bucks if that were the case.
  4. I'll wet myself if they decide to have an event and launch the Nexus 5, Nexus 10, and a smartwatch that I will call Nexus 2.
  5. I want to wake up tomorrow morning and it is officially announced by Google that they are the only sellers of the Nexus 5 and it is available for Sprint and is tri-band, 32gb, 3000mAh battery for 349.99-399.99. I doubt the battery but that is just what I am hoping lol. Joseph-out!
  6. I kind of knew something like this would happen. Similar to how the galaxy nexus for Sprint was never sold from Google and was also custom software making updates delayed.
  7. 3G - UMTS/ HSPA: EMEA: 900/1900/2100 MHz with HSPA+ up to 42 Mbps Asia: 850/900/1900/2100 MHz with HSPA+ up to 42 Mbps Sprint: 1900/2100 MHz with HSPA+ up to 14.4 Mbps Verizon: 850/900/1900/2100 MHz with HSPA+ up to 14.4 Mbps 3G - CDMA 800/1900 MHz for Sprint and Verizon Lists Sprint in HSPA lol. No Sprint's CDMA is reaching 14.4 with the best of conditions.
  8. I'll officially say I jumped the gun too quickly. That is my bad.
  9. The phone as the One is awesome, as the MAX, a flop. S600 should be a S800, should have a stylus, should be tri-band. I think HTC just finalized their doom. Hopefully there is a market for a phablet without a stylus.
  10. Yea it is a shame we are getting all these leaks prior to the official launch. It sucks that we already know so much about a device that we aren't supposed to know about yet. Damn leakers! If you are going to leak information please do it in a matter similar to the companies and their launch events to cover everything! Please spoil the launch even the companies pay to host, wasting their money and media coverage. As customers this information is a necessity to our lives functioning properly, our older smartphones just doesn't make calls, use fast enough data, have a high enough resolution, control my tv, have the latest 4.4 version of android.
  11. I'm just hoping/assuming it is on the bottom, when I play music I always out my phone on its back.
  12. I feel like most HTC One users want to jump to the Nexus 5.
  13. Sadly I know what you mean......everywhere I go I have bad data speeds but during my travel time I experience spotty 4g which isn't stable yet.
  14. You guys are forgetting pictures can super easily be transferred to an external storage device such as a PC or external hard drive. Music on the other hand depending on how big a music buff you are and if you are anti-cloud services since google gives a certain amount for free for you to upload.
  15. The new SiO just means the battery itself is phycially 6% smaller than another battery with the same man capacity. Since it is smaller they can make a biggee mAh battery with the same amount of space. Since the G2 is quite large they have a lot of room to put a large battery like how the notes have 3000+ mAh, which they either don't have the room or choose not to throw it in the nexus, not to mention that is probably a corner Google cut to make the device more cost effective.
  16. Something that makes me sad but also know it is a real possibility.... http://bgr.com/2013/10/07/htc-handset-profits-analysis/
  17. Has anyone looked into the enhancement of the recently updated GoogleNow? You are supposed to say "OK Google Now" instead of "Google" but on the Sprint One it still says to say "Google'. My friends One on Att says "OK Google Now". I tried uninstalling the update and reinstalling it and hardreset my device and nothing. Not sure why this is.
  18. In the big picture they would just be following T-Mobiles model for service pricing. I think they want to keep their contract model with only allowing old/mid-tier devices on their no-contract "Sprint As You Go" plans. From my last check a few weeks ago, they have not added any new devices to their no-contract plans since they launched it.
  19. Watch this bad boy sell more than the G2! MAUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  20. It is 97 here in Southern California with dry wind. Everything is getting statically charged! >=|
  21. I'm not a fan of the iphones but they do have the best resale value.
  22. Just buy an Iphone 5S, sell it unopened. And buy the nexus 5 straight from google, assuming we will be able to get it from them directly.
  23. Ahhh. In short, it appears to be a way to make CDMA behave like GSM. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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